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January 28, 2022

Unhinged Liberals Heads Are Exploding Across The Internet Because 'Cancel Culture' Is Suddenly Being 'Canceled' By A Rapidly Strengthening Conservative Online Eco-System


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Student News Daily describes the term cancel culture as "a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – either online on social media, in the real world, or both [for expressing opinions that are condemned by progressives]. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to be “canceled.”  (wikipedia)  – Generally those who have been cancelled are banished from the public square.  Harry Potter author JK Rowling was ‘canceled’ for expressing her opinion because it did not line up with progressive thinking."

In the case of JK Rowling, her "opinion" was simply mocking a headline about "people" that menstruate by stating on social media "“‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”

Her refusal to allow the "politically correct" crowd to erase women, was the start of the attacks against her.

For years we have watched conservatives, or even Democrats that didn't toe the "official party line," deplatformed, or "canceled" by social media and big tech any time liberals got their panties in a bunch over an opinion that doesn't match what the MSM tells them is correct. 

We saw it with Alex Jones at InfoWars, where platform after platform all "canceled" him at once, in an obvious coordinated attack against what they considered "wrong-think." Then they banned Laura Loomer in much the same way. Finally they became so emboldened they blocked the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump.

Throughout those years, the Independent Media and conservatives called out for platforms that liberals could not control, no matter how much of a temper tantrum they threw on a daily basis, and slowly but surely, we started noting the creation of a conservative eco-system, for lack of a better term, that radical liberals had absolutely no control over.

Once the MSM and online liberals discovered that eco-system was built in a way where they couldn't control it or cancel those using it.... the unhinged meltdowns began.

ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'll be running a fundraising drive until we catch up on expenses. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)


Recently a writer over at Mashable, a far left liberal website, decided it would be a good idea to ask "why has this type of content been allowed to thrive on Substack, even in the midst of an ever-rising tide of COVID misinformation in digital spaces?"

"Allowed to thrive." How dare Substack "allow"  opinions other than the preferred, and constantly changing, narratives to be disseminated?

Without even seeing the irony of a website to which half the nation disagrees with ideologically encouraging the "canceling" and/or deplatforming of those they personally disagree, they push for censoring others.

Substack's primary principle that has Mashable so riled is "To be a safe place for discussion and expression."

Wow... novel idea.

In December 2020, Substack Founders explained their position on the content allowed on their website.

The insistence on the platform's support for "robust discourse" was reiterated in Substack's own newsletter. In December 2020, a lengthy post by Substack CEO Chris Best and co-founders Jairaj Sethi and Hamish McKenzie explained their ideology behind content moderation, arguing they "favor civil liberties, believe in democracy, and are against authoritarianism of all kinds." The post was prompted by an "increasing interest" at the time in their content moderation policies. Though the founders caveat Substack does not allow porn, doxxing, or harassment on the platform, the post affirms that Substack "will resist public pressure to suppress voices that loud objectors deem unacceptable."

While those guidelines seem perfectly reasonable, as the January 24, 2022 Mashable piece clearly shows, that type of attitude that all opinions should be welcome and discussed and debated, is still gnawing at liberals because they cannot browbeat, threaten, or cancel Substack, nor their writers.

Here is the main reason Mashable hates Substack: "According to the Center for Countering Digital Hate, more than 59 million people were reached by 425 anti-vaxxer accounts tracked by the organization in 2020 on social media platforms."

59 million.....probably more than Mashable sees in a year. 

As to the claim of being "anti-vaxxers,' although there are many of those, the major complaint of most in present day isn't the "vax" itself but the attempts to force people to take it. They are anti-mandate more than anything else. 

It is noteworthy that it is not just "conservatives" writing over at Substack and earning revenue for their work, but liberals that have been ostracized for not toeing the liberal party line in every instance, are also using Substack to discuss the issues important to them.

So once again, the founders of Substack addressed the issue and explained why they would continue to  take a hands off approach unless it was porn, doxxing  or harassment, as stated in their guidelines.

This point rings true to us. That’s why, as we face growing pressure to censor content published on Substack that to some seems dubious or objectionable, our answer remains the same: we make decisions based on principles not PR, we will defend free expression, and we will stick to our hands-off approach to content moderation. While we have content guidelines that allow us to protect the platform at the extremes, we will always view censorship as a last resort, because we believe open discourse is better for writers and better for society. 

This position has some uncomfortable consequences. It means we allow writers to publish what they want and readers to decide for themselves what to read, even when that content is wrong or offensive, and even when it means putting up with the presence of writers with whom we strongly disagree. But we believe this approach is a necessary precondition for building trust in the information ecosystem as a whole. The more that powerful institutions attempt to control what can and cannot be said in public, the more people there will be who are ready to create alternative narratives about what’s “true,” spurred by a belief that there’s a conspiracy to suppress important information. When you look at the data, it is clear that these effects are already in full force in society. 

Emphasis mine.

Allowing readers to decide for themselves what to read.... no wonder liberals like those at Mashable are having meltdowns

The entire article from the founders can be read here.


Another attempt at silencing those with opinions not favored by the MSM, therefore liberal in general, came about recently when singer Neil Young got up on his high horse and told Spotify that they could either play his music or they could keep their number one podcaster Joe Rogan. His ultimatum letter which was removed from his website stated "They can have Neil Young or Rogan. Not Both."

It was a no-brainer for Spotify, who dumped Young, not Rogan. Rogan brings in more listeners, around 11 million, in one podcast than Young does in a month.

Business-wise, Spotify would have been suicidal to make any other decision, since they "paid more than $100 million to be the exclusive home of Rogan’s show."

Young and other liberals problem with Rogan is that he allows discourse regarding Covid and his own experience with it, that liberals hate and doesn't fit the preferred narrative pushed by the MSM , so they are trying to cancel him.

Now other older musicians/singers are trying to force Spotify to choose, such as Barry Manilow and Peter Frampton,  which in this day and age, the majority of those that remember their good ole days, are dead and the younger crowd listen to more modern rock music. 

[UPDATE] Barry Manilow did NOT pull his music from Spotify, and made a statement via Twitter which says "I recently heard a rumor about me and Spotify. I don’t know where it started, but it didn’t start with me or anyone who represents me."

The most ironic part of this whole attempt to "cancel" Rogan, is the claim that he is pushing covid misinformation, when the CDC, Fauci, and the MSM has been promoting the "official" narrative even when they keep moving the goalposts, have been caught lying, and are still pushing false information regarding the vaccines and covid itself.

Another interesting aspect of this is that Rogan doesn't hold to one political belief, he is more like an independent or libertarian, or as Wapo describes him, "beholden to no political belief system."

The more emboldened the cancel culture crowd is allow to get, the more targets they seek, and not just conservatives but anyone with an opinion that doesn't match their own.  


Another rising name in conservative circles that makes the heads of liberals explode throughout the Internet, is Dan Bongino, who took over the time slot of Rush Limbaugh after his death.

Bongino has spent years building his own conservative eco-system, backing alternatives to certain big tech and social media platforms.   

Bongino continued on with traditional platforms, including YouTube and Facebook, but began promoting and backing other alternatives such as Rumble, where he holds an equity stake.   

So when YouTube banned him for saying masks do little to to prevent the spread of covid, Bongino was already in position where the YouTube ban was just a little bump in the road, since he already has more than 2.09 million Rumble subscribers.

That number is rising fast since his YouTube termination, as conservatives are touting Rumble.

Bongino had around 870,000 subscribers on the platform [YouTube] but has over two million on Rumble, a video platform popular with right-wing figures who claim tech companies are censoring them.

Bongino called YouTube a "free-speech hating platform," to which those of us that have been demonetized by YouTube because of our "wrong-think," agree with wholeheartedly.

While Bongino also enjoys a very large traditional social media following, he has also hedged his bets there as well, for when the cancel culture crowd comes for him at those platforms as well..

In early January, Bongino explained how he was putting his money where he mouth is, in regards to the war against free speech:

DAN BONGINO: Folks, on a very serious note, we are in a war right now for free speech, and it's time everybody understood the battles - the terrain features of the battlefield here. It's tough for me to talk about 'cause you know I put my money where my mouth is, and I have a number of financial interests in the parallel economy. I do it for a reason. The parallel economy, the free speech economy, has to grow. It needs money. I'm willing to put up rather than shut up. I'm involved with Rumble, Locals, Parler, Truth Social. I'm not - I don't have a role in Truth Social, Trump's platform, but I'm asking as a favor. Please, in this war on free speech - and I get it, I understand that some of you just don't want to or maybe don't have the time. Please go set up a Locals account. Go set up a Rumble account. You don't have to - just follow my account. You don't have to set up an account on Rumble at all. Watch the videos there. Go set up a Parler account. When Truth Social launches, go set up an account on Truth Social. Please.

Folks, it is hugely important. We are in a war for free speech right now, and none of this is going to change on the - I'm not telling you you have to abandon these other platforms. I think there is value for people to stay there on these leftist platforms while they still can, and fight back and own the libs over there too. There is value in that. I'm not telling you to give up your YouTube or anything else. I'm simply telling you this. Please go over to Rumble, Locals, Parler, Truth, and post over there, too. That way, when they ban you - which is inevitable because they're communist - you have the backup already ready to roll. If you start it three or four months down the road, that's three, four months down the road of followers you already missed. Parler, Rumble, Locals, Truth - please go on today. It is super important. These people are doubling down on their tyranny.

Kudos to Bongino.


For years we have said the conservative movement needs people with the money, and influence to create alternatives to counter the cancel culture, and while it may have taken years to do so, people like Rogan, Bongino, Substack,  and Spotify, if they continue to stick to their guns, have started the process.

They also managed to build this alternate eco-system in a manner to which  by the time the cancel crowd discovered how big it was growing, it was too late to stop them, or to be more precise, cancel them.


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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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