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October 7, 2022

Complete Unhinged Meltdowns From Triggered Liberals As They Lose Social Media Influence - The 'Hail Mary' Of The Democrat Wannabe Tyrants Is 'Threats To Democracy'

Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

The basic democrat strategy for the midterm elections, which is showing a far right momentum in the last few weeks, is anything conservative-related is a "threat to democracy." Even though we are a Republic, the consistent echoing of that "threat to democracy" theme, has been liberals'/democrats'/media's closing argument.

Voting for the GOP is a "Threat to democracy," says Joe Biden, the man that currently occupies the White House. In fact, one of Biden's last bully-pulpit speeches was billed as "Threats to democracy," where Biden targets Republicans, or Mega Ultra MAGA supporters, as threats to democracy.

In that speech, according to the transcript, Biden repeated the word "democracy" more than 35 times, despite the fact that American isn't a democracy, but a constitutional Republican that hold democratic elections.

The word "Republic" was only mentioned once in that entire speech.

The abortion argument, especially with many democrats pushing for unlimited abortions, right up until the moment of birth, wasn't quite doing the trick to energize democrats who were more concerned about the massive price increases to food, keeping their children fed and clothed, while being able to pay their bills, illegal immigration, and other economic woes being felt deeply during the Biden era.

So, their Hail Mary is "threats to democracy."

Questioning the 2020 election results is a "threat to democracy." Democrats questioning the 2016 election results has been memory-holed by the media because when democrats do it, they don't consider it a threat.

Limiting abortion is a threat to democracy and personal rights, say democrats. Never mind the rights of the unborn or the fathers.

The GOP wanting to reform Social Security and Medicare because the SS board of trustees say it is unsustainable and will become insolvent by 2034, is yet another "threat" to democracy according to democrats/liberals/media.

Supporting the statement "Make America Great Again," is a threat to democracy according to liberals.

Being against the racist curriculum of Critical Race Theory is also considered a threat to democracy by democrats.

I could do this all day, but I have other "threats to democracy" to cover, so the point here is anything conservative-supported or related, is a threat to democracy according to Joe Biden (or his handlers and speech-writers), democrat politicians and the media (all the same, I know).

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During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)


For years it has been documented that Twitter, Facebook and other social media/big tech run by liberals, were throttling conservative opinion, politics and ideology by suspending, deleting or censoring (shadowbanning) conservative speech, or legitimate news stories that could hurt democrats during election cycles.

Case in point: FBI had Facebook, Twitter and others remove the Hunter Biden laptop story, which implicated his father Joe in possibly illegal activity, right before the 2020 presidential election.

We already know that the FBI was involved in efforts to censor and bury information that might have harmed Joe Bidens candidacy back in 2020, including The Posts exclusive about Hunter Bidens laptop in October 2020. That amounted to election interference, which prevented the American people from doing the necessary due diligence on one of the two candidates for president. So successful was the strategy that the Biden administration appears to have expanded it.

Security agencies have switched their attention from combating foreign disinformation to censoring the speech of American citizens who dissent from the government-approved narrative. No matter that free speech is protected by the First Amendment; if the Biden administration doesnt like the speech, it labels it Misinformation, Disinformation and Malformation, and it is deputizing the FBI and DHS to strongarm Big Tech to censor it and de-platform serial offenders.

It doesnt matter what brand your politics is, this is Stasi stuff.

Long story short: Elon Musk bought Twitter. Musk is considered a free speech absolutist, meaning anything not against the law, should be considered free speech in his view.

Musk has also referenced the Hunter Biden laptop story as part of his problem with censorship, so his taking over Twitter, with the sole goal of evening out the playing field, allowing open debate and all opinions to be spoken freely, and the complete unhinged meltdowns began.

Elon Musk is threat to our democracy, cries Elizabeth Warren as she works to undermine it

Elon Musk Twitter Acquisition Poses Risks to Our Democracy

Elon Musks bid for Twitter poses threat to Democracy, says CSU professor

Elon Musks Takeover of Twitter Threatens Our Democracy

Reflections on the Elon Musk Twitter Cataclysm and Dire Threat to Democracy

Those are just a miniscule portion of the freakfest democrats/media are having over the mere thought that their days of being the only "approved" voice on Twitter, are over.

An article from Bloomberg also highlights exactly what liberals seem to think social media should be, rather than what social media was created to be.

The term social media refers to a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of idea

Social media is a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities.

Musk fired half his workforce as part of his restructuring a company losing millions of dollars a day, among other changes that will be implemented to turn that money-losing ship around, yet rather Bloomberg exposes the true reason behind liberals' reaction to Musk's purchase and determination to allow free speech on his platform.

Monitoring U.S. election. They are melting down because things such as the censorship of Hunter Biden's laptop will no longer be tolerated on Twitter.

Seriously, when it did it become part of social media's job description to monitor and interfere in U.S. elections?

Once again people can post on Twitter than there are only two genders....without getting suspending or penalized.

People can once again speak out against child mutilation in the name of transgenderism, without being censored.

People can now highlight that "grooming" children is bad, without having their account terminated.

Open debate is being encouraged and liberal celebrities, democrat users and media personalities just can't handle it.

They may have to see an opinion they don't like.




Reactions to the return of free speech and open debate on Twitter, on the part of liberals, has been eye-opening because they now blatantly admit they do not want free speech if it is speech they do not want to see or hear.

The goal should be for all social media to be free speech public squares, and Musk's acquisition is just the start.

As for Facebook, while they still have the same leadership, due to the massive losses during Mark Zuckerberg's focus shift to his "Metaverse," application, they are having to reduce their workforce by 'many thousands."

The layoffs are expected to affect many thousands of employees and an announcement is planned to come as soon as Wednesday, according to the people. Meta reported more than 87,000 employees at the end of September. Company officials already told employees to cancel nonessential travel beginning this week, the people said.

The planned layoffs would be the first broad head-count reductions to occur in the companys 18-year history. While smaller on a percentage basis than the cuts at Twitter Inc. this past week, which hit about half of that companys staff, the number of Meta employees expected to lose their jobs could be the largest to date at a major technology corporation in a year that has seen a tech-industry retrenchment.

The same pattern is being seen at other tech businesses such as Amazon.

Being a conservative, this next set of examples are going to sound partisan, but I will provide links to my assertions and readers can decide for themselves if the pattern of "going woke and going broke," is a huge problem for democrats.

Liberal-run companies, including some of the most liberally partisan media outlets are suffering massive losses, and being forced to lay off employees, cut costs and cancel shows.

Via Axios:

So far, nearly 3,000 media jobs have been cut this year, with more than one-third (1100) coming from the news media industry.

BDG, Recount, Gannett, Recurrent, CNN, Netflix, Acast, Future, Warner Bros. Discovery, G4, and more have all announced layoffs in the past two months.

Note the majority of the companies named above are "woke" as in social justice warrior liberals, anti-conservative, and even Gannet which is billed "conservative," or was, owns outlets like USA Today, which definitely is not a conservative bastion of thought.

Top names at CNN and MSNBC have been terminated, the most offensive liberal pundits, such as Tiffany Cross from MSNBC, Brian Stelter, Jeffrey Toobin, and John Harwood, while blatantly partisan Don Lemon was demoted from Prime Time and moved to a morning show forced to share the spotlight with two others. CNN management has made it clear that other firings are in the works.

The New York Times reported that another outlet, the Washington Post, which reports with leftist bias, is set to lose money this year.

DC Comics went woke by turning Superman gay and after 18 issues they had to cancel it for poor sales.

More examples from a NYT article bemoaning that Hollywood is starting to "regress" after going woke during the #MeToo movement.

For three years, we hired nothing but women and people of color, said a senior film executive, who like many leaders in the industry is a white male. He added that he did not think some of them were able to do the jobs they got.

They point to terrible ticket sales for films like Bros, the first gay rom-com from a major studio, and Easter Sunday, a comedy positioned as a watershed moment for Filipino representation. Ms. Marvel, a critically adored Disney+ series about a teenage Muslim superhero, was lightly viewed, according to Nielsens measurements.

In August, Warner Bros. Discovery shelved Batgirl, a nearly finished movie starring a Latina actress, featuring a transgender actress in a supporting role, written by a woman, produced by women and directed by two Muslim men. Warner Bros. Discovery never publicly explained its decision, but signaled that it found Batgirl to be creatively lacking.

NYT describes the "takeaway" as "At the same time, some movies and shows that overtly showcase diversity and inclusion have either struggled in the marketplace or failed to get off the runway. The takeaway, at least to some agents and studio executives: We tried these woke projects dont work."

Cause: Liberal ideology - Effect: Failure

Related:Corporate America Is Learning The Hard Way Go Woke, Go Broke


The increased unhinged meltdowns we are seeing online at social media, chat forums, comment sections, as well as media freakouts over their voices not being elevated to influence the public on Twitter, with Democrat politicians screaming about threats to democracy, regarding anything conservative-related, are the true threats.

Threats to our Constitutional Republic.

Woke politics have destroyed careers and businesses, and as we see organizations working to move away from woke politics and social justice warrior style business models, to literally save their companies and organizations, we are seeing an increase in unhinged liberal meltdowns across the spectrums.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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