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December 6, 2022
Artificial Intelligence - The WEF's Tool To Recreate Man Into A Cyborg And Eliminate Free Will, The Transhumanists Ultimate End Game In Their Drive For Total Global Control
It is not hard to see the academic trail that the World Economic Forums developers and adherents follow to arrive where they are today in their ongoing quest to reduce mankinds intrinsic value as created by God. One can follow the philosophy behind Klaus Schwabs WEF by scrutinizing its website. For instance, in one of their Artificial Intelligence sections the WEF clearly states that AI is a key driver in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. For a deeper look into WEFs AI initiative, their Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is informative.
In researching the contributors and supporters for the philosophy behind WEF, one such group listed is Clarivate academics from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Clarivate has a long history with The Zoological Record of 1870, (hereafter referred to as the Record) published by various publishers over the years. Clarivate Analytics is the most recent publisher and proclaims its story began with the foundation of the Record in 1864.
The Record is an astounding compilation of journals, papers and memoirs by early leaders of zoology. On pages 6 and 7 in a discussion on mammals, man is described as a Quadrumana (now an outdated taxonomic division within the primates) mammal, essentially the same as anthropoid apes based on a determination of the apes posterior hand being similar in muscle structure to mans hands. Hence, mans ape connection. However, if that is the case, why not put apes in the homininae subfamily primate group since their posterior hand muscle is similar to that of mans? Perhaps because it might be considered indelicate to elevate the beast but perfectly acceptable to demote man. Mans demotion obviously best fits the evolutionists agenda to reduce and equate mans essence to that of apes. Indeed, Yuval Harari, advisor to Klaus Schwab, states in his book, Sapiens a Brief History of Humankind,Just 6 million years ago, a single female ape had two daughters. One became the ancestor of all chimpanzees, theother is our own grandmother For a supposed intelligent academic to make such a silly categorical statement shows his limitation to, and agreement with, early evolutionists. Little wonder then that he proclaims man to be a hackable animal. For a deeper glimpse into Harari during an interview of his book, Homo Deus, Harari makes truly blasphemous statements against Judeo-Christian dogma in a presumed effort to bolster and sell his peculiar belief system.
Harari is also an important mouthpiece on AI for WEF and is an intriguing character in a way. On the one hand, he warns against the dangers of dystopian AI to man if it is not globally regulated, yet at the end of his October 29, 2021 CBS interview, he praises AI as being utopian and able to create the best healthcare in history. So, he gives a dose of double-speak in that interview and it is up to the reader to ferret out the real meaning of his words.
Harari publicly states his belief that history began when humans invented gods and will end when humans become gods. Do the elites plan on using AI to attain godhood? Cant help but wonder if Harari realizes the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints beat him to that anti-Christian stance a long time ago. Most notably, of course, was the mind seduction and disobedience of Gods first creations.
It could be noted that the Mormon belief that men can become gods is parsed in their doctrine in such a way as to obscure this tenet of their faith. It differs from Christian doctrine which proclaims One Trinitarian God, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Those who mock the concept of how one essence can be three may consider something very simple and common: H₂O, which can be in three forms: liquid, steam or solid, depending upon which stimuli is used to increase or decrease the movement of the atoms. That might admittedly be a weak attempt to explain how God can exist in three forms, but it nonetheless has some value for finite minds to ponder. And it trumps having a chimpanzee for a grandmother!
Harari, as an evolutionist, follows Darwinism so it may help to refresh Charles Darwins theories.
He was a contemporary during the publication of the aforementioned Zoological Record of 1870 and may well have been influenced by the inclusion of homo sapiens in the zoological compilation. An excerpt selection from Darwins book, The Descent of Man, contains an interesting statement about mankind:
We must, however, acknowledge, as it seems to me, that man with all his noble qualities, with sympathy which feels for the most debased, with benevolence which extends not only to other men but to the humblest living creature, with his god-like intellect which has penetrated into the movements and constitution of the solar system - with all these exalted powers - Man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin [Emphasis added].He who is not content to look, like a savage, at the phenomena of nature as disconnected, cannot any longer believe that man is the work of a separate act of creation. He will be forced to admit that the close resemblance of the embryo of man to that, for instance, of a dog - the construction of his skull, limbs and whole frame on the same plan with that of other mammals, independently of the uses to which the parts may be put - the occasional re-appearance of various structures, for instance of several muscles, which man does not normally possess, but which are common to the Quadrumana - and a crowd of analogous facts - all point in the plainest manner to the conclusion that man is the co-descendant with other mammals of a common progenitor.[Emphasis added].
The WEF explores evolution theory and its tie-in to their favorite subject, climate control, which is really all about justice and equality, or at least what they deem them to be. The WEF strongly promotes the effort for global control in order to establish justice and equality. Clearly, they intend to be at the helm of such control over the world. As will be discussed later, well look at the impact of AI and how it may be used in their global pursuit of control.
The antidote to Darwinism comes from such voices as that of Nikole Hannah-Jones, director in The 1619 Project, and highlighted by the Christian Research Institute where she states the 1619 Project,
reimagines America as a slaveocracyand says that even Nazi Germany used America as inspiration for its racial policies. But actually Nazi Germany was motivated by Darwinism and its implications. Nazi Germany took eugenics, which was increasingly promoted throughout the West, to its logical conclusion. Namely, to take those that were not well born and exterminate them in order to bring about the uber race. Thus at the heart of the problem is the notion that were not created in the image and likeness of God, such that we have intrinsic worth, but rather we are merely molecules in motionand the goal is always to progress to a higher ideal. The amoeba becomes the ape; and ultimately, the ape becomes the astronaut. For evolution to work, you have to eliminate the weak, otherwise they will pollute the gene pool and render evolutionary progress impossible
So one has to wonder if the prevention of a polluted gene pool is one of the drivers behind the WEFs intention to control global mankind in order to establish and enhance justice and equality and how AI could be used to that end.
That brings us to the AI concept of cyborgs. On the surface, it looks very high tech and attractive. Wasnt Superman the first cyborg? At any rate, the WEF makes no secret of its push for the time When Humans Become Cyborgs. In their January 24, 2020 forum on the subject, the moderator, Ms. Hiromi Ozaki opened the Davos seminar by gleefully proclaiming she always wanted to be a cyborg and is waiting for the day to become one and she ended the discussion by stating she wanted to get on ebay to find the brain stimulator that panel member attorney Mr. Lemos talked about. Now that is scary!
The WEF cyborg discussion panel did at least touch upon the issue of ethics and how an ethical framework should be established prior to the development of AI technology. What could be the implications, for instance, when curing treatment crosses over into enhancement? An ethical framework may prevent that. Or, then again, like so many of mans laws it could be overcome by ego, greed or glory.
It wasnt mentioned during the forum discussion, but a bright-line rule, if you will, for developing technology could at least be established. Unfortunately, the bright-line dictum of first do no harm for physicians, pharmacists and other health care providers hasnt worked out very well for more than two years when it comes to the COVID-19 injurious injections. Therefore, there is not much expectation that such limitation on new technology would work any better. Pandoras box has been opened and who will or can shut it? The WEF views on the COVID-19 crisis as a tool to attain their Great Reset initiative is telling. Lets not forget the COVID-19 shots contained AI!
The real question to this whole idea of AI technology may not be privacy, ownership or security of personal data or the lurking danger of brain hacking. It goes deeper than that because it concerns the nature of man. If the experts in their technological fields deem man to be merely a hackable animal in its truest sense then all bets are off, are they not?
As horrendous treatment of lab animals continues, the internet is full of testimonials and videos of severely injured people who were treated no differently from those pitiful animals who have been and are being subjected to excruciating and grossly inhumane experimentation. Millions of global citizens have also been subjected to such inhuman experimentation with the FDA unapproved COVID shots and the injured are set adrift by the medical establishment.
To sum up, there are global elites who are hell-bent on remaking the world into what can only be described as a digital prison powered by AI. Even the very idea of a digital prison has its basis on the view of man that globalist power brokers hold. Since they hold man to be nothing more than an animal, we are in for a rocky ride if they are at the ruling helm of a global world government. They apparently dont know (or care?) that the utopia they are pushing for so stridently doesnt exist. It cant exist because it would go against immutable laws of science,
Entropy is a measure of the disorder in a closed system. According to the second law, entropy in a system almost always increases over time you can do work to create order in a system, but even the work that's put into reordering increases disorder as a byproductBecause the measure of entropy is based on probabilities, it is, of course, possible for the entropy to decrease in a system on occasion, but that's statistically very unlikely.
So this cosmic struggle that man finds himself in leads to one question: to which camp will you align? To the one of science and Gods creation of man with a free will to chose good or evil, or to the one of pseudo-science and AIs re-creation of man with the loss of his free will?
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