Imagine filling up a balloon with either air or water, and keep pumping it full and fuller....eventually it is going to blow.
That is what America is facing right now, as more and more problems make it harder and harder to function and conduct normal patterns and routines, the more stress people are undergoing.
People are like that balloon right now, being filled with stress, fear, hunger and now a gas shortage along with spiking gas prices, just to name a few stressors.
As we note a massive labor shortage, where there is 8 million jobs available, but with Americans now making more from their COVID stimulus unemployment benefits, not near enough workers applying for those jobs, with some claiming that forcing people to take the jobs available is "pure violence" without forcing employers to raise their wages first.
Yes, seriously.
Twitchy has plenty of responses to the news reports that the Biden regime, after catching considerable flack over people making more money with unemployment benefits than they would make working, decided to announce "We're going to make it clear that anyone collecting unemployment who is offered a suitable job must take the job or lose their unemployment benefits."
That did not go over well at all.
Representative of the reactions that do not include telling Biden to F off or eat a**, is one not filled with cursing but still angered for daring to suggest that people need to get back to work rather than sit at home and collect "free" money from the government, includes one stating "This is the state working on behalf of the ruling class to *force* the unemployed to accept substandard wages. It is class warfare, period."
Another of the many found on that thread: "Give workers a living wage? No. Force workers to go back to working for starvation wages? Yes"
One of the most egregious, yet a perfect example of the mindset of different people regarding different events happening now, says "MAN I wana commit arson sometimes..."
So, that is another segment of the population that wants to burn everything down, as we have watched groups like Antifa and BLM do for the last few years.
Multiple states are taking matters into their own hands and opting out of the federalgovernment's supplemental unemployment benefits, and telling their constituents to go out and get a job.
One state,Montana, will instead offer a one-time $1,200 bonus for returning to work.
We'll let readers guess what color states are allowing the socialists to keep sucking the teat of the government and which are not. (Three guesses and the first two don't count!)
By the way, who decides if the job is "suitable," or not, other than those that do not want to work?
Moving along since there is anger and fear coming from a number of different directions.
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We have already seen the rationing of food when the pandemic lockdowns first began, where stores limited the sale of certain foods, cleaning supplies and medications, with signs like the one above seen all across the nation.
Now, with the pipeline cyberattack, and the inability to get the pipeline back online, we are seeing multiple stories of long lines, and signs stating the stations are "out of gas."
Many stations that do still have gasoline, are seeing massive lines of cars waiting to fill up, as seen below.
We are also being told to "Brace For Years Of Horrific Food Inflation," meaning things are not going to get better before they get far worse for an extended length of time.
War a constant threat in between multiple countries, as the Biden regime continues to poke the Russian bear while bending over to China,
Politics has divided the nation more than ever before in recent history.
Culture and cancel culture wars has the nation on edge.
The Biden occupation's determination to turn millions of law abiding gun owners into criminals by pushing his "gun control," aka gun grabbing laws.
The stress of continued lockdowns, threats of more, and the controversy over the recent reports of vaccine side effects and deaths.
The government threats against those refusing to be vaccinated.
Antifa rioting still ongoing in places like Seattle and Portland.
The border crisis.
Pastors being harassed and arrested for holding church services.
Those are just a few of the stressors off the top of my head, but I am sure readers will happily add more in the comment section.
The amount of tension and issues described above, with constant crisis's, threats of world war and civil war within America's borders, makes it a very real probability that the upcoming social, economic and civil implosion is closer than many think.
A piece of advice would be to not go where larger gatherings are...not because of COVID, or lockdowns, but because when this powder keg blows, the last place any of us want to be, is where a lot of others are.
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