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October 17, 2022
Warning Signs That You Are A Leftist Fascist - Leftist Fascists Always Begin With 'The Big Lie,' Because They Have NOTHING Else, And It's All Downhill From There
Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left are just starting to lash out in defeat. Their commie tsunami fantasy is disintegrating faster than Hunter Bidens blow supply after a bender weekend selling out the country to the reds of the Chinese Communist Party. But they think its their birthright to control other peoples lives because of the crisis de jour.
So, if they are going to insist on continuously spewing their venomous far-right fascism projections as they have been the past few years, were going to insist on rhetorically defending ourselves from their big lie.
Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left have always been in touch with their inner tyrant with their decrees that the pro-freedom right is never allowed to refute their obvious lies, to the point that they have their little Godwins law and actual sanctions for those who dare reference historical fact. This demonic double-standard has given them free rein in gaslighting the people on this issue. Well, the time has come to put a stop to that.
Liberty-denier leftists have always relied on shouting down the pro-freedom right. Our silence in the face of their big lie means they win by default.
(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
When it comes to denying who they are, they must use word games, meaningless subjective accusations, and deceit. One of their biggest arguments their only argument is no argument at all. They do this by making false assertions that are without any kind of factual representation and then pretending to support them with circular logic.
They begin with the big lie, make the false claim without evidence, and then pile on with fact-free opinions. This is their basic format in denying reality, and its what you will notice in their writings or if you have the misfortune of debating them.
They get the big lie out first so no one is supposed to notice it, and then build their case with whatever subjective accusations are appropriate now. Then its all downhill from there, because they have nothing else. But as usual, they simply spin their illogic to the point that they can make the false claim that by definition they cant possibly be fascists.
Naturally, it was easy to find a good example of this from a few days ago:
How to Make a Semi-Fascist Party by Jonathan Chait The hostile, paranoid, and increasingly authoritarian path ahead for American conservatism.
The first thing you should note is that it makes the claim without evidence that the party is Semi-Fascist and then goes on to hurl some of the usual meaningless and subjective accusations. Since these are subjective and without factual backup, they are beyond worthless.
The constant and enduring lie from the anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left is to claim that they are the target of fascist movements and regimes, so they cant possibly be fascist.
Anti-liberty leftists love to lie with language to prove that leftists cant be fascists. Its a multifaceted lie with a blatant denial of reality coupled with a false assertion that they are attacked by fascists. As in false, evidence-free claims: The target of fascist movements and regimes is the left.
In other words, leftists cant be fascists because they are supposedly attacked by fascists. In many cases, they just go for broke and claim they are anti-fascist, and that supposedly inoculates them from being fascist. The problem for them is that this is a house of cards, an argument built on silly semantics.
Liberty-denier leftists then try to exploit meaningless subjective accusations as additional proof of their big lie. In the above example of Mr. Chait, he tried the old standbys: hostile, paranoid, and increasingly authoritarian. Others will say things like they exhibit cult behavior, or they hate liberalism, openness to the world, sexual and racial equality.'
In most cases, these are just meaningless subjective opinions, bereft of any factual basis, so these things can be said of just about anyone and are completely irrelevant and prove nothing.
Then, after all this linguistic legerdemain, anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left will finalize their big lie case by saying that they cant be fascist, by definition.
Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left all seem to be working from the same playbook, mainly because they have nothing else but their big lie.
Originally published here and here. D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a Bill of Rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.
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