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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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September 2, 2024

A True Warrior Of The Fifth Estate Who Fought Against The Massive Evil Structures That Satan Puts Up To Enslave And Destroy Us And Defeat Our Resolve To Live Free And Die Free

Wikipedia calls it the tripartite social order of theMiddle AgesOratores("those who pray"),Bellatores("those who fight"), andLaboratores("those who work"). We will get back to this quote nearer the end, but just keep it in mind.

These Estates of the Realm are more commonly known as the Three Estates, which describe the primary power structure of the middle Ages which were the times of who had the most social power which equated with wealth and political power, more often than not also kept within nepotistic generational bounds as well. These three estates were built upon the lowest caste of the Commoner, or the actual supplier of the basis for the upper crusts power base. They were those who produce something other than strife, war, fear, taxes and hatred that the nobility were involved with.

The First Estate were involved with religion, and in those times was the massive power of the Catholic Church as the remnants of the all powerful Roman Empire stuffed into the hands of the Pope and his cronies. The moral, ethical, religious and day to day humdrum life of the peasant was controlled by and largely by The Church. The lay status of the peasant was inferior to the magical realms of the clergy as opposed to the secular life of those who actually produced anything.

The Second Estate was considered the Nobility or the Royalty except the prime monarch himself (or herself) as they were immune to the Estates classifications. These was largely a smaller group size than the first estate, but often had more power and perhaps even more often were in conflict with the religious orders. Consider the warfare between the Catholic pope-hood and the French majesty of that kingdom to the war that all but wiped out the Knights Templar because of the jealousies over the huge power and massive wealth accumulated by their banking ventures that predates and presages the Jesuits as well as the Rothschilds empires.

And finally the Third Estate which is described as the bulk of the population or those members of society that were not members of the first two primary power structures. These include the wage laborers, the peasants that worked the land of the wealthy land owners, and were the basis of the labor that actually created the wealth of the first two estates described above. In the lands of the Brits this was also described as the basis for their parliament which was the Lords spiritual, temporal, and commons or more well known as the British Parliament system of House of Commons, House of the Lords (the temporal Lords), and the clergy within the power structure of the Church of England.

This basic structure can be seen in the civil and societal systems around the world using whatever terminology is appropriate for that region. Here in the Good Ol USA we have not quite the same structure as we do not have any specific religious denomination sponsoring the power seen in so much of the world as our Christianity is dispersed among a large number of denominations, but the general feeling is that there is still some measure of that kind of power. But I would argue that perhaps we should consider the political landscape as our religious basis of our First Estate with our various parties as the churches as it seems so like the spiritual fervor of the one equates well with the dogmatic fervor of the other. Do not ask me which is spiritual and which is dogmatic as I really see no difference in the subject at hand.

Our Second Estate very much matches those of the European pattern as our hyper wealthy class of nobility are securely ensconced upon the royal battlements of their empires just as the royalty of old were in charming old France and England. They are the images we use to worship fame and wealth, which we vilify as evil monsters of industry that we know damned well are the power behind the secret societies that actually rule this nation as opposed to the scholastic belief in our constitutional government and our democratic elections.

There is another estate that is often included within these descriptions that is more often known as the Military Estate or usually defined as a part of the feudal power of the estate of the power through wealth, although it has been linked to the religious state just as often. It is within these castes that we find much of our history being unfolded by the battles in esoteric examples such as political and social conflicts and even in real life as shown in examples like the violent union strikes and the American Civil War. And this brings us up to the concept of how we actually respond, argue, align, battle and relegate these Three Estates to their proper levels. Or, at least, how we used to do so and how we are still trying to do so.

Again turning to Wikipedia, we see that the Fourth Estate is considered the press andnews mediaboth in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues. In other renderings the scope of the Fourth Estate is sometimes referred to as the function of the Lawyers, but in reality they are just another branch of the third. An unwelcome and irksome branch to be sure, but still a part of the common man. In older times this estate was found in the form of mobs, of peasants uprising and of what little news sources there were (often linked with the religious sects). We now look at them as the Mainstream News as the Press, as the official organs of the propaganda networks of the first two Estates.

The Fifth Estate is (again using Wikipedias words) a socio-cultural reference to groupings of outlier viewpoints in contemporary society, and is most associated withbloggers,journalistspublishing in non-mainstream media outlets, and thesocial mediaor "social license". The "Fifth" Estate extends the sequence of the three classicalEstates of the Realm, nobility, clergy, subjects . the mainstream press. The use of "fifth estate" dates to the1960s counterculture, and in particular the influentialThe Fifth Estate, an underground newspaper first published in Detroit in 1965.

In other words, in order to lessen the dreary and numbing description above, it is the power of influence that the relatively new non-traditional media has developed since the age of electronic means of distributing information. We can call it the Alternative Media to include things like Blogs, personal websites, the various social media outlets and other widely distributed sources of non-official information. The more important component is the term non-mainstream as that means it is without the blessings of the primary sources of power in this world. Both the Fourth and the Fifth Estate are major factors in the power behind the modern political machines that have such massive control over our daily lives. The rise of the fifth estate coincides directly with the rise in our modern interconnected world.

There is sometimes mention of a Sixth Estate that is linked to the American style Second Estates massive propaganda and control mechanisms as best illustrated by the psychological warfare operations of the modern Communist revolutionaries exemplified by the massive operations as used by the CIA and the Obama regime to control so much of the world at large through the use of not only the Fourth but also the Fifth Estates powers to produce well greased operations to make more absolute control of the populace even easier and more complete than the worst of the Feudal overlords accomplished. This very worrisome state of affairs even fights with the controls as the Religious Caste used to employ to do anything and everything that their satanically evil hearts desired.

With this in mind, now we can get back to the original statement and the line that I asked you to keep in mind. Specifically I wanted to note the terms those who pray, those who fight, and those who work and to attach them to someone that excelled in all three of those realms as one who prayed, who fought and who worked very hard at the very concept of the Fifth Estate by leading so many in a search for the truth in spite of the odds against him in reaching us as the first four estates fight against any who question their power and greed. Yes, I am speaking about non other than our own recently passed Stefan Mark Stanford.

He is a very real warrior against the massive evil structures that Satan puts up to enslave and destroy us and defeat our resolve to Live Free and Die Free. Long Live Stefan and ANP that he formed along with his equally brilliant partner, the ever lovely and talented Susan Duclos as he accomplished just what his desire included; to Live Free and Die Free. Rest in Peace our friend, we will miss you and vow to carry on the fight against the powerful Estates of one through four to ready ourselves for the second coming of our Lord that you so much aspired to see for yourself if possible.

God Bless

Alan Barton

For those that would like to make a contribution towards his final costs, you can do so viaPaypal, or snail mail.

Susan Duclos

P.O. Box 575

McHenry, MD. 21541

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