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October 7, 2022

We Are Preparing For Nuclear War - Biden Warns Of Nuclear 'Armageddon' After Buying $290 Million In Anti-Radiation Drugs While Reports Claim Russian President Already Protected In Bunker

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

When first learning about the chaos theory and the Butterfly Effect, where one small event in one geographical area could cause other larger events elsewhere, it always seemed more of a "bigger picture" concept to me.

My penchant for stepping back and looking at different events occurring right now, some seemingly only semi-related, yet when seen together it is like watching pieces of a puzzle being inserted and finally starting to see the picture emerge.

Recently Stefan Stanford wrote about a Russian nuclear submarine going missing, armed with a "doomsday" weapon, and in that article he mentioned how the the Biden regime has suddenly purchased $290 million in anti-radiation drugs amid nuclear worries about Russia.

Biden'sUS Health and Human Services (HSS) is claiming that the sudden purchase is not in response to the Russia/Ukraine war, but is a regular part of U.S. preparedness.

The US government said the procurement of Nplate was not in response to the war in Ukraine.

An HSS spokesman told The Telegraph: This is part of our ongoing work for preparedness and radiological security. It has not been accelerated by the situation in Ukraine.

They would have us believe the timing is just coincidental. Readers can decide for themselves if they believe that or not.


We'll start with the stories about Russia President Vladimir Putin hiding out in a nuclear bunker because there are serious caveats that should be offered regarding the cornucopia of stories about this.

First: This rumor/story has been online since March 2022, yet over the course of the past few days, has gained much traction.

Second: While it makes total sense that as tensions rise and as Russia and the U.S. are trading dangerous nuclear rhetoric, that Putin would want to be safe, but stories "Russia-related," must be also taken with a grain of salt.

A reminder that the national American media has been called out, by the former Director of the FBI, James Comey, in congressional hearings, for getting stories about Russia "dead wrong."

In testimony before the Senate Intelligence Community, Comey said stories about Russia that are based on classified leaks have been a persistent problem for the FBI because news organizations have often received bad information.

There have been many, many stories based on well, lots of stuff, but about Russia that are dead wrong, Comey said.

So, while taking it with a grain of salt, it does make sense that if Putin is planning a nuclear strike against Ukraine, or anywhere else for that matter, he would hole up in safety in case of retaliatory strikes from the U.S. and western allies.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is 'preparing to make key decisions about launching a tactical nuclear strike from a bunker' a long way outside Moscow, the media reported.

Putin -- who will be 70 on Friday -- has warned his closest family including gymnast partner Alina Kabaeva, 40, of the possibility of rapid evacuation, it is alleged, the Daily Mail reported.

He believes the bunker to be 'safe' from Western attack and top officials from his security apparatus and government will be moved to the secret location, according to General SVR channel, Daily Mail reported.

Side note: Speaking of bunkers, it appears that once again the ultra-wealthy are once again purchasing their own bunkers to hide out in case of catastrophe.

Moving along..... At a fundraiser on Thursday night, Biden declared the risk right now of nuclear "Armageddon" was was the highest since 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, claiming that Putin is "not joking when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons.."

Biden added, We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis. He suggested the threat from Putin is real because his military is you might say significantly underperforming.

As has become a habit, the WH press team immediately tried to walk back his comments, but the warning was stark and tells us the type of conversations Biden and his handlers have been having.

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In August 2022 we saw reports of a study by researchers at Rutger's University, which calculated effects of nuclear war.

The result shows that a nuclear war between countries such as Russia and USA could kill billions and cause starvation within two years.

Key Quote: "According to a global study led by Rutgers University, if a nuclear war outbreak between USA and Russia, more than 5 billion people would die because of hunger."

Hunger, which means those numbers do not include the actual deaths from the attack itself, radiation, disease, annihilation from a direct strike.

The abstract from the study below:

Atmospheric soot loadings from nuclear weapon detonation would cause disruptions to the Earths climate, limiting terrestrial and aquatic food production. Here, we use climate, crop, and fishery models to estimate the impacts arising from six scenarios of stratospheric soot injection, predicting the total food calories available in each nation post-war after stored food is consumed. In quantifying impacts away from target areas, we demonstrate that soot injections larger than 5 Tg would lead to mass food shortages, and livestock and aquatic food production would be unable to compensate for reduced crop output, in almost all countries. Adaptation measures such as food waste reduction would have a limited impact on increasing available calories. We estimate more than 2 billion people could die from a nuclear war between India and Pakistan, and more than 5 billion could die from a war between the United States and Russiaunderlining the importance of global cooperation in preventing nuclear war.

Back full circle to the Butterfly Affect.

Related:GAS PANIC Putin blowing up nuke in Black Sea would release killer poisonous gas cloud & trigger tsunamis, warns top professor


It has become abundantly clear that world leaders are bracing themselves for the probability of a nuclear world war, not as the regular war-gaming what "could" happen, but literally preparing for nuclear war.

Anyone that truly believes that any of the $290 million in the Nplate anti-radiation drugs the U.S. government has purchased will find its way to average American citizens is far less cynical than I am.

It will go to senior federal employees and their families, congressional members and their families and high level military members and their families.

In a follow up piece, we will discuss how to protect ourselves since the government certainly won't be.

ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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