On Saturday Mike Adams over at Natural News put out a "Saturday Satire" piece, which showed real images first published at PeopleofWalmart.com, of some of the most outrageous "masks" being worn at Walmart due to the mask mandate from many cities/states/business establishments, and while it is hard to look past the complete lunacy of some of those "masks," when we do, we see something far more disturbing than a woman wearing a pair of men's' underwear on her face, over her nose and mouth.
Take a moment to get the laughter out of your system because while pathetic, it is hilarious to see what some people consider "masks," and that they will actually go out in public in them.
Now that we have that out of our system, try hard to get passed the lunacy and look at the right side of the image above, and notice while there is product on the shelves, look how many empty boxes are mixed in with ones that have food in them.
Same goes for a man in a Star Wars' Darth Vader mask.... after laughing, then catching your breath, look at the pork section of the meat aisle behind him.
Same for Mr. Muffler/Filter head below. On one side of him there are meats, but the right side the chicken selections appears a little thin.
The point here is that even when seeing the funny and crazy, we are seeing something that the establishment media claims is not happening.... a continuation of food and product shortages that is about to become a major issue yet again as more and more governors are planning to re-close their entire states economy again by closing businesses they consider "non-essential."
Before we show the liberal establishment media aka the mainstream media and their attempts to doubletalk, it is prudent to remember that the media, the same media, were the first to claim Independent Media was fear mongering and there would be no shortages whatsoever.
Then they waited until stores were already being overrun, shelves emptying, toilet paper scarce and cleaning supplies even scarcer, before "informing" their audiences that, "hey, guess what, 'surprisingly' we are noting shortages."
A day late and dollar short, that is the state of the so-called mainstream media today.
Now, the New York Times headlines with "Flour and Toilet Paper Are Back at N.Y. Supermarkets, but Theres a Catch."
That catch or caveat is that while customers can get certain items again, they have to hunt for their brands and in many cases the choice options of brands are severely limited.
Once again the media only tells people half the story. Yes, some items are restocked and not flying off the shelves as fast as when the COVID-19 first hit, but the choice is limited, but so are certain items that are in stock.
For example, H.E.B. stores in Texas, are still limiting purchases of a multitude of products.
Beneath that announcement, they discuss the ongoing shortages:
As you may have heard in the media, our country is in the midst of a meat crisis. This situation is not due to a shortage of cattle, hogs or chickens. It is due to a shortage of meat processing plant employees, some of which have been affected by the COVID-19 virus, creating facility shutdowns and interrupting the meat supply chain. While we will have meat in stock, we may not have every cut available every day and there may be times we are unable to honor ad items due to product shortages. We are also incurring dramatic cost increases on beef, pork and chicken. For example, the cost of ground beef has increased more than 125% since late February, ground chuck by 112%, CAB bottom round by 134%, CAB chuck rolls by 98%, bone in pork loins by 114% and pork butt shoulders by 69%. Unfortunately, no business can absorb cost increases this significant. We hope the supply chain interruption will be short lived and product supply will soon increase and costs will decrease. Please know that our company is doing everything we can to supply our valued customers with quality meat products at the best prices possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding and we continue to work to meet the needs of the communities we serve during these unprecedented times.
So, not only are there shortages, but the price increases that many are still saying isn't true, are not only happening, but are even more severe than originally believed.
Yet another aspect the MSM either ignores, downplays or buries as fast as possible.
Many states have not reclosed as of yet, some have, which is just another way of saying those states are reinitiating "medical martial law," and others are babbling about doing so again, despite the growing consensus that ruining the economy is not helping the situation and is exacerbating it instead.
The fact is there are already shortages of a variety of items. While the "panic shopping" has lessened, so stores shelves are not totally empty, there are still limits on purchases, meaning there are still a number of shortages. Prices have increased dramatically for meats.
Remember how fast everything flew off the shelves the first time.... now image that happening but with far less on the shelves to begin with.
That is what we are facing and by the time the MSM gets around to telling you about it, those shelves will be emptied and online deliveries will also be starting to once again be delayed and marking items as "currently unavailable."
When I do the still in stock pieces (Links will be below the article), I inevitably have to replace a number of items for that very reason, some of the ones I previously linked to now state "currently unavailable."
A second round of closings are coming and another round of shortages, on top of the shortages we are still seeing, is also coming.
Stock up on necessitates now while the items are still available. Refill your stores, or top off the supplies you have already, because people become dangerous when they think they may not be able to eat or feed their families.
The last place any of us want to be is in the midst of a bunch of panic shoppers, trying to obtain items we could easily have obtained before things get desperate again.
[Editors Note] If any product above sells out, please contact ANP so I can remove it from the list.
As always, if there is an item or items that you are having an issue finding locally, feel free to email Susan at [email protected], and I will find it for you online for delivery.
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