With recent headline events about ties between the U.S. and Russia "crumbling" under the weight of disagreements over Syria and Russia suspending their participation in the 16-year-old treaty meant to reduce the risk of nuclear proliferation, in conjuntion with the timing of Russia's highly talked about "evacuation" drill which will involve 40 million people, we are reminded of a number of prophecies and visions by Pastor Davild WilkersonandDumitru Duduman.
Wilkerson saw and spoke of the last days, where the U.S. would suffer economic collapse before the destruction of America and in his 1972, 1985, 1992 and 2009 visions, we see key events that have already happened and disturbing indicators that what he foretold is now coming to pass in full.
For example, in his 1972 visions, Wilkerson saw signs in nature, such as major earthquakes, an increase in frequency in extreme weather events such as volcanoes, flood and hurricanes. He spoke of the moral decline of America we are seeing today, described as "A flood of filth and a baptism of dirt in America." Also in 1972, Wilkserson spoke of what many believe was the 2008 great recession when he stated "At most a few more fat flourishing years, and then an economic recession that's going to affect the life style of every wage-earner in the world." That same year he spoke of a unified "monetary system," which we can see in the worldwide push for a cashless society.
World banks are showing signs of collapse as we note with the troubles at Wells Fargo and Deutsche Bank, just to name two, which has been headlined of late, lending credence to speculation that yet another economic collapse may well occur before the fall of America.
While individual events can be seen happening now from the visions of the past, one specific pattern was seen in Wilkerson's visions and prophecies, all detailing events preceding the destruction of America, where he spoke of a wave of riots across America, which we have been reporting on with increasing frequency over the last few years from Ferguson and Blatimore to the most recent in Charlotte, NC and in California just this past week.
While all the aforementioned is concerning, it was his 1985 prophecy of God judging America, in his bok Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth, that is truly disturbing in light of the news coming out about Russia.
Wilkerson was not alone in recieving prophectic messages speaking to the destruction of America by Russia, as we see withDumitru Duduman vision "The Russian Invasion of America," where he was told "America will burn."
Duduman recounted a voice telling him "The Russian spies have discovered where the most powerful nuclear missiles are in America. It will start with the world calling for 'peace, peace. Then there will be an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other countries will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos in America. America will burn."
While tensions between the U.S. and Russia have risen over recent years, specifically in regards to Syria, the suspension the post cold-war deal dealing with thedisposal of plutonium from decommissioned nuclear warheads, shows those rising tensions are hitting a critical stage.
A decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin cites the radical change in the environment, a threat to strategic stability posed by the hostile actions of the US against Russia, and the inability of the US to deliver on the obligation to dispose of excessive weapons plutonium under international treaties, as well as the need to take swift action to defend Russian security as justification for suspending the deal.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov later said in a statement that Russias suspension of the agreement is a forced measure. According to the minister, Moscow has always viewed the Russia-US deal on plutonium disposal as an important step to nuclear disarmament.
"Unfortunately, in recent years the US has made a number of unfriendly steps towards Russia. In particular, under false pretexts, Washington introduced large-scale economic and other sanctions against Russia," he said. "The US has started the build-up of its military forces and NATO infrastructure close to Russias borders. Washington and its allies openly talk about 'restraining' Russia."
Lavrov added that Russias move "is a signal to Washington":
"Trying to talk with Russia using strength, the language of sanctions and ultimatums, and still maintain selective cooperation with our country only in those areas where it is beneficial for the US, wont work," he added.
Looking at the above visions and prophecies in light of today's news we see the "great holocaust that Wilkerson spoke of could very well be upon us as well as Duduman being told "America will burn."
While everyone knows that there would be no "winners" in any nuclear war, if we take into consideration that Russia has already made preparations to protect their citizens in case of nuclear actions, yet Americans (other than the politicianss and elites) have been provided no shelters, or bunkers, it stands to reason that the Russian population would fare much better than we would should a nuclear war break out and the U.S. would be left helpless to defend againsts attacks.