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March 12, 2015

Was Senator Lindsey Graham's Warning Of Using The US Military Against Congress Predicted 18-Years Ago In The Mini-Series 'Amerika'?


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Recent remarks made by Senator Lindsey Graham (as shared in 2nd video below) that if he was President of the US, he'd use the military against Congress immediately brought to mind the 1980's miniseries 'Amerika' and the shocking scene of the US Capitol building in flames and the slaughter of our entire body of Congress, their lifeless bodies draped over their chairs and strewn about the floor as seen in the 1st video below. Did the 'powers-that-be' signal their future intentions via the miniseries 'Amerika' and is that the plan that Lindsey Graham is now hinting at?

In 'Amerika', the Soviet Union makes a bloodless takeover of our country, a takeover made easy by the apathy of Americans to defend freedom as clearly stated by the Soviet leader: "It (the coup) worked because you lost your country before we ever got here."

Coincidentally, or not, Russian forces in this series are wearing uniforms that look much like those worn by United Nation 'peacekeeping' troops and Americans either are sent to slave-labor camps (THINK FEMA CAMPS!), decide to 'collaborate' with the Russians or decide to rebel, though most turned inward, not caring about national issues, allowing the Soviets to succeed in this takeover beyond their wildest dreams.

The backstory to 'Amerika' consists of 4 thermonuclear weapons which are detonated in the ionosphere over the US, creating an EMP that crippled our electrical grid and left America unable to launch a counter attack, leaving US to accept the Soviet terms for surrender. While the US quickly falls under a complete Soviet military occupation, our Congress and President become merely puppets to those overseeing them at the Kremlin. The Soviets plan to divide the US into 'client states' and when the US Congress refuses to dissolve the government and disband their legislative body, every member of Congress is killed as is the Vice President while the Capitol building set on fire.

While the end result of the miniseries was left unresolved, it appeared that the Soviet plan to dissolve the US would be fulfilled while remarks made in 2003 by the star of the series, Kris Kristofferson, haunt us in this day.:

Q: And you mentioned "Amerika," which was a controversial show about if the Nazis had actually won World War II.

Kris: Yeah. Well, you know, I was trying to justify how that could have happened, that scenario where the - I think it was the Russians that end up taking over the U.S. - and I thought at the time, it could only happen if the rest of the world finally got together and said, "Enough." Now, what's been going on lately could cause that - to the rest of the world to just finally just say, "Listen, you got no right to be the only superpower of the world, going around fighting anybody you want to in whatever name you want to call it". I mean, they look at what we did in Iraq as terrorism. And it was state-sponsored terrorism, you know? I'm in an awkward position because I grew up in the Second World War, and before, during, and after, and believing in God and honor and country and duty. And, I still respect the troops. I just don't agree with the policy.

One of the 'client states' set up in 'Amerika' was called 'Heartland' and the symbolism surrounding it looks similar to symbolism we see here in the US now.

heartland.jpg heartland1.jpeg heartland2.jpeg

After my brief introduction in the 1st video I've included a 12-minute portion of the mini-series Amerika including how Congress found out they were merely useless pawns for those truly in charge and this clip includes one possible example of how it all might go down should Senator Lindsey Graham get his way for dictatorship in 'Amerika'. Clip from 'Amerika' begins at the 2:15 mark of first video.




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