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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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November 9, 2022

As Insanity, Anarchy And Lawlessness Are Codified And America's 'Star Chambers' Prepare Their Coming Purges Of Conservatives, The Banking World Prepares For 'Battleground America'

- More Evidence They've Been Told Something That 'We The American People' Haven't Been Told

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

"History proves no elections ever stolen by the Communists are ever relinquished by them through the ballot box, but only through the cartridge box, leading to horrific and bloody civil wars! All Communist revolutions initiate armed conflict and in my opinion, the USA is undergoing a globalist funded takeover and takedown of our former God fearing Republic, orchestrated by Lucifer himself, the ultimate rebel." Steve Quayle

While going to the bank this past Monday to deposit some of the checks mailed in asdonations to ANP, I thought it incredibly strange that the bank teller, while entering the checks into their computer, turned to the bank manager and said one word about one of the checks: "Battleground."With the bank manager standing quite far away from the teller, she asked "What?," before the teller repeated the one word while holding a check from an ANP reader in Arizona: "Battleground."

With that visit to the bank happening on Monday, November 7th, the day before the mid-term elections, and there being plenty of 'battleground states' where Congressional seats and State Governorship's were up for grabs, why should it matter to banks if a check is being deposited from a 'battleground state,' unless 'they' have been told something that 'We the American People' haven't been told?

And with that visit to the bank happening the DAY AFTER the Federal Reserve Bank in Washington DC for SOME strange reason decided to put up a 10' wall around their location in the nation's capitol, another hint of our banking system might be ready to completely implode, also take note this was all happening as the mainstream media was pushing 'election day violence,'as if attempting to stir up the boiling pot, with msm outlets happy to blame 'America's racist history' despite the fact it's largely been the left stirring up racial-political violence, mostly unreported by the MSM, for years and years now.

So ANP reached out to Steve Quayle and asked him if he had heard anything that would explain why a bank cashier would need to point out a check coming from an election battleground state to the bank manager and, after Steve reached out to contacts of his in the financial arena, as we'll see in the answers he heard back, background intel circulating within that community is alarming, especially considering everything else now happening in America.:

Hello Steve and Stefan,

1) Team Biden is prepared to shut down banking in 'battleground states' (or specific areas within states to FORCE a 'Democratic answer' if at all possible.) Team Biden assumes that if the flow of money is halted, then people will have to comply.

2) Bottom Line: War has been declared, even if the people have not yet been told.

Yet with Democrats showing their total hypocrisy when it comes to human rights by carrying out a political purge upon Trump supporters who were protesting the Democrats 2020 election steal in Washington DC on January 6th while they were more than happy to spend 4 years of the Trump administration cheering as their favorite revolutionaries burned down America, what happens in the days, weeks and months ahead when, after stealing another election, they decide to carry out the kind of 'Communist purge' they are famous for?

As seen in the screenshot above taken from a google search for 'election day violence,' the 'globalists talking heads' were pushing it to the max even before the elections and withdementia-ridden Biden also pushing 'election day violence' and 'standing up for democracy' despite the fact it was Democrats that happily stole the 2020 elections and have long been using'big tech'and their own political policies to attack the 1st Amendment in America and slowly but surely chip away at the US Constitution until there are no Rights for Americans remaining.

With tyranny nearby, thank GOD for the 2nd Amendment and 450 million+ guns owned by Americans!

Because as Steve Quayle also warned us, with Democrat-run cities and states now having skyrocketing crime and murder rates while Tuesday's election steal will surely give them even bigger ideas, remember what numerous leftists have said about Conservatives recently about America being much better off with us dead. As Steve warns us, we may soon witness nothing less than the left's version of their own 'star chambers,' with the 'Mystery of Iniquity' playing out before our eyes.

"It was the left who started burning the West Coast cities down and the Democratic controlled cities that have the highest murder rates in the US with the Soros-funded prosecutors releasing the most violent criminals loose on the streets making for a culture of fear, or the no bail necessary crowd and leftist judges denying fair trials to white Conservatives especially, which is the modern day version of 'the left's star chambers. We are seeing codified insanity, anarchy and lawlessness! This is what the Bible calls the 'Mystery of Iniquity' playing out before our eyes, a sure sign we are living in the End Times."

And with Steve also warning us that more sure signs of utter chaos ahead include the financial war that has been declared upon the independent media (why your AMAZING donations to ANP are critical and not only keep us online, but help keep a roof over our heads, food on our table and our bills paid!,) banks, credit card companies and even UPS seemingly declaring war upon the 2nd Amendment and the 'weaponization' of the IRS, might Deagel's 2025 forecast for America that shows us greatly 'depopulated' show us the 'end result' after another 'Communist purge' and the Civil war that would surely result once Americans realize their friends and neighbors were being picked off one by one?

As we'll explore in the final section of this story below, there have been numerous radical leftists calling for a purge of Conservatives, making the 2nd Amendment and Americans' 450 million ways to defend ourselves that much more important in the days, weeks and months ahead. Certainly if Conservative Americans wake up one morning and find all of their favorite websites removed from the internet, proving the 1st Amendment no longer exists, that'd be absolute proof 'America' had completely fallen.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

So with the 2020 and 2022 elections giving the American people the final proof that elections really don't matter to the globalists committing genocide, war crimes and treason upon our nation and people, as the people hiding in the dark behind the scenes are the ones pulling all the strings, anyways, with trash like Biden and Kamala Harris only their visible puppets, let's take a look back just over a month ago at some remarks made by Ohio Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan to see where this is likely headed.

As Breitbart had reported in this October 10th story, Ryan made comments echoing the comments of countless other liberals over the last few years who've claimed that Conservatives have to die for the good of the country, with one even going on to CNN and saying that, quite literally painting all Conservatives as terrorists in the left's insane eyes. From this Breitbart story.:
Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan doubled down on his comments from earlier in the year calling to kill and confront MAGA while specifically targeting J.D. Vance in his rhetoric during the debate on Monday night.
In the heated debate between Ryan and his Republican opponent for Ohios open U.S. Senate seat, Ryan was confronted and asked to explain his comments earlier in the year when he told MSNBCs Morning Joe that the exhausted majority needed to kill and confront the extremist Republican movement.
Now, Ryan, during the debate doubling down on his comments included Vance in the group of people he labels as extremists.
"Kill and Confront the extremist movement of which J.D. Vance, unfortunately, is a part of, Ryan claimed.

Now can you imagine the uproar from not only the mainstream media here in America but ALL of the Congressional talking heads if a Conservative had said that about radical leftists? And while Reuter's 'fact checkers' claim remarks allegedly made by VP Kamala Harris that "Once Trumps gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, because well be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation. For it is you who have betrayed us"came from satire website, we can see her and Biden saying just that in 2022.

Because with Ryan's comments echoing comments made by Joe Biden that MAGA Conservatives were one of the biggest threats to America, with 'brain-dead' comparing those who prefer to put America 1st rather than globalist tyranny first to 'terrorists,' it's not too difficult to see where this is going. As this September 30th thread over at Twitchy pointed out, thanks to 'slow-joe,' the number of violent acts carried out by leftists against Conservatives, ALREADY, and only over 10 days is absolutely infuriating!

So with the 'star chamber' that 'runs' America and much of the world deciding in their own insane minds long ago that there are far too many 'useless eaters' for our planet Earth's resources to 'sustain,' so they'd prefer to 'eliminate' as many of us as they possibly can, we'd suggest Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Soros and the rest of them volunteer to start that 'elimination process' with themselves.

So as we approach this coming 3-day weekend where anything can happen in the banking world at a time when something's up that the American people don't know about in that 'arena,' and Democrats once again showing Americans that elections really don't matter, echoing the words spoken by Joseph Stalin that how people vote doesn't matter, it's WHO counts the votes (and manipulates the outcomes!) that REALLY'counts,' as the Gateway Pundit reports in this new story, Tuesday was hugely a 'blood moon bloodbath' with organized crime and corruption winning on all fronts.

With nothing less than Communism coming home to roost here in America while setting the globalists up for their final pummeling of America and the American people in the days and years ahead, their 'declaration of war' upon the American people will likely be kicked into high gear and undeniable to all but the most dumbed down in the coming days. So please join us in praying for peace for America, while being prepared for a war that we all hope never comes because in such a scenario, no one wins.

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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