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September 24, 2019
It's Time To Declare The Democratic Party A National Terror Threat With Them Pushing For A Political System In America That's Already Led To 'Death By Government' For Tens Of Millions!
REMEMBER! Official Govt Docs Labeled Most Americans As Potential Terrorists Under Barack Obama
Reporting within their story that leftists are absolutely giddy as the post-Constitutional system created in America following the attacks upon us on 9/11, allegedly created to go after radical Islamic terrorists in far-off lands, is turned against the American people here in the USA, this declaration of white nationalists being a major terror threat in America isn't grounded in reality as Conservative Activist Candace Owens recently told Congress.
Well as the DC Clothesline story points out,this is about the establishment regaining control of the narrativeand the move goes hand in hand with the FBI declaring conspiracy theories a new domestic terrorism threat and DARPA/the Pentagon moving to suppress fake news on social media.
Yet as anybody paying close attention knows, the CIA long ago invented the term 'conspiracy theory' in an attempt to debunk anyone questioning the official government cover-up of the John F. Kennedy assassination carried out by members of the 'deep state'. And as Dr. Don Boys had reported in this September 17th ANP story, America is largely a mess because historians, the media and educators got away from publishing or teaching 'reality' and failed to follow the principled maxim: NEVER report a lie and NEVER refuse to publish the truth!
And with the DC Clothesline story containing the image above picturing all of 2019's mass shooters proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the DHS is just pushing demonrat/globalist talking points, with anybody claiming that those mass shooters pictured are 'white supremacists' obviously having a serious vision problem that needs to be addressed, we can't help but come back to what was going on in America prior to President Trump being voted into office; Christians, Conservatives, Patriots, supporters of the US Constitution, 2nd Amendment enthusiasts, Preppers, anti-globalists and pro-America law abiding Americans were being demonized, put on 'terror watch lists', for simply opposing open borders and globalism.
So, a question to Kevin McAleenan and/or the DHS public servants who are now reading this. Are you all simply handmaidens and petty servants to the globalists who have long been working to destroy America and our national sovereignty? And why haven't you labeled the entire Democratic party, which is now pushing for a political system in America that has already brutally slaughtered over 100 million around the world, a terrorist organization? Certainly 'government' MURDERING 100 million Americans or more at some point in the future should Socialism/Communism arrive here is much more of a 'terror threat' than some crazy white guys!
From VICE, DHS Just Finally Recognized White Nationalism as a Major Terror Threat:
Department of Homeland Security is finally, officially recognizing white supremacist terror as a major national security threat in the U.S. a threat thats coming from the inside.
Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan on Friday unveiled the departments new counterterrorism strategy, which for the first time places major emphasis on countering the threat of white nationalism coming from inside the U.S.
Trump resisted calls to do just this in the past but Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan is pushing through with it. McAleenan is a die-hard leftist that Trump appointed who made a splash in June by allegedly sabotaging a major planned ICE raid by leaking details to the press.
The news will come as some relief for national security and extremism experts, who for years and with increasing urgency have sounded the alarm about the threat of white nationalist terror. After the Christchurch mosque attacks in March, President Donald Trump himself shrugged off the idea that white nationalist terror posed a major security threat. His administration has also defunded and dismantled DHS programs that were designed to counter violent extremism, including far-right extremism. At a House committee hearing earlier this week, experts stressed that the U.S. was woefully ill-equipped to counter the threat.
DHS was created in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, and since then its counterterrorism strategy has been largely focused on the threat posed by foreign groups, like ISIS and al Qaeda. Fridays announcement and formal recognition of white supremacist terror marks a major turning point for the department.
White supremacists are replacing Muslim terrorists as the new boogieman used to strip Americans of their rights complete with fake stories about WMDs and everything.
With the demon-rat party now pushing to bring the most brutal and authoritarian of all forms of government into America, a form of government that relies upon forced compliance and the complete and total subjugation of its people, we have to take a look back at this important story by Michael Snyder over at The Truth Wins written back in August of 2013 when Barack Obama was still in office.
Titled "72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered Potential Terrorists In Official Government Documents", please take a look at the list we've republished below and let us know in the comment section at the bottom of this story if you know ANYONE who WOULDN'T be put on this God-awful list.
Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be extremists and potential terrorists in official U.S. government documents. To see the original source document for each point, just click on the link. As you can see, this list covers most of the country
With official US government documents labeling practically any Conservative or President Trump supporter as a 'potential terrorist' while the FBI under Robert Mueller and Barack Obama worked with radical Islamists to purge from FBI training material anything that was offensive to Muslims as CNS News had reported in this 2018 story, it's quite easy to see where America is headed should, God forbid, a demon-rat president win the 2020 election.
And with Democrats/globalists now pushing for the same kind of social credit system in America that they have in China while with their 'impeach Trump at all costs' never-ending banter indicates leftists are further descending into madness, Americans should be absolutely prepared for anything in the days ahead with even President Trump's DHS head now blabbering the globalists 'white supremacist' talking points.
And with most demon-rats falling in line behind 'little Nazi Greta Thunberg' in pushing the UN's 'climate change agenda' as heard in the 1st video below from AMTV, as we had reported within this September 23rd ANP story, the 'solutions' that globalists are pushing for to deal with the 'perceived problem' of 'climate change' are actually a much greater danger to the entire world than what they call 'global warming'. With such programs being pushed by globalists such as Bill Gateseventually leading to mass famine and starvation,leading to countless deaths, we see that what the globalists 'global cooling programs', rooted in eugenics and the 'depopulation agenda', are, just like the demon-rat party, much more of a danger to 'the masses in America' than a few 'white supremacists' ever could be.
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