'Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.' Hosea 4:3
Back on March 11th of 2011, our world changed forever for those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere though most still do not know it. Whether via an 'act of nature' or an 'act of HAARP', the earthquake and resultant tidal wave that struck Fukushima, Japan on that day left a path of death and destruction that has stretched far beyond that island nation.
Dr. Caldicott, author of the book "Sleepwalking To Armageddon", also warns us that if another massive earthquake over 7.0 magnitude strikes Fukushima, we could witness not only the 'end of Japan' but the need for parts of the Northern hemisphere to be evacuated after recent photos of Fukushima #2 showed structural damage and a massive hole. In the final video below, Pastor Paul Begley tells us all about that latest story.
As Dane Wigington over at his Geoengineering Watch Blog recently reported,"the triple meltdown nuclear volcanoes at Fukushima continue to dump unimaginable amounts of radiation into the atmosphere and oceans". If the mainstream media doesn't report upon the mass deaths due to Fukushima and this still unfolding tragedy, does that mean it never happened?
As we hear in the 1st video below featuring nuclear activist Kevin Kamps, the government of Japan is now forcing some residents of Fukushima to move back into their homes or they'll lose their compensation for suffering through the disaster. Mothers who are concerned about the health of their children are being accused by the Japanese government of suffering from 'radiophobia' - the government of Japan is telling them that "it's all in their heads".
According to a new study reported in Science Mag, it's now safe for Fukushima residents to return to their radioactively contaminated homes. Later in March, 6 years after the catastrophe, nearly 52,000 evacuees from Fukushima will be invited to go back to the Fukushima prefecture. In the 2nd video below, we hear directly from one 'refugee' from Fukushima who tells us that she'll never be going back as her home was completely contaminated.Japanese activist Setsuko Kida, who lost everything but her life to radioactive poisons from the Fukushima meltdown, shares with us how she overcame that very real tragedy and became an advocate for radiation refugee rights.
The robot did pick up structural damage to the building of Unit 2, which means it makes it unstable should there be another earthquake greater than 7 on the Richter scale which then means the building could collapse, which then means that would collapse onto the molten core, and also with the spent fuel rods which are incredibly radioactive in the spent fuel pool, they would go down as well.
A huge amount of radiation would be released, such that it would be the end of Japan and certainly, very much radioactive fallout in the Northern Hemisphere such that I would probably get my family from Boston to come straight away to Australia.
In fact, the Japanese government has increased allowable radiation exposure more than 20X since the meltdown. Hence, Kamps warns us in the 1st video below, radioactive food from Japan is certainly being sold not only in Japan but America and elsewhere across the world as well. Why would government's raise the safety level of radiation in foods unless they KNEW that radiation was in our foods?
We are all trapped in a planet-wide SUICIDE CULT run by incompetent morons.
It is at moments like this that I seriously feel like humanity has become a planet-wide suicide cult run by incompetent morons. If they all want to drink the Kool-Aid, thats their choice, but I would prefer they dont take me with them. For my part, I would actually like to live on a planet that isnt contaminated and condemned by plutonium-239, cesium-137 and strontium-90.
According to the insanely stupid mainstream media, that somehow makes me crazy. But you and I both know that conforming to the stupidity of the delusional masses has never been a measure of sanity.