With the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court in the upcoming days looking more and more like a sure thing, we take a look at this new story from Zero Hedge in which they report that according to Georgia Republican Senator David Perdue, Republicans should ignore all of the protests happening surrounding Kavanaugh because many of the protesters are just doing their jobs as paid employees of George Soros-tied nonprofit organizations.
Coming straight out and calling the tactics of the Democrats in 2018 comparable to the tactics used by the 'Brown Shirts' of Germany in the 1930's, Senator Perdue says what Americans need to hear in 2018 with America torn apart and starving for truth, truth that the mainstream media refuses to give us.
And as we'll see within this ANP story, while globalists snopes and the mainstream media call paid anti-Kavanaugh activists 'fake news' or a 'conspiracy theory', a quick visit to websites such as Craigslist or the City Paper franchises find TONS of well paid positions for leftist causes. First, from the Zero Hedge story:
While the mainstream media has overlooked the fact that the two "hero" survivors who berated Arizona Senator Jeff Flake into calling for a one-week extended FBI background check were paid activists working on behalf of a nonprofit organization funded by George Soros, one Republican Senator brought up that fact during an interview with Laura Ingraham's radio show.
Louisiana Republican Senator David Perdue argued that Republicans should ignore these protestors who have a clearly partisan agenda and instead should "grow up and start playing defense," the Hill reported.
"These are not genuine people who are concerned about Dr. Ford or anything else, these are paid activists," he said. "This is a George Soros conspiracy, and its time we wake up, expose them, stand up and fight for our country, because thats whats at stake here" Perdue added, referring to the billionaire activist who has donated to liberal social causes.
While globalist debunkerssnopes also claimed that protesters being paid to disrupt the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings last month was 'misleading information' and the photos above of a protester getting paid led to harassment and death threats against those who were photographed, even snopes couldn't get away from the fact that these photographs did not lie though they attempted to sugarcoat the reality.
As Snopes reports, it's true, an activist is getting paid money, but according to them, it was to help them pay 'related fees' in case they were arrested. Anybody else's BS detector thundering?From the snopes story saved over at archive.:
While its true the photograph indeed shows Lampron being given money, she wasnt being paid a fee in exchange for protesting. The man wearing a backpack in the photograph is Vinay Krishnan, a consultant who helps organize legal support for the progressive activist organization Center for Popular Democracy (an organization that has been heavily involved in organizing protests against Kavanaughs confirmation).
Krishnan told us the money was raised via small donations from around the country, and protesters were given about $35 to pay related fees in the event they were arrested; if they werent arrested, the money was to be returned.
These protesters are coming from across the country believing they are fighting for their very right to exist in this country, he told us. Thats why theyre there. Not for $35 which they returned immediately if they didnt give it to D.C. Capitol Police.
And as we see in the following sections, the jobs available to help push leftist causes are all over the place, especially in the Washington DC area but as has been documented before, such 'positions' can be found all across America.
While some might attempt to excoriate us as being against human rights, as most ANP readers know, nothing can be further from the truth. As we had reported on ANP just days ago in our story titled "This Is How The United Nations Is Working To Complete The Destruction Of America And Is Behind The Mass Censorship Of Conservatives", there is a HUGE difference between the God-given 'human rights' that we live under as Americans, rights that are merely supported and protected by the US Constitution, and the United Nations version of 'human rights' that Democrats and globalists are trying to push onto Americans and the internet.
As has been well documented, even within the United Nations own literature, the 'human rights' of the UN that the globalists are trying to push upon Americans are 'rights' that can be taken away by government. They are also 'rights' that can't be used against said government. So when UN 'peacekeeping troops' barge into a country, assaulting and raping innocent young girls and women and brutalizing other residents, there are no repercussions against them.
As the New American reported back in January of 2015, there have been a staggering number of incidents of United Nations troops going into countries under the guise of peacekeeping before running roughshod all over the nation and as the New American reported on August 30th, the head of the UN's Human Rights division, Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein has done his best to cover up all of the abuses.
And with these being some of the same people also pushing the totalitarian political philosophies expressed in the political system of Islam, which only masquerades as a religion, America might be best off completely kicking the UN out of our country and withdrawing all of our funding and support of them with al-Hussein also partially behind the attempts being made to censor Conservative opinions on the internet as the New American also reported.
In the only video below, Senator David Perdue is absolutely on fire, coming out swinging at the 'get go' over the unfair treatment that Democratic senators and their paid protesters have levied upon Judge Kavanaugh and his family and once again, Perdue holds nothing back, showing that maybe, just maybe, President Trump as President has had an effect on more than one US Senator suddenly finding themselves following Lindsey Graham's viral testimony during the Kavanaugh accuser hearings last week.
And while the mainstream media and snopes will continue to call George Soros undermining our Republic a 'conspiracy theory', Perdue knows exactly what is happening and is speaking up loudly and clearly.
As Real Clear Politics reports within this new story, according to Senator Perdue, the tactics that the Democrats are now using in a last ditch attempt to stop the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court are straight out of the playbook of the 'brown shirts' of the 1930's in Germany. And while ANP has been called 'conspiracy theorists' for suggesting just that many times over the past few years, it's great to get confirmation of our earlier call from a US Senator. And it's well past time that the rest of America 'woke up'.
Perdue spoke on the Senate floor on Wednesday and called out "extreme rhetoric" Democrats have been using since President Trump took office and are using now to try and block Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation. Perdue said Democrats are inciting racism and likened some protestors to the brownshirts in Germany.
"One of my Democratic colleagues in this body has encouraged people to, get in the face of some Congresspeople. Really? How does that move the cause of justice forward? The House Minority Leader wants to see uprisings all over the country. Seriously? Another member of the House said, 'They're not going to be able to go to a restaurant talking about Republicans. They're not going to be able to stop at a gasoline station. They're not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them. They're going to protest. They're going to absolutely harass them until they decide that they're going to tell the president they can no longer hang with him. The same member of the House also said, if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, department store, gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd. You push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome," Perdue said.
"This is America, but these are the tactics of the brownshirts in Germany in the 1930s," he said. "Unacceptable. Totally irresponsible. This is outrageous and unacceptable behavior for anyone but much less a member of this body, a member of Congress, and a member in the United States Senate. You've crossed a line. Inciting dangerous behavior is not something we should be about in this body."
"It is clear that this is all a well-orchestrated effort to cause delay and push this decision past the election. Shame on any member of this body, Republican or Democrat, that puts self-interest and political interest before their constitutional responsibility," the Senator said.
And with America now seemingly closer to civil war in this country than at any time since 'civil war #1' with the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh just the latest battleground as Susan Duclos reports in this new ANP story, the battle over Kavanaugh is truly just one issue with potentially many more that are much worse and even more divisive soon to come.
But as the website 'Humans Are Free' reported just days ago, with Soros' mission being to complete the globalists destruction of America, and President Trump's mission being the restoration of America and our sovereignty, how can the two sides meet? We'll conclude this story with these final excerptsfrom the previously mentioned Zero Hedge story.
Perdue spoke out a day after he was confronted by activists seeking to stop the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Two of the women who confronted Perdue, who was walking through the airport with his wife at the time, stopped him and accused him of callously ignoring victims of sexual assault.
Both women were affiliated with the Center for Popular Democracy - the same organization for which the two women who confronted Flake worked. The organization is funded by Soros' "Open Society" foundation. Perdue denounced their attempt to monger sympathy with lawmakers and voters as "a sham."
"This is a sham, its a new low in America," he said. "This is part of a bigger attempt by the Democrats to take this to a new level. This is a bigger issue, and its not going to go away when we confirm Kavanuaugh this week."
In a separate interview, Perdue decried the Democrats tactics as an embrace of McCarthyism.
"This is a reversion back to McCarthyism by the Democrats," he said. "These are not genuine people who are concerned about Dr. Ford or anything else, these are paid activists," he said. "I mean, it is outrageous, the character assassination.
The Democrats are burning a very bedrock of our democracy, and that is the presumption of innocence in this, and this character assassination is the new low in my time here in Washington."
And with the FBI expected to turn its investigative report Wednesday evening, expect these ambushes by Democrats to only intensify.
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