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October 4, 2018

Sen. Rand Paul's Wife: 'I Now Keep A Loaded Gun By My Bed' - We Are Not Heading Toward Civil War, We Are Already Fighting It - Prepare Now Because it Is Going To Get Far Worse


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

The latest hysteria over the upcoming vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court can be seen in the over-the-top reaction to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's decision late Wednesday night to file a motion to invoke 'cloture' on Kavanaughs nomination, a step which will lead to a final weekend vote, but in the bigger picture look at events, this whole Kavanaugh spectacle is just another phase of the civil war this nation is now in the midst of.


Civil war is simply a war between citizens of a country and that is exactly what we are seeing. It is time to stop saying we are heading towards a civil war and to admit that we are already fighting it. There has already been blood in the streets, literally, as we have seen a mass shooting at a baseball practice where an unhinged leftist opened fire on GOP members of Congressback in June 2017, critically injuring House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., and injuring three others.

We have seen countless videos and images of Conservatives harassed, beaten, attacked and bloodied. Bike locks to the head, property destroyed during riots, women maced, teenagers attacked for wearing a MAGA hat in public, Republican politicians attacked in their own yards, heckled and driven out of restaurants.

Breitbart's Rap sheet of media approved harassment and violence against conservatives, shows 567 incidents since September 2015 until September 11, 2018, with 169 in 2018 alone.

Since September 11, 2018, as Stefan Stanford highlighted on Wednesday, the harassment and violence has continued unabated and is occurring with increasing frequency.

As the media continues to terrorize Americans, deliberately inciting more and more anger, harassment and violence against conservatives, Democrat politicians have publicly urged liberals to create "crowds" and confront political opponents (Maxine 'Mad Max' Waters in June) and to harass conservative politicians and Trump administration officials (Senator Cory 'I am Spartacus' Booker in July).

This morning I read a heartbreaking open letter to Booker from Kelley Paul, the wife of Senator Rand Paul. A woman who was terrified when news of the GOP baseball practice shooting broke until she heard her husband was alright, followed by her husband being attacked in their own yard, suffering five rib fractures including three displaced fractures.

She had her open letter published at CNN (archive is link here) and the very first paragraph includes the quote I used to begin my headline when she explains to Booker "It's nine o'clock at night, and as I watch out the window, a sheriff's car slowly drives past my home. I am grateful that they have offered to do extra patrols, as someone just posted our home address, and Rand's cell number, on the internet -- all part of a broader effort to intimidate and threaten Republican members of Congress and their families. I now keep a loaded gun by my bed. Our security systems have had to be expanded. I have never felt this way in my life."

Think about that.... A mother of three, a woman that maintains a board position at Helping Hero, a charity that builds homes for wounded war veterans, so terrified that she has to sleep with loaded gun by her bedside.

Mrs. Paul goes on to describe what the last 18 months of constant threats and intimidation have been like for her and her family, and she concludes with a plea to Booker:

Senator Booker, Rand has worked with you to co-sponsor criminal justice reform bills. He respects you, and so do I. I would call on you to retract your statement. I would call on you to condemn violence, the leaking of elected officials' personal addresses (our address was leaked from a Senate directory given only to senators), and the intimidation and threats that are being hurled at them and their families.


Kelley Paul

Related:Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul had their private info leaked online


A week-and-a-half ago Republican Senator Ted Cruz and his wife were harassed at a restaurant by anti-Kavanaugh protesters from the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, and Mitch McConnell was accosted at an airport. Other Senate members are being accosted and threatened in the Senate building by protesters, which has forced Capitol Police to boost their security.

Let me make this clear by reiterating, these latest attacks against conservatives are citing the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process, but previous incidents including tageted harassment and intimidation tactics were about illegal immigration. Before that it was the Net Neutrality repeal, and before that the Tax Cut bill, etc........ these individual issues are just excuses to harass, intimidate and violently attack conservatives.

The Democrats highlight an "issue," the media jumps right onto it for them to incite liberals across the nation, then those unhinged liberals start attacking.

Each time the protests get bigger, louder, more violent and receive more coverage.

This isn't politics, this is a blood sport to them. This is civil war.

Over at The Resurgent, discussing the Kelley Paul letter and the harassment and attacks against conservatives, the writer Stacey Lennox, asks "How lit is this going to get?" A statement at the end of the article indicates that more people are beginning to finally understand how dangerous things are now and how much worse things are going to get: "I used to think the 'Buy guns and ammo, they want to kill you' crowd was overly dramatic. Now, I am not so sure. In the current environment we are sitting on a powder keg and I am terribly afraid something awful is going to happen. It won't take much to light the fuse and there are too many people stacking the kindling."

Related:Cops probe doxxing of GOP senators, as left-wing escalates confrontational tactics



In the short term, heading into the weekend, the media and Democrat politicians hysteria will incite liberals online and off into more raging, threats and intimidation, as the Senate votes on cloture on Friday, leading to a confirmation vote on Saturday or Sunday. After the vote, if Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed to become Justice Kavanaugh, we can fully expect some epic meltdowns, again, online and offline.

Then the Democrat politicians will highlight the next "battle" to focus on in this war, the liberal establishment media will headline how horrific (insert whatever they try next) will be, inciting liberals to even more violent behavior.

The point, the bottom line here, is the harassment, intimidation and violence will increase with every manufactured outrage and I personally think it is time to acknowledge the active, ongoing civil war that is being waged right now.... and understand that we should all take to sleeping with a loaded gun by our bed.

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