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November 25, 2015

ISIS Supporters In America Deemed 'No Credible Threat'?!? Horrifying Images And New Report Show How Close We Are To Terror Attack On U.S. Soil


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

With a worldwide travel alert being issued by the U.S. Department of State, due to "increased terrorist threats," stating that ISIL (aka Daesh), al-Qaida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions, and current reports that Syrian and other "refugees" are coming in a "steady stream" through Latin America to reach America, we find it astounding that direct threats issued on U.S. soil are being downplayed.

In the images below we see three sides of a landmark at Youngstown State University in Ohio, with three different Pro-ISIS messages on each side of boulder, one stating "We Are Coming," along with the ISIS logo, another side of the landmark boulder says "YUS Supports ISIS," and another chilling message asserts "France Deserves Destruction."

According to a WFMJ report Youngstown State University officials have sent out a text saying these messages "pose no credible threat," yet they have notified the FBI and claim the threat is being taken seriously.

According to a CBS News report the FBI are helping investigate the incident but are indicating it could be a "hoax" because the "Arabic writing also on the rock was not true to form."


A hoax? The mainstream media is going to push the "hoax" angle.... really?

Knowing that ISIS has recruited as many as 30,000 foreigners with one report by The New Yorker stating that 250 of them have been Americans (that they know about), and how they excel at "recruiting American teens," who most likely would not know how to write in Arabic true to form, and the FBI admitting outright they cannot stop ISIS recruitment in America, the pushing of the storyline of these direct threats made on the Youngstown State University campus, could be some type of hoax, is not only irresponsible, but it reeks of Washington interference in order to downplay the threats already occurring in America.

On Monday, November 23, 2015, a report was issued bythe Threat Knowledge Group, who providetraining to the intelligence, defense, and homeland security communities. That report concluded thatthe risk of domestic attacks is high, stating "ISIS has already recruited supports in the United States with the intent of executing domestic attacks here in America."

The report explores some causes of concern, including profiles of the 82 individuals arrested on ISIS-related charges during the last 18 months.

Social media is a key part of ISIS activity and recruitmentso much so that its the most common reason authorities catch would-be terrorists. In the last 18 months, 32 of 82 arrests were the result of ISIS-related social media posts, including plans to join ISIS or stage an attack.

Tips from close associates rank as the second most common reason jihadists are apprehended. Eighteen of the 82 arrests were made because someone who knew the person turned him in. Authorities interdicted 16 more in connection with other cases.

Among the arrests, more than half aspired to join the jihad overseas, but almost 1 in 3 planned to carry out attacks on U.S. soil.

That could easily lead to multiple Paris attack-type scenarios, the report said. (Source)

The report highights five recommendations:stop downplaying the threat; recognize ISIS is recruiting youths; target the ideologies; better use open-source intelligence; and properly screen refugees.


More from the report, page 16:

The United States can expect difficult times ahead, with more domestic attacks or attempted attacks likely. Based on the evidence available, the number of ISIS supporters in the United States measures in the thousands, rather than hundreds. Whether ISIS will launch an attack on the scale of the Paris attack is unknown, but it is clear that the United States is a primary target for ISIS and that ISIS has the necessary supporters in place and the financial means to carry out such an attack. The challenges of screening incomingrefugees may further exacerbate the problem.

Read the entire Threat Knowledge Group report here.

It is abundantly clear that ISIS and/or supporters of the terrorist group are already in America, more specifically on our college campuses as evidenced by reports and the images shown above and we also know they are actively recruiting supporters to carry out domestic attacks, yet Barack Obama is merrily continuing to allow more to pour in under the guise of providing a safe haven for "Syrian refugees."

The two video reports below show without a doubt that ISIS has been recruiting American teens and how they are doing so.

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