And while we'd never urge people to steal or kill to ensure their own and their family's survival, as Smith's story points out, history provides example after example of the 'have nots' rising up from near extinction to take down 'the elite' of their period in the very name of their survival - a scenario we may once again see playing out across America should this country continue to fail the masses while the global elite continue to steal billions via corruption and get away with it.
As we hear from Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups in the first video below on the Hagmann Report, former President Barack Obama has absolutely been the 'trojan horse of the deep state' in the globalists end game of taking down America and with the dots now starting to connect we see who the 'enemies of America within' being exposed before our eyes.
Why have so many US politicians completely sold out the American people while endlessly giving illegal's free stuff and claiming that anyone who doesn't want illegals to get such aid, while Americans starve, are racist? Clearly part and parcel of the globalists agenda to overthrow America, it has not been lost upon Jeremiah Johnson over at SHTFPlan that "the global invasion giveaway continues"and as he points out, tyranny is the end game. From Johnson's story:
For the past 100 years, the United States has pursued a laissez-faire policy toward illegal aliens. Much of this was because American businesses and industries such as farming and mining, for example, wanted illegal aliens to come here. They wanted to pay them under the table, avoiding the taxes and withholding, and circumventing the minimum wage. The public was also complicit: turning a blind eye, provided that it didnt directly affect them.
But it didand year after year, tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossed our borders and started their new lives in Americaat the expense of American citizens. Now it has changed into something completely different:
Now it is a part of the socialist playbook based on Cloward and Piven, and Alinskys actions and doctrines to destroy the United States from within; it has become a global movement toward the goal of global governance.
Johnson continues and as we see, he invokes the book "1984" as the globalist 'end game', a book that we now see materializing before our eyes with endless government surveillance, a still-growing 'police state', decreasing freedoms, a still-growing military industrial complex and unbalanced populations across the planet. From Johnson:
This is not immigration, either in the U.S. or worldwide. It is the planned, systematic destruction of national identities and sovereignties. This is being accomplished in several manners:
The religious differences are so pronounced between these aliens who are Muslims and the citizens of the traditionally-Christian nations of Europe that underlying tensions are one step away from warfare between citizens and aliens.
Laws in these countries are being restructured to facilitate the insertion of these aliens against the host-citizens wills.
The efforts (globally) are coordinated and funded by a consortium of oligarchs and politicians who are utilizing the chaos, confusion, and instability to destroy the nations and push them toward global governance.
Armies of NGOs (Nongovernmental Organizations) under the guises of humanitarian efforts or political dialogue are in reality embassies and front-man representatives to carry out the planned dissolution of national borders and recruit citizenry in the form of 5th columnists to destroy these nations from within.
The world of George Orwells 1984 solidifies more by the day: increased surveillance, decreasing freedoms, and tensions throughout the world to keep whole populations unbalanced while fueling the war machine with moneytaxed moniesof the global Military Industrial complex.
According to this new story from Mac Slavo over at SHTFPlan who uses the 'Bulletin of Atomic Scientists' as his source, the 'doomsday clock' has just advanced another 30 seconds to '2 minutes before midnight'. A gauge of how close our planet now is to a nuclear holocaust, should world war 3 be kicked off by the globalists, there'll be no stopping the culling that's coming.
Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente has long argued that "when all else fails, they bring us to war" and as we're now witnessing in story after story from both the mainstream and alternative media's, the globalists are quickly moving us in that direction. With a devastating war absolutely necessary for the globalists to reach the numbers for America still being forecast by for 2025, with an expected 54 million living here in less than 7 years, down from 324 million in 2016, it's clear that the globalists end game is America losing the next big war.
Warning that the Russians could launch a massive cyber attack that takes down their electrical grid, the Sky News story sounds an awful lot like this December 31st of 2016 Washington Post story (saved on archive) which was proven to be fake news in which they had reported that Russia was also looking into how they could take down the electrical grid in Vermont. With even Forbes writing a story that outed the Washington Post as pushing fake news, how long will the globalists continue to push the 'Russian boogey-man' story without looking at the mirror to see the real enemies of the human race exposed as themselves?
And why do the globalists so want to get into a war with Russia that could lead to hundreds of millions of dead Americans?
With the US Air Force recently conducting their largest ever air war drills according to this recent story from Zero Hedge also showing us how close we may be to war breaking out, should the globalists get the war that they're endlessly pushing for, we pray that God makes sure that all of them are its first victims. Satan surely has a special place waiting for them.