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February 1, 2018

Shocking Story From West Virginia Proves 'Big Pharma' Is The Biggest 'Drug Pusher' In America - Is President Trump Preparing To Take On 'The Big Pharma Mafia'?

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While according to this recent story over at far-left Vox, 'big pharma' had won 'round 1' in the fight against President Donald Trump and his goals to get the pharmaceutical industry to lower their prices, as several ANP readers pointed out in the comment section of this ANP State of the Union open thread, President Trump has just made his future intentions known.

Not only lashing out at big pharma's high drug prices but also the horrific opioid problem in America and the difficulty of people dying from terminal diseases to gain access to experimental, alternative health options, as ANP reader Phil S commented, "Yes ....... He declared war against Big Pharma ......... He's serious about "fair trade" policies as far as I can tell.."

And while the SOTU won't translate into noticeable results overnight and 'big pharma' still has one of the most powerful lobbying arms in Washington DC, we could hear the anger and frustration in President Trump's voice as he brought up some outstanding points, including the fact that people in other countries pay far less than Americans do for the same medications as big pharma's lobbying arm and their bought and paid for politicians feed the opioid crisis in America according to this October 2017 story from the Guardian.


With President Trump also targeting the 'dealers and pushers' who have helped spread their scourge of death across America, helping to make opioid overdoses the leading cause of death among young Americans, it's clear that 'big pharma' and their enablers in Congress are the biggest 'pushers', pushing their poisons into big cities and small towns across America.

Perfectly exemplified in this new story from National Public Radio West Virginia which recently reported that drug distributors had shipped 20.8 million painkillers between in nearly a decade into a West Virginia town of only 3,000 people, is it any wonder that the great state of West Virginia led the nation with the highest rate of drug overdose deaths?

As this new Ars Technica story reports,an ongoing investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee has come up with some absolutely startling numbers. From their story.:

Drug companies hosed tiny towns in West Virginia with a deluge of addictive and deadly opioid pills over the last decade, according to an ongoing investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

For instance, drug companies collectively poured 20.8 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills into the small city of Williamson, West Virginia, between 2006 and 2016, according to a set of letters the committee released Tuesday. Williamsons population was just 3,191 in 2010, according to US Census data.

These numbers are outrageous, and we will get to the bottom of how this destruction was able to be unleashed across West Virginia, committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.) and ranking member Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a joint statement to the Charleston Gazette-Mail.

The nation is currently grappling with an epidemic of opioid addiction and overdose deaths. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that, on average, 115 Americans die each day from opioid overdoses. West Virginia currently has the highest rate of drug overdose deaths in the country.

The letters released Tuesday are addressed to two regional drug distributors, Ohio-based Miami-Luken and Illinois-based HD Smith. Both companies have distributed eye-popping numbers of pills to small cities in the state. In the letters, the committee lays out distribution data it has collected and asks questions about the companies distribution practices, including why they increased distribution so sharply in some towns and why they didnt flag suspicious orders.

But Miami-Luken and HD Smith are not the only distributors that have drawn the committees attention.

The letters are just the latest in the committees ongoing probe into what it calls pill dumping amid the opioid crisis. Last year, the committee sent similar letters to three other drug companies, asking about their drug distribution in the state. The committee also sent a letter to Miami-Luken asking for information about its distribution practices and orders in West Virginia, among other things.


While individuals selling drugs will get locked away for a long time for pushing drugs into communities, why are big pharma groups such as Miami-Luken, HD Smith and the list goes on being permitted to do the same thing under the cover of 'legality'?

As President Trump pointed out in his speech, there have been far too many Americans killed via accidental overdose of poisons created by these companies. While we understand that painkilling medications will always play their proper role in society, alternative health practitioners and natural products have given Americans numerous less-deadly and as efficient alternatives.


As Mike Adams recently reported over at Natural News, in what was an absolutely riveting State of the Union speech, "President Trump targeted Big Pharma's price monopolies", a moment within his speech that immediately led Susan Duclos to remark to me that President Trump better triple his security.

With what appears to be an all-out war upon alternative and holistic health practitioners with at least 84 dead since 2015 as Erin Elizabeth has been steadfastly keeping track of over at Health Nut News, those particular remarks by President Trump showing a willingness to go after 'big pharma' prices and the inability of the dying to easily try experiment treatments were certainly one of the high points in the speech for us along with his slam-dunk "Americans are dreamers, too" along with his asking Americans to stand for the National Anthem and respect our glorious flag.

Yet as commenter David S wisely mentions as seen in the comment screenshot below from that Natural News story, dating back decades, the FDA and DEA have given big pharma the monopoly they have long exploited while attempting to demonize alternative medicines such as cannabis and kratom, with Congress making them illegal to help maximize big pharma's profits.

With such a corrupt system long firmly entrenched, we certainly won't be holding our breaths waiting for the changes that President Trump has emphasized yet as Erin Elizabeth also pointed out in this January 26th story over at Health Nut News, President Trump may have just made the first BIG step in stopping mandatory vaccinations via a press release that"he has created a new division in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division."

This coming at a time when there is great concern about a possibly weaponized flu killing people across America with concerns flu vaccines are actually spreading the fluaccording to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences which found that "people who receive flu shots emit 630% more flu virus particles into the air" than the unvaccinated.

When we add inthe fact that many flu-shot vaccinated children are dying from the flu all across America as Mike Adams also recently reported over at Natural News as is also heard in the first video below, we urge President Trump to follow through in his attempts to take down those pushing deadly drugs into America's big cities and small towns while making experimental treatment options available for those fighting terminal diseases, despite what big pharma and their friends in Congress might think.


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