While the entire Democratic party and mainstream media apparatus would have gone completely insane should 5 months of Donald Trump Jr. emails have suddenly gone missing as Trump Jr. recently mentioned himself on twitter, we barely hear a peep out of them after 5 months worth of missing text messages are discovered to be missing between two anti-Trump FBI agents and as we see in this story, there is a chance that the missing emails suggested 'a hit' upon President Trump himself.
And while some might believe the possibility of FBI agents discussing an assassination plot against President Trump to be far-fetched, the 2nd paragraph of this archived Wall Street Journal story from December 18th of 2017discussing said 'insurance policy' drops the following bombshell. Why would FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page even mention what is highlighted below in red as no questions were asked about a 'secret plan' to harm the president? Please pray for God's protection of President Trump!
An FBI agents reference to an insurance policy in a much-debated text message was meant to convey that the bureau needed to aggressively investigate allegations of collusion between Donald Trumps campaign and Russia, according to people familiar with his account.
The agent didnt intend to suggest a secret plan to harm the candidate but rather address a colleague who believed the Federal Bureau of Investigation could take its time because Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was certain to win the election, the people said.
With more and more proof coming to the American people that the past 8 years of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was nothing more than a 'big scam' as Donald Trump Jr. also suggests in his screenshot tweet seen above, in this new viralPJ Media story on Mondaywhich the Drudge Report linked to they report both Peter Strzok and Lisa Page had referenced a 'secret society' within the FBI that met the day after the election as heard from Colonel Roy Potter in the 2nd video below.
Are we now witnessing treason? Before you'd dismiss such a thought we point out this new Daily Mail story which reportsthat President Trump himself had mentioned the 'treason' word in a previous interview. From their story:
Prior to the revelation that the FBI was missing the large volume of communications, President Trump had Strzok and Page in a Wall Street Journal interview and accused them of 'treason' for the way they spoke about him before the election.
'There was no collusion on our side, the collusion was on the Democrat side with the Russians. And what went on with the FBI, where a man is tweeting to his lover that if she loses, well essentially go back to thewell go to the insurance policy, which isif they lose, well go to phase 2, and well get this guy out of office.
'I mean, this is the FBI were talking about. I think that isthat is treason. See, thats treason right there,' he stated.
As we hear in the final video below, the FBI's claim of lost emails gives us PROOF that the 'upper echelons' of law enforcement here in America are no better than lying criminals with corrupt officials going to extreme lengths to hide incriminating emails the way that Hillary Clinton herself did - so, why is the totally failed msm not reporting the pattern?
In the first video below, Republican representative Matt Gaetz from Florida joins Sean Hannity to talk about this ongoing corruption scandal and drops upon us this huge bombshell: "The United States Of America is in jeopardy!"
As we hear, Gaetz believes "the missing Strzok-Page text messages illustrate how precarious of a position the United States is in when it comes to law and order."
It is no longer disputable that a pro-Hillary Clinton, anti-Donald Trump bias has intractably infected the FBI, and the United States of America is in jeopardy as a consequence!, warned Gaetz.
With the nearly endless series of anti-Trump text messages showing a pattern of bias on Mueller's 'Russia collusion' team as shared in this new Daily Caller story, should justice not be served and the globalists somehow still be successful at taking down President Trump and thus America, might such a result of all of this lead to civil war upon US soil?
Certainly should President Trump fall to a heart attack, all eyes should immediately be upon the deep state and their 'heart attack gun' yet should such a horrific thing happen as suggested in this Prison Planet story, that could lead to 'the end of America' as we know it.
While we absolutely know that not all FBI and DOJ officials are corrupt, and we thank those who are 'fighting the good fight' within the FBI and DOJ from the top to the bottom of our hearts, the American people need answers. Heads need to roll.