Will the love of Donald Trump and his deplorables be able to 'Trump' the hatred that we see coming from liberals who still don't realize that America just had a very real, bloodless revolution and America is now in the process of overthrowing global tyranny, to put America first, with 'President Donald Trump'? And WHY is George Soros being allowed to foment revolution upon US soil, putting every law-abiding US citizen and law enforcement across the country in danger?
Back on March 26th of 2014, Barack Obama responded to a question asked of him at a nuclear-security summit about the #1 threat to America. While questioners were surprised that Obama DIDN'T say Russia, they were even more surprised by his answer as we see by this Time story reaction.:
"Russia’s actions don’t pose the No. 1 national-security threat to the United States” Obama said, adding “I continue to be much more concerned, when it comes to our security, with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.”
Time's reaction: Yikes! Does Obama really think there’s a serious chance that Manhattan could get nuked? He almost certainly does.
Living now at a point in time when such a nuke in Manhattan wouldn't only be immediately devastating to the lives of tens of millions of Americans but could also immediately bring about the end of president-elect Donald Trump who lives there, with globalists Obama and Kerry conveniently out of town, might we soon witness a false flag dirty bomb or nuclear attack upon US soil, perhaps New York? 'ISIS' threatened to attack NY before the election and has once again threatened to attack NY during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
In the final video below, our videographer asks us to imagine the following hypothetical scenario:
"This day will begin like any other day. Everybody will go to work or play...the streets will be packed and Wall Street will be busy...everything will look normal to New Yorkers...and then, in one hour, all will be gone."
Our videographer then goes on to give her view of what might happen to New York in such a situation, providing disturbing visuals that shows a possibility we all pray never comes to pass but even Barack Obama warned of.
While a potential nuclear war with Russia may have been avoided with Trump's election victory, the danger remains. Whether by Islamic terrorists who were able to obtain a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb or globalists intent upon taking America down along with them, it's easy to see America's not quite out of the woods yet.
With Barack Obama and John Kerry both out of the country this week as George Soros foments revolution in the streets of America, we see and hear in the 3rd video below what looks like unfolding war upon US soil happening at one of the most important times in United States history.