In the story over at the Big Wobble recently emailed to ANP by one of our readers they reported the 2nd week of June has seen more mass die offs of fish, birds and animals around the planet with 16 new 'mass death events' in the first 12 days of June alone according to the End Times Prophecy Blog. Just the lastest 'mass animal death events' that now number in the 'thousands of events' since 2011, in the first video below, Evangelist Joey Bellmore warns us why these 'mass animal death events' could be something straight out of Biblical End Times Prophecy.
As Bellmore tells us, so far there have been 249 known 'mass animal death events' in 2017 alone spread across 59 different countries and he looks at these 'mass death events' through the viewpoint of Hosea and Zephaniah while warning that what we're witnessing now could be seen as warnings of events still to come.
Are the recent 'mass death events' and bizarre animal attacks upon humans somehow related or would that be science fiction beyond belief? Is it just a coincidence that we're witnessing more and more 'mass animal death events' and bizarre animal attacks upon people at the same time? As MT Taylor asked in her story on ANP back on May 26th, should we be surprised?
It takes only a moment to open our Bibles to Revelation and see Gods warning about the pale horse and its rider. The warning comes after the first of seven seals are opened and is voiced by the fourth living creature, who invites Death to ride through the earth by saying, Come!
What that seems to say is that up to now the earths wild beasts have been supernaturally restrained from harming mankind without cause, but there is a point in time when they will be given powerthe power to attack and kill without reason, restraint or warning. This verse serves as Gods warningthat day is coming, and we can see signs of the grisly change in natures creatures even now.
I was sitting on the deck of a restaurant in Panacea. The guy at the next table was explaining the bandage on his head was from a wound he received from being attacked by a pelican while he was trying to feed an otter. Besides considering the almost incalculable odds of his confrontation, I realized that there are folks who have bigger bird problems than me.
But lately it seems like a number of different species of birds have let go of their natural disdain for each other and formed a kind of feather treaty, uniting to come after me.
I can't help but wonder if this whole bird attack isn't some karmatic response to a goose I hit on the golf course two years ago. I have no other plausible reason why with literally hundreds of mailboxes that look exactly like mine within just a few blocks, they have chosen to make mine their universal rest stop. They mock me.
As I've watched my bird issues teeter on the edge of becoming Hitchcockian, I've decided to take a different approach. A peace offering of sorts.
Might it take some sort of a 'peace offering' to help bring about the end of the bizarre series of attacks upon humans that we've been witnessing and reporting upon across the world recently? During the recent interview between Alex Jones and Megyn Kelly that is getting a ton of attention recently, Alex Jones brought up something that most people probably missed and if they heard it, they will likely write off as another 'crazy conspiracy theory' but it needs to be examined much more deeply, especially in light of everything else that we've been witnessing recently.
At the 1 minute 15 second mark of the 2nd video below, Jones throws out this bombshell: "30 years ago, they began creating animal-human hybrids, isn't that the 'big story' Megyn Kelly should be doing?" While most Americans might write off Jones remarks as signs of lunacy, as we reported on ANP back on June 6th, the Obama administration officially lifted the ban on animal-human hybrids during his time in office. What could possibly go wrong with man trying to 'play God'?
Between what's happening to the Pacific Ocean and West coast of America right now to the 'mass animal death events' still taking place across our planet to the series of bizarre animal attacks upon humans we've been witnessing recently, we may be witnessing some of the results such meddling before our very eyes.
In the final video below, Pastor Paul Begley shares with us a video he's called "The Seven Last Plagues -The Coming Apocalypse" within which Pastor Begley shares with us more of the signs that we've been witnessing recently that show him we're now living in truly extraordinary times here in 2017 as events continue to unfold on a truly Biblical scale.