Why The Bombing Of North Korea Would Lead To The Opening Of Pandora's Box According to South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham in an alleged conversation with President Trump, Trump has told him he will attack North Korea if they keep testing missiles to stop it from being able to hit the mainland of the US with a nuclear weapon.
With Graham claiming "there is a military option: to destroy North Korea's nuclear program and North Korea itself" andif theres going to be a war to stop him, it will be over there andif thousands die, theyre going to die over there...theyre not going to die over here, we remind you that we now have absolute proof that back in the 1990's, North Korea DEFINITELY had at least 5 commando cells on US soil, prepared to attack US cities and nuclear plants, should the US have attacked them back then.
And while we'd love to believe Graham is correct and we can 'eliminate the threat' without Americans dying here on US soil, the likelihood of that happening is probably a big fat "0" with reportsNorth Korea has been working with ISIS terrorists to infiltrate America, a prospect that was much easier to do on 'Barack Obama and the globalists watch' than it is now with President Trump in office.
While Graham also claimedHes not going to allow the ability of this madman [Kim Jong Un] to have a missile that could hit America", we have 100% proof that North Korea was allowed to become such a threat to the US on the watches of Obama and his predecessor's Bush and Bill Clinton who did nothing to stop the NKorean madness.
While some people reading this will NEVER believe that the 'deep state' would launch false flag attacks upon America, we have 100% proof via now declassified 'Operation Northwoods' that they had very real plans to attack American cities and kill American citizens while blaming it upon others dating all the way back to 1962! Just think about it, they were even planning on attacking Washington DC and blaming it upon others! From Operation Northwoods:
Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government, that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba.
The plans detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban migrs, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The proposals were rejected by the Kennedy administration.At the time of the proposal, communists led by Fidel Castro had recently taken power in Cuba. The operation proposed creating public support for a war against Cuba by blaming it for terrorist acts that would actually be perpetrated by the U.S. Government.
To this end, Operation Northwoods proposals recommended hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. It stated: The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere. Several other proposals were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets. The operation recommended developing a "Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington".
Why would the 'deep state' attack US cities, including Washington DC, and blame it upon others? Certainly a war against North Korea that would bring the world 'massive death and total annihilation' would get Hillary Clinton, the DNC and the globalists out of the mess they're now inas the focus would no longer be on them but on the mayhem that followed.
With former Presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan recently issuing a scathing report attacking the 'dark state' military industrial complex here in America that seeks out war around the world, should we think that China will just allow "thousands to die over there" in their region of the world?
Sure to set off another round of mass migration similar to what's happening now in Europe from the Middle East, since China now sees the US as the #1 threat to peace there, would they just stay out of any hostilities that might break out? As we see detailed more below, tensions are now ratcheting up worldwide with a possible war against China one possible outcome of the US attacking NKorea Lindsey Graham clearly isn't thinking about. Why do US Congress-people continue to think the US will never be retaliated against?
The US military has detected highly unusual and unprecedented levels of North Korean submarine activity and evidence of an ejection test in the days following Pyongyangs second intercontinental ballistic missile launch this month, a defense official told CNN on Monday.
An ejection test examines a missiles cold-launch system, which uses high pressure steam to propel a missile out of the launch canister into the air before its engines ignite, preventing damage to the submarine or submersible barge that would launch the missile.
Carried out on land at Sinpo Naval Shipyard, Sundays ejection test is the third time this month and fourth this year that North Korea has conducted a trial of the missile component that is critical to developing submarine launch capabilities, according to the US defense official.
Coupled with reports of increased submarine activity, news of another ejection test comes amid concerns over North Koreas launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile that appears to have the range to hit major US cities on Friday.
And as we reported on ANP back on July 9th, another sign of a possible massive false flag takedown of our grid comes to us directly from globalist-arm 'The Council on Foreign Relations' who themselves send out a warning that an adversary of President Trump here in America could bring down our electrical grid in an attempt to discredit him. Also telling us that such a scenario could 'reshape US geopolitical interests for decades' (think 9/11!!!), is the CFR forecasting the globalists next move if it looks like the walls will soon be crumbling down upon them? From their story:
Short of outright conflict with a state adversary, several plausible scenarios in which the U.S. power grid would be subject to cyberattack need to be considered: Discrediting Operations. Given the importance of electricity to the daily lives of Americans, an adversary may see advantage in disrupting service to undermine public support for a U.S. administration at a politically sensitive time.
Carrying out a cyberattack that successfully disrupts grid operations would be extremely difficult but not impossible. Such an attack would require months of planning, significant resources, and a team with a broad range of expertise. Although cyberattacks by terrorist and criminal organizations cannot be ruled out, the capabilities necessary to mount a major operation against the U.S. power grid make potential state adversaries the principal threat.
A series of warning indicators would likely foretell a cyberattack on the U.S. power grid. Potential indicators could include smaller test-run attacks outside the United States on systems that are used in the United States; intelligence collection that indicates an adversary is conducting reconnaissance or is in the planning stages; deterioration in relations leading to escalatory steps such as increased intelligence operations, hostile rhetoric, and recurring threats; and increased probing of electric sector networks and/or the implementation of malware that is detected by more sophisticated utilities.
While darker scenarios envision scarcity of water and food, deterioration of sanitation, and a breakdown in security, leading to a societal collapse, it would be possible to mitigate the worst effects of the outage and have power restored to most areas within days. At this level of damage, the American public would likely demand a forceful response, which could reshape U.S. geopolitical interests for decades. Traditional military action, as opposed to a response in kind, would be likely.
And as we've long warned on ANP, all North Korea would need was one successful EMP attack upon America to not only send our nation back to the stone ages but likely lead to the deaths of 90% of us or more in the following months to a year. While some national security experts will claim that North Korean nuclear weapons aren't advanced enough to carry out an EMP attack upon America at this moment, it's been 100% proven that China has such capabilities already if they, too, seek to join the fight on North Korea's side, ensuring that the world would then be embroiled in an apocalyptic World War 3.
Each day we feel as if we're moving closer and closer to an event and we ask that everybody pray for strength for President Trump to avoid getting America into a situation that can never be undone and could easily lead to millions dead according to military experts, in the Korea's, Japan and most certainly here in the US despite what Graham thinks. The final two videos below look at why no recent US president has attacked North Korea due to their 'misbehavior' as to do so could surely unleash hell across the planet.
In closing, in this 'global world' we're all now living in, we'd hope that Senator Graham would understand the ramifications of a possible 'attack to destroy North Korea' considering all of the 'sleepers' that he, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had allowed into America over the past 8+ years. Enough 'sleepers' that could probably bring this country to our knees should they carry out a massive cyber attack on our electrical grid, unleash biological weapons via their sleepers here in America or via an EMP that would quite literally assure the 'end of America' as we know it.