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October 16, 2019

Crop Loss Map Shows Weather Modification Is Taking A Massive Toll On Planet Earth's Food Supply As Efforts To Hide The Truth Escalate

- Two-Pronged Attack Upon America's Food Supply As Democrats Insanely Push Us Towards Communism


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

On Tuesday, we reported that the next several weeks leading up to the release of the IG Report towards the end of October were incredibly crucial to America with 'deep state crimes' and wrongdoing potentially being exposed to the American people on a mass and official level, leading to concerns by some that 'an event' might occur to take America's collective mind off of the report's release, refocusing it upon whatever 'event' the 'global elite' manufacture.

With Steve Quayle, Mike Adams, ANP and other independent news websites urging people to prepare 'just in case' the luciferian's are able to 'create an event' to shift the narrative away from their own criminality, we get another reason why we should all be 'preparing' in this new story by Michael Snyder over at End of the American Dream in which he reportsthat an unprecedented October blizzard that hit just prior to 'harvest time' has devastated US farms across America's heartland.

And while Democrats insanely scream of 'global warming' destroying our planet, as we see in the crop loss map at the top of this story from youtube videographer 'Ice Age Farmer', it's actually 'grand solar minimum' and the globalists weather modification programs that are putting our planet's agriculture at risk. And between the mysterious food recalls we've reported upon previously on ANP and the food shortages that were already showing up in many US grocery stores this past summer, we should be paying very close attention to the words of one state lawmaker as read below.

As Susan Duclos had reported in this July 25th story titled "Exclusive Photos From Readers Across The Country: Food Shortages Are Here Now And The Media Is Downplaying The Dangers - 'Signs Of The Times' Part Two", America had already been experiencing food shortages of certain products over the summer. And as the website Strange Sounds had reported all the way back in April of this year, US farmers were already struggling to get their seeds sown after the longest winter, with many running nearly two months behind schedule, and now we're seeing this. The following excerpt comes to us from this Michael Snyder story.:

An unprecedented October blizzard that hit just before harvest time has absolutely devastated farms all across the U.S. heartland. As you will see below, one state lawmaker in North Dakota is saying that the crop losses will be as devastating as weve ever seen. I want you to consider the next quote very carefully. According to North Dakota state lawmaker Jon Nelson, we should expect massive crop losses as devastating as weve ever seen

If all this sounds bad to you, then you should go back and read the first part of this article again. This isnt just bad. We are talking about complete and utter devastation that will have ripple effects for years to come.

Needless to say, food prices are going to go up. If you are wealthy and you dont need to worry about food prices, then good for you.

But if you are like most of the country and your finances are already tight, this is going to hurt.

I very much encourage you to stock up and get prepared, because we are facing a major shift.

This was already going to be one of the worst years ever for Midwest farmers, and now this storm has put an exclamation mark on an absolutely horrific growing season.

Nobody is sure exactly what is coming next, but since we all have to eat, the truth is that every man, woman and child in America should be deeply concerned about what just happened.

So we'll be taking a look below at the potential 'two-pronged attack' upon our country's food supply with many democrats pushing for socialism in America in the 2020 election, a system of government that nearly always brings famine and starvation to their people, and in the final section of this story we'll be taking a look at some excellent prepping advice with all of this going on from a Natural News story and 'Ice Age Farmer'.

(If you appreciate stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this battle for the future of America.)


While so many on the left are of the mindset 'the government will take care of us', with that same left now pushing for 'socialism' in America and 'socialism' almost always leading to 'communism' and forced obedience to government, famine and mass starvation, all Americans need to do is take a look at what is still happening in Venezuela to get a good look at what might happen to America should 'democratic socialism' arrive here. The mere phrase the leftists yell, 'democratic socialism', is like trying to put makeup on a pig.

As PRI had reported back in January of 2017, in the once shining gem of socialism, Venezuela, the Venezuelan military had turned the food crisis there into a 'racket', profiting off of people going hungry. With the food shortage becoming so dire that some people spend their days picking up grains of rice and corn that fall out of delivery truckswhile others quite literally hunted down zoo animals and wildlife for their next meals, Venezuela is a perfect example of 'socialism' in 2019 and a perfect reason to vote to make sure no Democratic presidential candidate pushing for socialism for America ever makes it into the White House.

And while the leftists push their insane politics in our faces, take a look at what's happening in the streets of most leftist run cities which are descending into poverty and disease ridden wastelands. As Investor's Business Daily had reported, decades of Democratic rule had ruined many of America's 'once' greatest cities. Why would anyone want America to follow the example being set by San Francisco? The Washington Post insanely reported that President Trump is trying to cast US cities as filth and crime ridden in an attempt to sway 2020 voters showing that once again, 'truth is treason' in the 'Democrats' empire of lies'.

As we had pointed out in this September 19th story on ANP titled "With Democrat-Run Cities Across America Transformed Into Diseased Wastelands, Imagine If Democrats Win The Presidency In 2020 And America Is Turned Into A 'Sanctuary Nation!' ",the facts reported within this story speak for themselves.

According to this August 5th story over at Amac, the Association of Mature American Citizens, America's 25 worst cities are run by Democrats, and as their story immediately pointed out, the findings of several new studies are arresting.

Reporting that the top ten American cities for the homeless are sanctuary cities, cities which offer refuge to illegal immigrants, don't co-operate with law enforcement and raise the prices of low-rent housing for their own citizens, with all of these big, Democrat-run US cities descending into complete shambles, truly a horrific, humanitarian crisis of the highest nature is unfolding, and being completely ignored by the msm which instead still insanely screams about Republicans being 'racist' for calling out big US cities as becoming hellholes under Democratic rule.

As we reported just days ago, in New York, lawmakers are now threatening $250,000 fines for calling ICE on illegal aliens or even using the term 'illegal alien' at all when describing someone here illegally. If democrats win in 2020, what is happening now in New York is a model for America. And along with all of the other 'proof' we see with democrat-run cities descending into shambles and them trying to import those same 'qualities' into the rest of America, imagine what this entire country would look like as a 'sanctuary nation'.


In the first video below, videographer 'Ice Age Farmer' warns that the early fall blizzard has punctuated what has been the worst growing season in American history with late plantings killed by the arrival of early winter. You can visit his map here and click on each 'event' to see the source.

Record late plantings imply crops are too immature to make it through this early winter, as the growing seasons shrink on both sides.

Up to 10-20% of the US Corn crop is at risk by some estimates, as the USDA numbers/narrative diverge further from reality, tensions are rising, and efforts to hide the truth are escalating.

Things are going to get worse before they get better.


And if Democrats have their way, 'global cooling' may only get worse! As we had reported in this September 23rd story titled "The MSM Is Now Peddling 'Soft Genocide' To The Masses By Pushing Bill Gates Plan To 'Scorch The Sky': 'This Would Lead To Mass Starvation As Food Crops Fail & Famine Sets In' - CNBC Video Is Proof: 'Weather Modification' Is A 'Conspiracy Theory' No Longer", the globalists have convinced the masses we're going through 'global warming' so they've devised 'global cooling' schemes.

Creating geoengineering and weather modification projects to 'mimic volcanic eruptions' to 'cool the skies', does anybody else see the potential problems with the globalists intentionally cooling the planet when the planet is already going through 'grand solar minimum'? As 'Ice Age Farmer' warns, as long as we're on this same path, things are going to get worse before they get better. Think 'weather modification' is just a 'conspiracy theory'? What about ALL of these weather modification patents!

In this October 12th story over at Natural News titled "Prepping on a budget: How to use your food supply to get through unexpected financial emergencies" author Grace Olson gives us some excellent prepping tips.

Grocery stores are convenient suppliers of food, but when you run out of money, they are out of the picture. It is crucial then to stock up on supplies at home for emergencies. In case a disaster or financial shortage strikes, you need to have a system in handling your food supply. (h/t to

Here are some tips and tricks to help you get started:

1. Stock up right.

The key to having a well-managed food supply begins with stocking. You need to choose the right foods and store them properly. For this, you need to consider the number of people in your family, the kinds of food they like, and plan those meals.

When planning meals, make sure that the ingredients can last for a long time. You never know when an emergency may come up, and you dont want to check your pantry and see expired food. Choose the form of the food which can last for a long time (like choosing the powdered or frozen form instead of the common variety).

Please read the rest of their story here. And while Susan Duclos had previously recommended hydroponics, sprouting, and 'miracle foods' in preparing for a 'shtf' scenario, should that 'teotwawki' event arrive with very little to no warning, and the grocery stores be suddenly shuttered, we serve our families and loved one's best by stocking up now with emergency food as near by as an internet order and delivery within a few days.

NuManna Family Pack w/ Meat 146 Servings, Emergency Survival Food Storage Kit, Separate Rations, in a Bucket, 25 Plus Year Shelf Life, GMO-Free

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Meat Assorted Premium Pack (Beef Dices, Chicken Dices, Ground Beef and Sausage Crumbles) | 80 Large Servings | Survival Food | Amazing Taste | Perfect for Camping

Augason Farms Simply Meal Pack Emergency Food Storage 17 Can Kit

Augason Farms Dairy and Egg Combo No. 10 Can 3-Pack

Augason Farms Freeze Dried Meat Variety Kit No. 10 Can 6-Pack

Millennium Energy Bars Assorted Flavors Including Emergency Guide

Emergency Water Storage 5 Gallon Water Tank - 20 Gallons (4 Tanks) - 5 Gallons Each w/Lids + Spigot & Water Treatment - Food Grade, Portable, Stackable, Easy Fill - Survival Supply Water Container

3 Month Long Term Emergency Food Supply Kit - Eden Valley Farms

In the first video below, Ice Age Farmer takes a look at the massive crop losses in America due to the October blizzard in America's heartland while in the 2nd video below, he also takes a look at 'Grand Solar Minimum 2019' and warns us about what we should be expecting. And in the 3rd and final video below we hear more about the devastating midwest blizzard that "has US farmers seeing massive crop losses as devastating as they've ever seen before".

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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