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December 1, 2017

Catastrophic Failure: Democrats Long-Held Strategy Of 'Divide And Conquer' Has Blown Up In Their Faces

- 'If, God Forbid, The Fragmented Mob Of Girlies, Girly Men, And Cowardly Thugs Start Major Violence, I Predict That We Will Finish It'


Submitted to All News Pipeline by William B Stoecker

It is no secret to most of us conservative patriots that, in addition to incrementalism, the lefts favorite tactic is divide and conquer. In one sense they have succeeded, setting Blacks against Whites, Demoncraps against Republicans, women against men, perverts against straights, and so on.

But I am reminded of the admonition: Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it. For the leftists have splintered their own movement into warring factions who, while denouncing hate actually hate one another as much as they hate us. Identity politics is doomed to catastrophic failure. Consider the groups who still support the Demoncrap, or Communist Party.

First, there are the traditional leftists, including the loveable liberals. Living as I do in the Peoples Republic of California, ruled by Jerry Moonbeam, I know them all too well; they virtually surround me. They tend to be symbol oriented, meaning that they are not into deeds (like working at truly productive occupations) and believe in wordsand the left is very, very good at rhetoric. Leftist elites say the prettiest things, and their UI (Useful Idiot) followers believe them.


Women tend to be more verbal than men on the averageand are more prone to be leftists. Lawyers and college English teachers deal with words, and tend to be leftists. (By contrast, engineers, farmers, and ranchers deal with real things and do real deeds and tend to be more conservative). Leftists often live in a bubble or echo chamber and deal only with others of their own kind and hear only their own opinions (given to them by government, academia, and the slimestream media) bouncing back at them. They never have to defend their opinions in open and honest debate.

They are the ultimate conformists (although they see themselves as intellectual freethinkers). And they are incredibly egotisticalvanity, remember, is Satans favorite sin. Like eighteenth century European aristocrats, they simply assume that they are superior to us deplorables and bitter clingers. Their masters seduce them by telling them that if they accept an ideological package deal without question it will prove that they are bold, daring, sexy, intellectual, and compassionate.

Many of us patriots began as young liberals, including myself and even such famous figures as Joseph Farah of, and Bill Jasper, Senior Editor of the Birch Societys New American magazine. Gradually, we realized the error of our ways and possessed sufficient humility to admit that we were wrong, that, in fact, we had been played for fools. As more and more of the truth is exposed many leftists will convert. But most are too proud, too arrogant to admit that not only are they not superior to the rest of us, but that they have been self-deluded fools. They will double down and move further into the darkness. Their choice.

Then there are the radical feminists. They are leftist as well, of course, and many of them are lesbians. Supposedly they stand for womens rights, but they all adored Slick Willy Clinton, who abused and even raped women, and probably had former WH intern Mary Mahoney and her co-workers murdered. And feminists just love Muslims, who murder their own wives and daughters, practice female circumcision, and force their women to wear black sacks over their heads.

In fact, feminists are what I call againsters, people who pretend to be for something, but are really nihilistic haters who are against almost everything. Aside from their desire to butcher unborn babies, feminists are united in their hatred and contempt for men. We can thank Adam Weishaupt himself for inspiring modern feminism. So already we can see a split in the left, between the men and the women.


The ranks of sexual perverts now include not only homosexuals and lesbians, but an ever-growing variety of trans-genders, sexually mutilated, or hormone-injected creatures. For a time their preferred abbreviated title was LGBT, but we can call them Glibetts, for GLBT. Of course, they have expanded their title, adding more and more letters, and demand that they be addressed by their preferred imaginary pronouns and want people who fail to guess their preference to be jailed for using the wrong pronoun. And they demand access to all bathrooms and shower facilities of both sexes, and are agressively pushing their agenda in the indoc centers formerly known as public schools, seeking to twist our children into little versions of themselves.

They claim to be a large minority of the population, but Gallup polls show that all of them together, homosexuals (I will not give them gay), lesbians, and the mutilated, make up only 3.8% of the US populationa shrill, strident minority. They have, however, contributed far more than their share of serial killers. Their relationship with heterosexual leftists is sketchy at best, and Muslims profess to hate them (but then Muslims hate everyone and everything on Earth, including each other). It is sobering to reflect that even Hitler, Stalin, and Mao never tried to force the pervert agenda on their peoplebut its happening here in the land of the free.

Black people have traditionally voted for the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws, and eugenicsthe Demoncraps. Blacks make up only 13.3% of our population, but commit roughly half of all the crimes, and a disproportionate number of them are on welfare. Despite being the beneficiaries of the welfare, and affirmative action and quotas, they still pretend to be oppressed. Not a day goes by without Whites and others being robbed, raped, and murdered by Blacks, who have murdered White infants and tortured Whites to death, but the poor babies still pretend that they are the victims of racism.

In addition to Black Muslims and Black Panthers they have now formed yet another group of violent militantsBlack Lives Matter, or BM. There are a small number of truly great Black patriots, but the majority of even otherwise decent and intelligent Blacks have drunk the koolaid. The BM types generally hate their fellow leftists who are White and Hispanic.

Hispanics make up 17.8% of the US population, and many of them, especially those whose families were already here when the Anglos arrived, are productive citizens and do not support the leftist agenda. But many do, especially the immigrants (both legal and illegal), many of whom escaped from Mexico and came here to wave the Mexican flag. They include such groups as La Raza, Spanish for The Race. Imagine the hue and cry if a group of Whites formed an organization called The Race.

Counting all immigrants, not just those from Latin America, the US as of 2016 had 42.4 million of them, some 13.3% of the population, including at least 12.5 million illegal aliens. Their net cost to taxpayers is some $116 billion per year. As of 2014 some 42% of immigrant households received some form of welfare and/or food stamps. Many of the Hispanic immigrants are in violent gangs like MS-13, and many of them are racists who hate Whites, Blacks, Jews, and Asians. Yet White leftists think they can make common cause with them.


And, finally, we come to the Muslims, those charming people who mutilate their little girls, make their wives wear black sacks, and murder their daughters in the name of honor. Not a day passes without news of some mass murder or bombing committed in the name of the religion of peace. When they have no Christians or Jews handy, they kill other Muslims, as in the recent terrorist attack in Egypt. Particularly in Europe, but also in Minnesota, where large numbers of Somali twofers (Black and Muslim) have been imported, Muslims commit most of the street crime in between major terrorist attacks.

Islam is now the third largest religion in America after Christianity and Judaism; there are now some 3.3 million Muslims here, and 72% are immigrants or the sons and daughters of immigrants. Many of them hate Blacks, and they hate all their fellow leftists who are not Muslim, especially the Jews. Yet leftists cannot bear to hear any criticism of Muslims, accusing critics of racism, despite the fact that Islam is not a race. But then leftists are not into truth, or logic, and racism is their designated conversation stopper.

This fragmentation is reflected in the leadership of the Demoncrap Partyyou might think that this would doom them to electoral failure, but never underestimate the Republicans talent for (as the saying goes) snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

By contrast, we patriots, a large and growing minority of the population, are relatively united. We may disagree on minor points, but we do not hate one another. Many of us have military training and experience, and many of us are armed. The leftist thugs who call themselves Antifa, meaning anti-fascist, are actually violent fascists; their logo is colored black, white, and redthe colors of the Nazi flag and (according to Plato) the stones of Atlantis. They, like the inner city Black flash mobs and the BM thugs, are very good at ganging up on women who are patriots, on children, and on the elderly and disabled. They are not accustomed to armed men fighting back.

If civil war erupts, the military and police will likely be split between those who will obey orders, any orders, and those who actually want to obey the law and protect and serve their fellow citizens. And the gulf between us and the left has grown, and, I believe, is now unbridgeable. What I have said about Muslims is also true of leftists: you cannot make agreements with people who always lie and always violate every agreement; you cannot compromise with people whose goal is your enslavement and death; and you cannot reason with the criminally insane. If, God forbid, the fragmented mob of girlies, girly men, and cowardly thugs start major violence, I predict that we will finish it.

William B Stoecker

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