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December 8, 2017
As Vladimir Putin And Russia Move Again To Protect Christianity, Evidence The Real Threats To Christians And Patriotic Americans Come From 'Enemies Of America Within', Not Russia!
To hear the Demoncraps talk, Russia is our mortal enemy (but they just loved the Russians when they were communists) and Putin is a diabolical modern day Hitler, bent on world conquest. Putin, they assure us, meddled in our last election to ensure Trumps victory. Thats their story, despite the fact that nearly a year of investigation by a pack of Trump-hating leftist attorneys has found no evidence to back it up.
We are expected to ignore the fact that the Witch Hillary, with Hussein Obamas assent, sold a good deal of our uranium to a Russian company. But even many conservative patriots who should know better also brand Putins Russia as hostile, because Putin dares to have his own foreign policy and not obey D.C. How dare he! And so the two greatest nuclear powers face a deteriorating relationship and increased tensions.
Russia has some 7,000 nuclear and thermonuclear warheads with about 1,561 ready to go on 501 ICBMs, boomer subs, and bombers. The US has some 6,800, with about 1,393 ready to go on ICBMs, boomers, and bombers. A nuclear war, which would also include EMP attacks (which, alone, could kill up to 90 percent of us) and the meltdown of reactors, would mean the catastrophic end of civilization. Imagine walking out of your house and having your eyes melted and your skin burned all over. Imagine lying there dying in slow agony while hearing your wife and children scream in pain as they also die. And for what? So neocons can feel macho and powerful?
When the USSR fell apart, the Russian leaders rightly expected that, with the end of the Cold War, the US would pull out of Europe and NATO would cease to exist. Instead, in what must have seemed to the Russians like a betrayal, we stayed in Europe and began trying to expand NATO into the former Soviet bloc countries. How would we like it if, say, the Chinese made treaties with Mexico and Canada and stationed large forces north and south of us?
Vladimir Putin was born 10/7/52 and served as a foreign intelligence officer in the Soviet KGB. He later entered politics and was Prime Minister of the Russian Federation 1999-2000, President 2000-2008, Prime Minister again 2008-2012, and President again since then. The Prime Minister is a bit like our Vice President. There is no doubt that Putin is a ruthless strong man, but the US has had good relationships and even supported leaders far more autocratic and ruthless than Putin.
At least one independent journalist critical of Putin has been murdered, but compared to the Clinton body count and the murder of Seth Rich, Putin (even if he ordered the hit, and we dont know that he did) is a mere amateur. Unlike Slick Willy, Putin has never done a Waco, and there have been no Russian false flags comparable to Oklahoma City, WTC Act One, and 9/11. There is good evidence that our own leaders have murdered thousands of us, and were upset about Putin?
Our leaders wage war on Christianity, marriage and the family, and push the Glibett (GLBT) agenda on ussomething undreamed of even by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. But Putin supports Christianity and Judaism and opposes the Glibett agendamaybe this is the real reason our leftist elites hate him. Also, he has not opened Russias borders to hordes of Muslims, and criminals in Russia are actually punished.
In 2014 Crimeans supposedly voted in a referendum to return to Russia. The Crimean Peninsula had been part of the Russian Empire and then the USSR since 1783, until Kruschev gave it to Ukraine (then a part of the USSR) in 1954 and Ukraine became an independent nation in 1991.
The majority of the Crimean people are ethnic Russians who speak Russian, and the Ukrainians are very closely related to Russians. But the US and the EU, responding to this aggression, imposed harsh economic sanctions on Russia in 2014, sanctions which have hurt the Russian economybut also out own economy and that of the EU.
Georgia also became an independent nation state, but Russia supported the separatist agenda of two Georgian provinces, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Also, George II (GW Bush) had offered NATO membership to Georgia and had sent troops there on 7/15/2008 for a brief military exercise. In August, 2008 Russia, with Medvedev as President at the time and Putin as Prime Minister, invaded Georgia. Technically, this is an act of foreign aggressionbut the US has troops stationed in close to half of all the countries on Earth, and has invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, among others.
So maybe we are not entitled to self-righteous wrath when the Russians invade a neighbor. Before WWII Hitler occupied the Sudetenland and then all of Czechoslovakia. But Russia, after defeating Georgia, withdrew from most of the country, save for the two provinces. Again, while we may disapprove of the invasion, this does not show Medvedev or Putin to be bent on world conquest. It is fairly clear that Russia wants a sphere of influence in neighboring countries, and buffer states against any NATO encroachment. This is not altogether unreasonable.
Russia sent troops into Syria at the invitation of Syrian leader Assad to support his government in its civil war. Assad and most of the Syrian elites are Alawite Muslims, a subgroup of Shia Islam, but many of the people are Sunni Muslims, and they, led by extremist factions including ISIS, were the rebels. Despite the fact that Syria had been our ally in the First Gulf War, and despite the fact that Assad, by Middle Eastern standards, was relatively sane and moderate (he actually protected Christians), the US supported the rebels (including the Islamists who became ISIS) and worked to help them overthrow the lawful government, partly because Syria was friendly with Iran, and Iran has supported international terrorism.
But Saudi Arabia has done even more to support terrorism, including funding extremist mosques here in the US, yet we pretend that the Saudi royals are our friends. It is not clear if our Deep State is still working against the Syrian government or not, for almost nothing our own government says can be believed.
Our hostility to Russia has led Putin to mend fences with Turkey, a nation that has always been either an enemy or an unfriendly neighbor to Russia, and seek a closer relationship with China, despite longstanding border disputes with that nation.
It is not clear if Trump actually accepts the neocon version of things or if, due to the farcical investigation of his Russian collusion, he is afraid to normalize relations with Russia. We face a real danger of nuclear war and/or EMP attack over the situation in Korea, our confrontations with China in the South China Sea, and the increasing tension and paranoia between us and Russia. And the root of the problem is not Putin, imperfect though he may be. The real threat is from the neocons who control our own Deep State.
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