While those prepping for an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) are often considered conspiracy theorists, another huge entity can be added to the list of "survivalists" that are preparing for a scenario where America's power grid gets totally knocked offline.... the U.S. Government.
According to multiple reports, including Tech Times, The Daily Mail, Washington Post, Newser and others, the U.S. government is actively preparing for a "worst case scenario" which would involve a solar event that would knock out all electrical systems.
According to the White House announcement, documents includingtheNational Space Weather Strategyand theNational Space Weather Action Planhave been unvelied to inform the public of the actions being taken in the event of a catastrophic solar flare, which includes;The U.S. Air Force, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, will make publicly available space environment data to validate and improve space-weather forecasting.;The Administration, in keeping with national priorities of opening up government information and using innovation and technology to support disaster response and recovery, is launching a Space Weather Data Initiative.;The Department of State is committing to hosting a series of international workshops and meetings, based in DC, to increase international collaboration around space-weather preparedness;The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials is ensuring that space-weather is incorporated into guidance documents for transportation-security and emergency-management officials;The National Emergency Management Association is increasing its space-weather training and education efforts and;Airlines for America is committing to educate the commercial aviation community on space weather and its effects.
These preparations were kicked into high gearafter a major solar flare narrowly missed the Earth in 2012.
Other experts have weighed in, evidenced by space weather consultant John Kappenman who states, "Frankly, this could be one of the most severe natural disasters that the country, and major portions of the world, could face."
According to The Daily Mail an extreme space weather event could cost the U.S. economy up to $2.6 trillion. As has been detailed previously, should an EMP event occur, whether via a terrorist attack or a natural event, it could take months and even perhaps years to restore power in a day and age where nearly everything from communications to running water are run by the internet.
By readers' request, All News PipeLine has also provided the opportunity for like-minded individuals to prepare now to learn where others they have been communicating with daily and/or weekly are located within the country, to arrange for a communication system in the event of a "worst case scenario," by providing an interactive map where users can input there general location and email so that arrangements can be made to meet up after an "event" that could prevent them from communicating online or via phone in the future.