According to this story from the Center For Biological Diversity, marine fish provide 15% of all animal protein consumed by human beings. Also warning in the first paragraph of their story that the global fisheries industry is collapsing, their story is further confirmation of what ENENews and many other local outlets along the West coast are publishing, the deep Pacific ocean is dead and broken, devoid of life over large portions.
The February of 2017 story from Armstrong Economics asked "Has The Extinction Cycle Also Turned Against Us?" within which a claim is made that a massive coverup is ongoing about the true health of the Pacific Ocean with threats being made against researchers to prevent them from publishing their true findings. "The penalties for violating these new rules are severe: loss of tenure, civil lawsuits for violation of contract, and potentially employment termination."
What might researchers have learned that requires such a cover-up and why should the public be concerned about a cover-up of the collapse of the Pacific Ocean food chain? The stories coming to us from that region largely have one thing in common - the mass die-off's happening now to life around the Pacific Ocean are all largely due to the creatures starving to death. Heartbreaking story after story warn of malnourished and diseased fish, birds and mammals. Where is their food this recent ENENews story asks? Where did 100's of millions of salmon go another ENENews story asks? This stunning claim was also recently made: "All forms of ocean life dying in stunning numbers across Pacific."
That sadly also includes many fish, sea birds and mammals at the 'top of the food chain'in the ocean's, those without any predator's besides man, and 'the top of the food chain' definitely includes us. How many millions of Americans and people throughout the world might lose their lives due to what is now happening in the Pacific Ocean? If indeed the mass deaths happening there now are due to radiation, we should remember this fact:
Bioaccumulation is the process by which harmful contaminants accumulate in organisms at the top of the food chain. Top predators, such as Pacific Bluefin Tuna, are at risk because they consume numerous, small organisms, along with the radioactive particles that the prey have inside their bodies. As tuna eat contaminated prey, the radiation increases in its tissues exponentially.
Each day we're getting more and more signs and indications that we're living in truly perilous and Biblical times whether or not the mainstream media wants to report upon them and as Steve Quayle along with Pastor Rick Wiles talk about in the first video below, from cannibalism going mainstream to 'all hell breaking loose on Earth', we're coming in to a time of God's promises being fullfilled as we watch the words of Hosea 4:3 coming true before our very eyes. Quayle warns us we're now watching the appetites of demons being expressed through humans.
We shouldn't be surprised this is all unfolding - we've long been warned. As recently as June of 2016 it was reported a government think tank and FEMA contractor predicted a 395% spike in food prices which would cause social unrestas heard in the 2nd video below. Food has long been used as a weapon. In the 3rd video below from CNN back in October 2015 they reported the oceans food chain could collapse. Was that just 'fake news'? In the final video below we see an 'end times report' that looks at all of the 'mass animal death events' in 2017 alone.
I have just returned from visiting my friend, who is a senior cetacean biologist at one of the large west coast universities. While there, he described an amazing situation to me that has alarmed me greatly. He said that research at his university has conclusively identified the complete or almost complete collapse of several dozen food chains within the Pacific Ocean, all within the last 36 months or so. Further, in unauthorized exchanges with the relevant departments in other coast universities, he learned that the numbers involved may well be more like hundreds of chain collapses in the same timeframe as opposed to dozens. Finally, in talking with authoritative figures in Vancouver, they apparently believe that the figure is likely closer to 1000.
My friend also explained that equally alarming is the fact that all these research departments are finding within the genres of sea life they have physically examined within the same timeframe huge numbers of general body mutations, as well as skin disorders which all cannot yet be accounted for in terms of causation.
As bad as all of this sounds, here is the real rub. Regarding these findings about food chain collapses, mutations, and injuries, my friends university has instituted a policy that forbids them from publishing their findings, from discussing their findings (on this subject) publicly or in private with other researchers outside their own campus, or finally from taking unauthorized radiation readings as part of their research.
As our society turns away from God and falls more and more deeply into spiritual decay, we shouldn't be surprised that Hollywood continually pushes 'hunger game' and 'cannibalism' movie themes at the same time as many of our sources of food are being systematically destroyed. As many paying attention know, the 'cannibalism' theme we're watching play out also carries over to politics as Quayle mentions in the 1st video below, and in the 7+-year-old story outlined below we get proof that John Podesta appears to enjoy pushing cannibalism as far as he can get away with.
In this story dated June 1st of 2009, Politico asked DC's 'A-listers' where they go on vacation. The first full year of Barack Obama's presidency, they reported DC politicos were getting ready for August getaways and while Lynn Cheney proclaimed she'd be spending her summer at her home in Jackson, Wyoming, working on her autobiography of James Madison, John Podesta claimed he'd be in California doing conference calls in the most unusual way. Is there any particular reason his response then (seen in the screenshot and republished below) didn't raise any eyebrows?
John Podesta, Center for American Progress: I am going to my condo in Truckee [Calif.], like I do every year will sit on my porch and do conference calls 50 feet from where the Donner Party ate each other.
As we hear in this video, all of this push by Hollywood, politics and the mainstream towards what society has long-called a 'final taboo' is all coming at a time when the fabric of our society is being ripped apart all around us.
The story over at the Church of Euthanasia is called "Butchering The Human Carcass For Human Consumption". A 'step-by-step guide' on how to break down the human body from 'full figure into serviceable choice cuts of meat', we see in their website another very real sign of our world's descent into madness, a world where life no longer means anything to the controlling few who hope to spend their lives eternally via transhumanism as men are changed into monsters. In closing, also discussed in the 1st video is Quayle's very interesting interpretation of Numbers 13:32-33 which we've republished below. As Pastor Wiles mentions, do these verses from Numbers refer to 'giants' and 'cannibalism'?
So they gave out to the sons of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, "The land through which we have gone, in spying it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great size.
"There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight."