As shared in this recent story from Bloomberg, the richest 400 people in the world have just lost a combined $182 BILLION dollars after the disastrous stock market crash on Thursday/Friday. If Americans think that we will somehow escape the coming pain, the newly released video below from the X22Report Spotlight should help us to regain our focus as special guest Bill Holter joins Dave from X22Report to tell us why we all better be prepared now; Monday could quite easily bring absolute disaster. In the 2nd video below we learn that there's a strong possibility that the DOW may soon lose 10,000 points in an 'epic Wall Street' rant while in the 3rd video below, we learn what could soon happen if the dollar collapses in 2015.
Telling us that the economic collapse could quickly help turn America into a 3rd world country, Dave and Bill tell us that we should be prudent, especially if we haven't been preparing for what ANP and other alternative media outlets have been warning readers about for some time now....the clock is ticking viciously away and the sand in the hourglass counting down economic armageddon has almost run out.
The story in the Telegraph from August 17th, days before the most recent Wall Street crash (the 2 day market crash was bigger than ANY 1 day crash in US history!), told us that the doomsday clock for a global market crash had struck one minute before midnight. China's currency devaluation, we are told, signaled the coming 'endgame' and left equity markets teetering on the edge. As one trusted ANP source has told us, if we are NOT prepared for what's coming, disaster awaits and it could be terminal.