In this business not a whole lot is "shocking" anymore. Uncover and expose enough government corruption, nefarious agendas, documents showing what the government would rather stay under the radar, and you inevitably become slightly cynical where "verify" comes well before "trust" when it comes to government programs and appearances.
The relationship between doctor and patient should be sacrosanct, especially given theHippocratic Oath, but after following a link in the details ofThe Next News Network video shown below, titled "DHS/FEMA CREATE PATIENT TRACKING SYSTEM," we come to an article over a website called MassPrivateI, which is astounding in what it reveals.
The amount of research and links provided backing up each of the assertions deserves high praise..... the writer has done an outstanding job showing that not only are doctors and medical professionals willingly helping DHS and FEMA track patients, they are doing so all the way to the morgue.
We will go over some key points below, offering a few relevant quotes but I encourage all readers to click over to the original article because it truly needs to be read in it's entirety.
The points made are as follows:
Hospitals and health care clinics are tracking EVERY patient for Big Brother and know their identities;Hospitals are putting RFID chips inside name bracelets which allow a hospital to track a patients whereabouts in real-time;
Companies providing patient tracking devices have close ties to DHS:
Centrakhas aclose relationship with DHS, clickhere, to see how they work with the Department of Veterans Affairs government office. Cemtrak, also has a close relationship with theU.S. Army'sAdvancedChemistry Laboratory.
Stanley Healthcarewhich is part of(Stanley Security) has aclose relationship with DHS, clickhere,here&hereto see a few examples. Clickhereto read more about Stanley Healthcare's patient tracking tech.
COMCARE, a national advocacy organization has helped to create a NATIONAL patient tracking system backed by FEMA
Please click over to MassPrivateI for the rest and you will see that right now, your doctor works for FEMA and DHS and it is not in your best interest.