The map seen below on the left side shows the location in Brazil that genetically modified mosquitoes were released into the wildback in 2012 by a company called Oxitec. The map seen below right shows the locations in Brazil where Zika virus cases were recorded in 2015. If it appears that there is great similarity between the two, we haven't seen anything yet.
As this new story from Brandon Turbeville at Activist Post tells us, the GMO'd mosquitoes that have caused the Zika virus scare in Brazil (and now America!) are the same as the genetically modified mosquitoes released off of the coast of Florida...the same company was involved in the release of these gmo'd mosquitoes in both places.
If this Zika virus scare is real, and not some manufactured hoax, could that be the reason why so many people have been recently experiencing the strange symptoms Susan Duclos recently warned of in this story including difficulty thinking, dizzy spells, ringing in the ears, irritability, vertigo and a list of other symptoms associated with problems inside of our heads? Or, might 'Zika' simply be allowing the 'illuminati' to play us like a fiddle as asked in the final video below? We are told that most people infected with Zika don't even get sick yet they're doing door-to-door visits for it and in so doing likely further desecrating the US Constitution in the process. As we see absolute proof of below, don't say we didn't warn you.
In a follow-up story on February 10th of 2016 we warned that 'bigger and bigger' false flags were likely coming and the NWO might be planning on using a health crisis to bring in 'medical martial law'. We also asked then if we were witnessing a 'covert-op' in action. Days later we published a story called"Experts Warn 'Guerrilla Warfare' & 'House To House' Methods May Be Needed To Combat Zika In America" in which we told you that, according to health experts, "One Neighbor Could Cause Outbreak For Whole Neighborhood". We also asked then if this was "A Warning Of Where This Is Going?"
In the NY Times story, 'mosquito expert' Michael Doyle tells us that Americans may not be ready for what's necessary to properly get rid of these 'Zika virus' carrying varmints as "this 'guerrilla warfare house-to-house method is still very new" and "Zika will require a major shift in this country's approach to mosquito control".
Telling us further that 'Aedes aegypti', the mosquito carrying the Zika virus, is "relatively impervious to outdoor spraying", we're also told the most efficient way to deal with this particular disease is a painstaking process..."more door-to-door action". The mere mention of 'SWAT teams' of mosquito experts going door to door in Florida should ring alarm bells. The fact that we're told these 'mosquito SWAT teams' were 'activated within hours' tells us they've rehearsed for this for a long time. The fact that 'one neighbor' could 'cause an outbreak for the whole neighborhood' tells us the direction they're going.
The story from Claire Bernish over at The Anti-Media from back in January of 2016 told us that the World Health Organization was deeply concerned about an 'explosive' spread of the Zika virus throughout 'the America's'. Back then we were told that the virus had the potential to reach 'pandemic proportions' and as we've since reported on ANP, that has since allowed authorities to go door-to-door in Florida and Tennessee collecting urine samples after cases of Zika were allegedly found there.
For those who aren't aware, the Hegelian dialectic suggests that government causes a problem, a population cries out for protection, then the government offers the protection that they had planned out for the problem they caused long ago. What better way to ensure that dastardly plans are able to be carried out than following through on such a plan by using mosquitoes as a bioweapon against the population? The fact that former Nazi SS leader Himmler thought likewise as heard in the 2nd video below should send us a message, especially when we consider 'Project Paperclip' and all of the Nazi 'mad-scientists' that were brought into America after World War 2.
We take a look below in the first video at a theory put forth by Infowars that Zika in Brazil at the Rio Olympics might be a way for the global elitists to ensure that the virus is spread throughout the entire world. Would a 'global police state' then be needed to combat such a worldwide disease? Such a concept certainly plays right into the hands of the globalists intent upon forever enslaving us as their boot tries to stamp upon our faces, forever.
Oxitec first unveiled its large-scale, genetically-modified mosquito farm in Brazil in July 2012, with the goal of reducing the incidence of dengue fever, as The Disease Daily reported. Dengue fever is spread by the same Aedes mosquitoes which spread the Zika virus and though they cannot fly more than 400 meters, WHO stated, it may inadvertently be transported by humans from one place to another. By July 2015, shortly after the GM mosquitoes were first released into the wild in Juazeiro, Brazil, Oxitec proudly announced they had successfully controlled the Aedes aegypti mosquito that spreads dengue fever, chikungunya and zika virus, by reducing the target population by more than 90%.
Though that might sound like an astounding success and, arguably, it was there is an alarming possibility to consider.
Nature, as one Redditor keenly pointed out, finds a way and the effort to control dengue, Zika, and other viruses may have backfired dramatically.
Then again, we may be witnessing the intentional release of a bio-weapon upon the masses that will later be used to clamp down further upon our rights as human beings. As Steve Quayle warned us in a Zika virus story he recently linked to, "Every protection under the law and Constitution is just about gone."
Notice the very interesting spread of the Zika virus from when it was first discovered nearly 70 years ago until now. Why the slow progression at first of the disease? Were they perfecting the alleged 'antidote'? The fact that the genetically modified mosquitoes were present in both the Brazil outbreak in 2015 and the outbreak now here in the US in 2016 should give us more than just a hint. The 2nd graphic below from the ATCC should be the 'clincher'.