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January 1, 2019

One Of '2019's Top Tech Trends' Could Be Used To Route Americans Straight To FEMA Camps As 2019 Marks The Year 'PENTADEATH' Comes To America

- The Globalists Shoot For Total Control With 5G Kill Grid Tech Going Global

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

According to this new story over at USA Today, tech trends in 2019 will include 5G, A.I. and 8K with their story proclaiming the year ahead looks like "an alphabet soup of progress". Reporting that 2019 will be the year that 5G tech is really rolled out all across the country, with at least 25 different operators rolling out 5G first in the cities, their story also reports to expect to see 5G hotspots appearing all over, promising to bring lightning fast download speeds while ignoring the fact that the 5G network will be using the same EMF waves as the Pentagon's crowd control systems.

And while the USA Today story of course brings up none of the potentially negative health aspects of 5G being fast tracked into our communities without adequate health testing done beforehand, we're quite surprised that evenone United States Senator is demanding proof from the FCC that 5G is safe though it's already far too late in this game.

As Mike Adams had reported in this November 24th story over at Natural Newstitled "Warning for humanity: The madness is spreading by design as the masses are deliberately poisoned with toxic pharmaceuticals, pesticides, 5G wireless, hormone disruptors and toxic vaccines", 5G is just part of the mass poisoning of the human race that we are now under, with toxic foods, toxic medicines, a very toxic culture and toxic disinformation driving a toxic and animalistic 'mob' to outrage as Susan Duclos reported within this new ANP story.

And as we read in this new story over at Komando, tech companies are coming up with the craziest ways imaginable to make sure that 5G will be practically everywhere, installing it within the roads that our cars are driving over within the manholes that line the streets or mounting transmitters on the light poles that line our roadways or even upon street signs.

And just think about what sinister plots could be accomplished with this next line from the Komando story.:

"5G connectivity will allow connected traffic lights instantly to reroute road traffic around congestion, councils automatically to schedule repairs for broken infrastructure like street lighting, and businesses to manage how much energy they use intelligently."

And while 'handy dandy', couldn't that 'rerouting' also be used to 'reroute' unsuspecting road traffic straight to the FEMA camps or where ever else those who seek total control over the world want to herd the sheeple? Steve Quayle recently coined a terrific new word for 5G: 'PENTADEATH'. As we see below, 'PENTADEATH' describes 5G perfectly.


According to this December 28th story over at Natural News, AT&T is planning on hoaxing their own customers by falsely labeling new 4G phones with the 5G icon despite the fact that none of the phones will yet be connected to a 5G network.

As their story reports, not only will AT&T be duping their customers but doing so will allow them to undermine the health risks of 5G with those falling for the hoax unaware they're still getting 4G service and not 5G. From their story.:

According to Fierce Wireless, potentially millions of people could see the new icon at the top of their smart phone screen by Spring 2019. By the end of 2018, the latest Android devices will have access to AT&Ts 5G Evolution network, available in over 400 markets.

This isnt the first time that AT&T deceived the public with faulty advertisement. The company showed a 4G logo on Apple phones long before 4G was officially rolled out. The phones used 3G technologies that incorporated speed boosting HSPA+, but they were deceptively marketed as 4G.

These marketing ploys have allowed AT&T to get a jump on the rest of the competition. This time AT&T will deceive customers by making them think they are accessing a 5G network months before everyone else. T-Mobile CTO Neville Ray called out AT&T in a recent blog post. AT&T is duping customers into thinking theyre getting something theyre not, said Ray.

This deception is important, because it allows the industry a chance to undermine the health risks of 5G. If 5G is supposedly already in use and health effects arent observed, then the industry can advance new 5G technology as safe long before the towers are built and its true safety is assessed in the population.


So let's take an extended look at some of the negative health aspects that 5G will allegedly bring along with its lightning fast speeds from the website Electric Sense. And as their story makes clear, 5G isn't really for us human beings at all - 4G would have been plenty for us. But 5G is for the 'machines' to communicate with each other. Oh what could go wrong?

With Natural News reporting December 31st that disturbing new evidence suggests that wifi radiation can increase the risks of miscarriages in women by 50%, the dangers are all around us. From the Electric Sense story we get "The Dangers Of 5G - 11 Reasons To Be Concerned".:

#1 A DENSER SOUP OF ELECTROSMOG Were going to be bombarded by really high frequencies at low, short-range intensities creating a yet more complicated denser soup of electrosmog.

#2 EFFECTS ON THE SKIN The biggest concern is how these new wavelengths will affect the skin. The human body has between two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University, Israel explains that our sweat ducts act like an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths, meaning that we become more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves stated that the analyses of penetration depth show that more than 90% of the transmitted power is absorbed in the epidermis and dermis layer. The effects of MMWs as studied by Dr. Yael Stein of Hebrew University is said to also cause humans physical pain as our nociceptors flare up in recognition of the wave as a damaging stimuli. So were looking at possibilities of many skin diseases and cancer as well as physical pain to our skin.

#3 EFFECTS ON THE EYES A 1994 study found that low level millimeter microwave radiation produced lens opacity in rats, which is linked to the production of cataracts. An experiment conducted by the Medical Research Institute of Kanazawa Medical University found that 60GHz millimeter-wave antennas can cause thermal injuries of varying types of levels.

#4 EFFECTS ON THE HEART A 1992 Russian study found that frequencies in the range 53-78GHz (that which 5G proposes to use) impacted the heart rate variability (an indicator of stress) in rats. Another Russian study on frogs whos skin was exposed to MMWs found heart rate changes (arrhythmias).

#5 IMMUNE SYSTEM EFFECTS A 2002 Russian study examined the effects of 42HGz microwave radiation exposure on the blood of healthy mice. It was concluded that the whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity EHF EMR has a profound effect on the indices of nonspecific immunity.

#6 EFFECTS ON CELL GROWTH RATES A 2016 Armenian study observed MMWs at low intensity, mirroring the future environment brought about by 5G. Their study conducted on E-coli and other bacteria stated that the waves had depressed their growth as well as changing properties and activity of the cells. The concern is that it would do the same to human cells.

#7 EFFECTS ON BACTERIA RESISTANCE The very same Armenian study also suggested that MMWs effects are mainly on water, cell plasma membrane and genome too. They had found that MMWs interaction with bacteria altered their sensitivity to different biologically active chemicals, including antibiotics. More specifically, the combination of MMW and antibiotics showed that it may be leading to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. This groundbreaking finding could have a magnum effect on the health of human beings as the bandwidth is rolled out nationwide. The concern is that we develop a lower resistance to bacteria as our cells become more vulnerable and we become more vulnerable.

#8 EFFECTS ON PLANT HEALTH One of the features of 5G is that the MMW is particularly susceptible to being absorbed by plants and rain. Humans and animals alike consume plants as a food source. The effects MMW has on plants could leave us with food thats not safe to consume. Think GMOs on steroids. The water that falls from the sky onto these plants will also be irradiated. Indications are that 5G will be particularly harmful to plants perhaps more so than to humans.

#9 EFFECTS ON THE ATMOSPHERE AND DEPLETION OF FOSSIL FUELS Implementation of the 5G global wireless network requires the launching of rockets to deploy satellites for 5G. These satellites have a short lifespan which would require a lot more deployment than what were currently seeing.

#10 DISRUPTION OF THE NATURAL ECOSYSTEM Since the year 2000, there have been reports of birds abandoning their nests as well as health issues like plumage deterioration, locomotion problems, reduced survivorship and death, says researcher Alfonso Balmori. Bird species that are affected by these low levels, non-ionizing microwave radiation are the House Sparrows, Rock Doves, White Storks, Collared Doves and Magpies, among others. But its not just the birds. The declining bee population is also said to be linked to this non-ionizing EMF radiation.

#11 MOST 5G STUDIES MIS-LEADING 5G will use pulsed millimeter waves to carry information. But as Dr. Joel Moskowitz points out, most 5G studies are misleading because they do not pulse the waves. This is important because research on microwaves already tells us how pulsed waves have more profound biological effects on our body compared to non-pulsed waves. Previous studies, for instance, show how pulse rates of the frequencies led to gene toxicity and DNA strand breaks.


And as the website Health Freedom Idaho reported just days ago on December 29th, 5G will be using the same pain-inflicting fequencies as the Department of Defense's 'Active Denial System', systems that are used to stop protesters in their tracks, quite literally leaving them with the sensation that their skin is burning off. From their story.:

What does the 5G network and a non-lethal weapon developed by the military have in common? The Department of Defense has developed a non-lethal crowd control device called the Active Denial System (ADS). The ADS works by firing a high-powered beam of 95 GHz waves at a targetthat is, millimeter wavelengths. Anyone caught in the beam will feel like their skin is burning. The burning sensation stops once the target leaves the beam. This weapon operates on 95GHz waves and 5G will operate on the same frequencies.

Today's cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves - a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order to wirelessly transmit voice or data. However, 5G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, utilizing sub-millimeter and millimeter waves - to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of microwave radiation.

Millimeter waves are utilized by the U.S. Army in crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial Systems. Dr. Paul Ben-Ishai pointed to research that was commissioned by the U.S. Army to find out why people ran away when the beam touched them. "If you are unlucky enough to be standing there when it hits you, you will feel like your body is on fire." The U.S. Department of Defense explains how: "The sensation dissipates when the target moves out of the beam. The sensation is intense enough to cause a nearly instantaneous reflex action of the target to flee the beam."

So, what were talking about with 5G technology is being exposed to the same kind of waves day in and day out, only at a lower power than the ADS. Have safety studies confirmed that such exposure is safe? No.

Theres more! Research from a team of Israeli physicists has found that there are new problems to consider with exposure to millimeter waves. When the wavelength of the energy approaches the dimensions of our biological structures, i.e. our skin and sweat ducts, previous assumptions about the safety of energy radiation are no longer valid. The research shows that, with millimeter waves, our sweat ducts actually act like little antennas, which means we would absorb more of this energy into our bodies. Other research has demonstrated that short-term exposure to low-intensity millimeter waves affects human cell membranes and could even result in the proliferation of multi-drug resistant bacteria.


As we had mentioned briefly above, as Steve Quayle had mentioned in an SQnote while linking to this story over at Android Authority titled "How Is 5G Actually Going To Work?", his newly coined word for 5G is 'PENTADEATH', a perfect description of what we'll be witnessing being unveiled by the globalists as one of the top tech trends of 2019.

With 5G potentially being used to control the movements of people in their cars as even this USA Today story admitted, and 5G proven to be using the same pain inflicting frequencies as the military's active denial crowd control systems, why are the masses embracing it as a good thing when there is so much evidence it will cause damage to not only human beings but the planet around us? As Philosopher's Stone reported in November, when a 5G test was done in Holland back in October, birds began falling dead out of the sky. Hundreds of them.

Dead birds, with dozens on the ground .. As if were watching the thriller The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock.

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is currently screening a number of birds in the laboratory of Wageningen Bioveterinary Research. Parts of the park have been deposited and dogs are no longer allowed to be let out. The dead birds are always cleaned up as quickly as possible, which in itself is a lugubrious scene. The Hague council member Robert Barker of the Party for the Animals had the feeling of being on a crime scene.

The fact that so many birds fall from the sky at this location must have a cause and must be investigated. If there is talk of poisoning, then we have to take a hard time. It can not be excluded that the birds have a disease. But that is bizarre, if you look at the way they die. In any case, its going fast. The animals are not emaciated, do not seem ill. They just fall dead from the tree, says employee Sharon Lexmond of bird shelter De Wulp.

This bird care De Wulp reports on this insane situation as follows: The facts in a row;

Friday, October 19, 30 dead starlings

Wednesday, October 24 30 dead starlings

Thursday, October 25 88 dead starlings

Thursday, November 1, 138 dead starlings and 1 living that also died within an hour, 2 dead wood pigeons, 1 of which had been killed and others with section fireplaces in liver. (Yersinia / avian TB / salmonella) abnormal cause of death.

Friday, November 2, 7 dead starlings

Saturday, November 3, 44 dead starlings. All of the same location Huygenspark, found in the morning under their sleeping tree.

As we hear in the 1st video below from Infowars using several different mainstream and alternative sources, 5G definitely causes cancer and as even Wired reported back in March of 2018, 'big wireless' doesn't want us to know. With even the Los Angeles Times admitting that 5G causes cancer tumors in male rats as they had reported in 2016 while CBS News reported on May 29th of 2018 that "5G Service Is Coming - As Are Health Concerns Over The Towers That Support It", why is 5G still being fastracked into America with so many different sources providing so many similar warnings? The unfolding globalist insanity never ceases to amaze us!

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