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February 22, 2025

5 Controversial Technologies In Development That Cannot Go By Unchecked - From Alien Technology To Head Transplant Robotic Surgeries, The Question Isn't If They Can But Rather If They Should

By Paul A. Philips (Activist Post)-All News Pipeline

We live in a world filled with deception and there couldnt be more willful deceptive spin than that put out by the worlds leading technocrats. The technocratic agenda is aimed at convincing us that their new technologies are greatly beneficial.

In assertive statements, theyre making outright claims that their new technologies are convenient, secure, safe and effective, time-saving, health-promoting, life-saving, good for society, transforming human ability, enhancing, innovating with all the bravura for a Brave New World

However, these claims may not only be false, but could also lead us off the metaphorical cliff and down into a dark and deep precipice if we buy into them.

To get some background take a look at this article warning about the dangers oftranshumanism.

Put simply, these greed-driven, service to self con-artist technocrats masquerading as we care for you want us to blindly, unquestioningly accept everything they say. This belies the fact that there are a number of inherent dangers we need to understand about their technologies.

Educating ourselves and then taking necessary precautionary measures for protection is key. At least, in anticipation, we need to prepare ourselves, to reduce the possible misery and suffering if these potentially greatly threatening technologies are feverishly irresponsibly allowed to run amok by the mad scientist developers and businessmen technocrats who want to control every aspect of our lives.

Not an exhaustive list, and it is certainly not the intention of the author to instill fear, but, in retrospect of these technocrats with their claims and related objectives, here are 5 highly concerning new technologies in development that we cannot allow to go by unchecked.

This article also offers a number of possible solutions at the end.

1.China and the invention of an Artificial Sun

Does the idea of allowing the invention of an artificial sun sound like something we shouldnt be really concerned about?? Especially when this project, way behind schedule, is now in expedited development. Can we trust the developers?

The project has scientists working at The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) nuclear fusion reactor in China:

It involves these scientists using the process of nuclear fusion that generates energy in ways similar to the sun. Hence its name artificial sun. Employing temperatures much hotter than the sun for it to work and high pressure to fuse together two light atoms into one heavy atom, the net effect is the production of the high-energy 4th state of matter called plasma.

This extremely confined high-energy super-hot plasma loop was created with the idea of developing and obtaining unlimited clean alternative energy for the environment.

Last January the scientists managed to maintain this 4th state of matter for 1,066 seconds, twice the time compared to the previous record. For more on this gohere.

2.Anti-gravity alien technology

According to whistleblower sources, the U.S. military has finely developed jet-propulsion anti-gravity technology from back-engineered alien UFO crash retrieval.

-They are keeping it to themselves, so consider the implications. If this technology really does exist and there are UFOs that means we humans are not as in control of things as wed like to think.

Then theres the consideration of other said secret technology developed, back-engineered from UFOs. This time the technology is in form of alternative energy. Imagine how the public at large would react if they found out that instead of getting financially burdened, paying extortionate fuel bills, they could be receiving life-transformingfree energy!

3.Artificial Intelligence (A.I) outsmarting humans

The idea of A.I posing as an existential humanitarian threat, having the ability to outsmart humans in a given scenario, is no longer confined to science-fiction stories.

A recent alarming study showed that scientists have been able to train A.I models to make replicas of themselves.These A.I large language models (LLMs) were not only able to replicate themselves but also clone and enable other A.Is to do the same thing without human intervention.

Further studies showed that the first A.I model in the chain could also deal with shutdown avoidance. Having the first A.I model in the chain programed to detect attempted shutdown, it then made a replica of itself before it was terminated, making this a potentially unstoppable replication chain

-Consider other scenarios like this. Especially those scenarios that could increase in complexity as A.I technology gets more sophisticated. In principle, could self-replicating entities such as A.I bots create an uncontrollable world takeover? What would this mean forhumanity?

4.De-extinction Jurassic Park becoming real?

If you think that Jurassic Park was confined to the realms of science-fiction then you might want to think twice.

Colossal BioSciences has managed to obtain $200 million from donations. This funding infusion will be dedicated to de-extinction; bringing back extinct species such as the wooly mammoth, thylacine and the dodo.

While this could be hailed as a scientific breakthrough, did the funders or those involved in the project ever see Jurassic park? The films message was loud and clear. Bringing back ancient species was a bad idea.

Remember the film? Mosquitoes had been fossilized (preserved) in amber stone. These mosquitoes contained dinosaur blood which was extracted. From this extracted blood, DNA technology was then used to produce dinosaurs such as tyrannosaurus rex

What about the dangers of using DNA technology for the de-extinction of ancient species. What if theygot out of control??

ANP EMERGENCY!!-With the passing of Stefan Stanford, ANP's financial situation has become dire.Without significant contributions, the future of All News PipeLine, and our ability to stay online, is in danger. Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)

5.Head Transplant Technology

Film maker technologist Hashem Al-Ghaili claimed that a company called BrainBridge was developing head transplant technology.

Co-founder Alex Zhavoronkiv, a biophysicist and biotechnologist, working as an expert in anti-aging research, helped Hashem Al-Ghaili make a video showing how the head transplant works

It was claimed that this transhumanist transplant technology would be working effectively in 8 years. See the BrainBridge companys promotional videohere.

However, the whole thing was ahoax!There is no such company asBrainBridge and the technology as illustrated in the video doesnt exist.

Hashem Al-Ghaili and his colleague Alex Zhavoronkov insisted that they didnt put out this hoax for clickbait, but did it because they wanted to see what the response would be. While the majority general public were horrified, there were a number of interested parties. Some were willing to fund it

In the meantime, the idea of this technology gives rise toa number of serious moral, ethical and philosophical concerns.

Consider the implications

Some might say that this concocted Frankenstein-like immoral abomination will never work because consciousness is not confined to the body. It extends beyond the brain (antenna receiver) extending into God (ALL-THERE-IS). The work of biologistRupert Sheldrakewell covers this. -Something that low-level consciousness technophiles wouldnt understand.

Given that that we are the imagination of ourselves, maybe one day head transplant technology could happen for real. In that case, who decides who gets their head transplanted?

How about the billionaires wanting to rid their unhealthy bodies? The billionaires will have their heads transplanted on poor people exploited for their healthy bodies For more on this and the implications gohere.


Those involved in these technologies cannot be allowed to continue feverishly unrestrained receivingcarte blanchefunding and unwavering support. Irresponsible leaps into the unknown must be carefully controlled or there could be dire consequences.

Just because we are the imagination of ourselves doesnt necessarily mean we should be doing something thats possible.

Further, these technologies are tied into the technocratic agenda: A cashless society,15 minute cities, grand theft of our privacy and property, serious threats to our health and well-being linked to thegreat green net-zero con

To which, there has to be significant resistance from we-the-people to stop these technocrats from running amok. As opposed to abstract discussion that leads nowhere, solutions must involve taking action in the physical world.

Refuse to participate with all things tied into the technocratic agenda.

Dont ask your government for help. Theyre the very perpetrators causing your enslavement. Try influencing local authorities and your communities. Team up with people who are like-minded with you, committed to freedom, health andself-sufficiency.

We facing are facing a great divide: Those who will perish in willful ignorance (already happening) against those in the know who are resourceful. Who, in the struggle, have to survive and preserve the sanctity of life.

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