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February 4, 2022

UPDATED: UK Warns 'Alarming Specter Of A Permanent Kill Event' Hangs Over World: Massive Cyberattacks On European Ports And Oil Industry A Glimpse Of What's Ahead For America

- 'Control Oil And You Control Nations, Control Food And You Control People' - Henry Kissinger

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

The big story over at EuroNews Thursday morning receiving far too little attention from the mainstream media because it hints of what is ahead for America if we stay on the same path Democrats now have us on was titled "Oil terminals disrupted after European ports hit by cyberattack".

Reporting within the story that numerous port facilities in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands had all been targeted by a large-scale cyberattack that had begun several days ago and was primarily focused upon disrupting operations at oil terminals while preventing tankers from delivering energy supplies to large parts of Europe, none of us should be surprised by that happening with war continuing to 'heat up' overseas, and sending a message to America.

With the White House just Wednesday putting out a statement claiming Russia was promising cyberattacks as a key part of their war efforts to destabilize Europe, allegedly in preparation to invade Ukraine, and the disruption of an enemy's economy long a key strategy in warfare, this new story out of the UK warns Britains Ministry of Defense has raised the alarming specter of an exo-atmospheric nuclear attack, what they're calling a permanent kill event.

And while that report didn't elaborate upon what a permanent kill event means, that story and this new story over at the Daily Mail report that cyberattacks are now one of the greatest threats that the UK and much of Europe and the US face from Russia, a threat that can bring down the grid and send America back to the 'dark ages', just as Steve Quayle and Mike Adams warn about in their new series "Battlefield America: 2022 - 2024". You can watch all four episodes for free and download the printable PDF transcript as well as MP3 audio files by registering here. The trailer for "Battlefield America" is the 1st video at the bottom of this story.

Showing us why it's so important that Americans are fully prepared for what is to come if the American people allow the globalists to get their way,Steve Quaylehas been warning for decades about what we've been witnessing over the past several years, with the moves towards outright tyranny being implemented in front of most Americans blinded eyes. And with the damage that can be done by cyberattacks now on full display in Europe, the following description from the Battlefield America 2022-2024 website gives us a taste of what is to come to America.

The criminal Biden regime is thrusting America into a state of total collapse -- supply chain failures, skyrocketing inflation, mass money printing and economic catastrophe -- while sowing hatred and division among the population.

Soon, an engineered cyber attack will target America's financial infrastructure and regional power grid operators. The result will be near-instant chaos in and around America's blue cities.

Within days, America will descend into an active battlefield operating under declared martial law. Supplies will be cut off (fuel, food, medicine, electricity) and financial transactional failures will leave the vast majority of the American people unable to purchase supplies or even cash a paycheck.

The dollar-denominated bank accounts of the masses will be wiped out. The dollar will collapse, and tens of trillions of dollars in dollar-denominated assets -- bonds, stocks, pensions and treasuries -- will become worthless overnight.

This is all being done on purpose. It's part of the globalist plan to defeat America, depopulate the continent and take down the last bastion of freedom against tyranny.

Steve Quayle and Mike Adams have known this plan was coming for many years, and in this four-part interview series, they reveal their most up-to-date predictions and warnings about the imminent takedown of America and what it will take to survive as demon-infested globalists declare war on the entire human race.

(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're now running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Just back on January 21st, Dr. Peter Vincent Pry sent ANP this story to publishtitled "America Is Risking 'Cybergeddon' Over War With Russia: Cyber Warfare Is An Existential Threat That Could Explode The World's Powder Keg With Catastrophic Consequences,"within which he warned: 'One Coordinated Cyberattack Could Shut Down 80% Of The U.S. Electrical Grid'.

With such a scenario INSTANTLY bringing to America a war so devastating it will be largely over in a matter of hours, such a war would also bring America whatexperts such as Dr. Pry have warned a long-term grid down scenario could bring, leading to the deaths of 90% or more of the US population within the following year to 18 months, if not much sooner, due to the collapse of our 'electronic civilization'.

And as Susan Duclos had warned in this ANP story on January 31st, with over half of America already likely to starve to death if it weren't for canned, boxed or frozen meals, just imagine how much that percentage would skyrocket once a very real TEOTWAWKI scenario of 'no electricity' played out in America.

With many shelves already bare in many locations across America as ANP readers have pointed out time and again in photos they've emailed to us, imagine how bare they'd be with no electricity to keep the food supply chain humming along, along with 10's of millions of hungry people picking them clean.

The excerpt below comes to us from this July of 2015 story over at Power Mag that breaks down what America will instantly face should the power grid be taken down for an extended period of time. (ANP: Several heavy-duty generators are stillavailable right now if you haven't gotten one yet or need an extra one. They'll be priceless once SHTF!)

When a large electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) event occurswhich, according to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), there is 100% certainty will happen at some time in the futureas many as 9 out of 10 people in the U.S. could die.

Johnson, chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs, posed questions to witnesses testifying on Capitol Hill before his committee. He asked R. James Woolsley, chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, what would happen to society if the electrical grid were to be down for an extended period of time, such as a year or two, following an EMP event?

Woolsley responded, Its briefly dealt with in the commission report of [2008]. There are essentially two estimates on how many people would die from hunger, from starvation, from lack of water, and from social disruption. One estimate is that within a year or so, two-thirds of the United States population would die. The other estimate is that within a year or so, 90% of the U.S. population would die. Were talking about total devastation. Were not talking about just a regular catastrophe.

Time and again, whenever we do a story on the globalists drive to 'depopulate' our planet Earth, we'll get at least one email or comment from someone calling 'depopulation' a 'crazy conspiracy theory' while labeling us here at ANP as being 'crazy conspiracy theorists' who are pushing 'fake news'.

Yet for years now, it's been the globalists who've been screaming about 'global warming' as being the reason in their eyes that 'far fewer people' are needed on our planet, to 'stave off' such a 'catastrophe'.

With the eugenicist movement in America perfectly seen on globalists 'monuments' such as the Georgia Guidestones, which calls for a world population of 500 million, a MONSTROUS decrease of over 7 billion people from 2022's population, to the mysterious 'forecast' on the deep state sourced D*E*A*G*L*E website that for years showed the US a 3rd world nation by the year 2025 with a population of less than 100 million people, as Mike Adams warns in this new story we've highlighted below, the 'great awakening' to the COVID scam and globalists lies in 2022 means they need another 'false flag'.

There are almost no acts of actual terrorism committed by individuals or groups that werent directly run by governments or funded by globalist operators. Once we fully understand the past and the present, we can then see the future with much greater clarity.We know, for example, that:

- Any time humans are on the verge of a mass awakening or freedom wave, globalists unleash another horrific terrorism campaign to keep people enslaved in fear.

- A key weapon of the globalists is to force the people into isolation so they cannot talk to each other. Covid lockdowns were part of this, but the far more effective strategy is to shut down the power grid so that people cant even communicate electronically.

- Globalists telegraph their moves ahead of time because they need to set up the appropriate narratives in advance of their next wave of attacks. For example, while they plan to take down the power grid themselves, they are putting out warnings that claim extremist groups want to target the power grid. The real extremist group in the USA is the FBI, of course, and theres nothing more extreme than a fraudulent regime that stole power by rigging elections and staging a hoax insurrection to demonize their political opponents.

And as Adams points out, KNOWING how the globalists behave at least gives us a little bit of a headstart. We should definitely use that time wisely with their end game quite clear for us to see in 2022.

Knowing this with absolute certainty and having a firsthand experience now of how globalist governments are actively targeting humanity for total extermination we can accurately anticipate their next escalation attack.

The next play will be the FINAL play against humanity there wont even be any attempt to hide their real motivations.

It now appears they are ready to play the end game card against humanity and go for a total civilization takedown. This means disrupting or destroying the food supply chain, the power grid, telecommunications, monetary systems and the rule of law. The goal is absolute chaos resulting in mass death on a global scale, and the more chaos they can unleash in this manner, the more easily they cover up the truth about vaccine deaths.

So with the recent massive cyberattacks targeting the European oil supply a definite warning shot across the bow to Americans of what will be ahead if Biden and the Democrats get us into a war against Russia, and the globalists clearly needing a 'huge event' to get themselves out of this mess that they've created, the videos below each take a look at the globalists mad rush towards WW3 and the very real potential of some kind of massive cyberattack being carried out against America and much of Western Civilization and what that means for us all.

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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