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January 31, 2022

Learn To Survive From The 'Original Preppers' AKA The Pioneers Of The Olden Days - Over Half Of America Would Starve Without Frozen, Boxed Or Canned Meals

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

ANP reader PROUD 2B American recent commented on the items we do not see flying off the shelves of the grocery store, and he nailed the reason why in his comment:

You know what I get a kick out of.......every time I see pictures around a store... YOU ALWAYS see bags and bags and bags of different types of flour, baking powder, yeast just sitting though people of today...have no idea how build something from scratch..........Likely, 99% of people now days don't even have the bowls and pans needed...OR THE knowledge to cook anything from a recipe.

He is right. These days one pops on the cooking channel, watches someone make something and thinks "I could do that," and voila! They think they are master chefs, without thought to a day where they might not be able to just turn on the TV, or hop on the internet to learn how to make something as simple and easy as, bread for example.

Granted, unlike the old days where our ancestors had to know how to make starter for breads, or raise their own chickens for eggs and meat, or create their own pastas, noodles, even homemade soups and stews have become a rarity in millions of households, because everything can be bought in a can, or frozen dinner.

Modern technology, fast food, frozen foods, the ability to just go to the store and grab anything you need, is great.....until that ability is gone.

Look at the store shelves now, as evidenced by a reader in Oklahoma who kindly sent in images of what she is seeing in the food section of her local Walmart:

Reader Image, OK Walmart

While I see a decent amount of sauce above, the pasta shelves are as bare as many others in the images readers have been sending to us. Depleted shelves, less selections, shrinking canned or bagged products for higher prices, all of which shows we are continuing in our downward spiral of food availability.

Related:Pioneer Cooking Methods and Recipes

ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by'big tech'upon ANP articles, we'll berunning a fundraising driveuntil we catch up on expenses. We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic,'big tech'censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)


We have benefits our ancestors did not, such as freeze dried eggs, powdered milk, butter and cream. Baking powder, yeast, flour and corn meals can still be found, if not in your local store, than online (until that dries up as well), but even if most had those products in their cupboards, would they know what to do with them if they couldn't hop online and look up a recipe?

How many of the younger generation even have any of those items that used to be considered staples? How many actually have physical cook books rather than e-reader cookbooks, or just depend on the internet always being there?

While the basics to make whatever you need are easier to come by than they use to be, the majority of the nation wouldn't know what to do with them even if they did have them.

That is where cook books come in, to teach us how to make breads, pastas, corn breads, cakes, buns, rolls, pastries, etc.....

My mother always had a Settlement Cookbook, published in the 1940's, over 600 pages, more than a pound of book, with recipes for almost anything you need to make from scratch.

The book cover itself would be enough to send feminists into complete meltdowns, since it says "The way to a man's heart."

Yeah, half of America would refuse to even open it after reading that.

So, mix the old, the cookbooks hold and learn from, while stocking up on the "new" including the easily available freeze dried and powdered products in bulk, and when SHTF, those prepared will survive and thrive, and those that refuse to even try to learn will be left begging the prepared for help to survive.

As PROUD mentioned in his comment, most do not even have the proper mixing bowls, cookware or bakeware to mix up some from scratch foods.

I know people that don't even have a Dutch Oven to cook with should they lose electricity in a storm or worse case, a grid down scenario.

Try shoving a non-stick, plastic handled pot or pan in the oven, wood stove or fireplace and see how well that works out for you.

A wood stove, with the right type of pots and pans, and the still-easily obtainable ingredients (buy bulk!) and some proper mixing bowls, a rolling pin, and a good old fashioned cookbook, and if everything goes sideways, you would survive just as your ancestors did.

Grow your own fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices, collect the buckets of freeze dried meats, along with the powdered foods mentioned above, and learn how to make everything you want to eat from scratch, and you will be the survivor, while those unprepared will not be.


With just a few adjustments, ingredients, and the proper cook/bake ware, mixing bowls and cooking utensils, and great cookbook, you would never again have to buy entire "pre-made" meals.

It is healthier to boot.

Wood Stoves

Solar Stoves


Baking Ware

Portable Camping Kitchen Utensil Set-27 Piece Cookware Kit, Stainless Steel Outdoor Cooking and Grilling Utensil Organizer

Mixing Bowls Set of 5, Wildone Stainless Steel Nesting Bowls with Airtight Lids, 3 Grater Attachments, Measurement Marks & Non-Slip Bottoms, Size 5, 3, 2, 1.5, 0.63 QT, Great for Mixing & Serving

We have been doing prepping pieces here at ANP for years.

Gardening, survival foods, first aid kits, just the basic necessities to survive should the worst case scenario happen, but other than putting some hot water in a bag to rehydrate foods, how many in the country today, could actually make full, home cooked meals, from scratch?


Once you have collected the basic necessities to survive without buying pre-made meals canned or boxed meals, take a month, choose a different recipe every day from an old fashioned cookbook, not the Keto cooking, or Vegan cooking, but good old fashioned entire meals, from meat, starches, vegetable and breads, and you will find much of what you learn in that month, sticks in your head for surviving at a later date.

Aside from survival, you might also find you like the taste of the food far better than what we have become used to in this day and age.


The bottom line here is simple. Learn to cook things the way our ancestors did, collect what is needed, teach yourself the recipes, always keep old time cookbooks, then test your skills, and you will find yourself better prepared to survive than the overwhelming majority of the nation.

Learn to do things, especially cook, from the "original" preppers.

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ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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