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November 13, 2022

A Tidal Wave Of Death Is Flowing Over America With Alarming Charts Showing 'Crazy Amounts Of Excess Deaths' - Genocide Serves The Globalists Best By Them 'Eliminating The Young'

- If Democrats Can't Kill Them In The Womb, They Murder Them With The Vax

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

According to Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street analyst, as reported in his new book coming out December 13th titled ""Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022" as also heard in the first 2 videos at the bottom of this story, there's been a huge rise in the number of sudden deaths of very fit athletes and other seemingly very healthy young people all across the country since 2021, with Dowd asking a great question in his book and in the video: What changed in 2021?

Using his skills in pattern recognition which he used on Wall Street in a distinguished, stock picking career to recognize the absolutely alarming pattern of Americans 'dying suddenly,' as Dowd warns in his book and those videos, this currently occurring pattern is happening amongst those who are supposed to be some of America's 'most healthy,' people between the ages of 18 and 44 years old.

Claiming in that video;"The month of August, in the Society of Actuaries for the group life policyholders, the excess deaths were 36% for 18 to 44. Let me repeat that 36%. This is a population that is much healthier than the general overall population, so they're experiencing crazy amounts of excess death,"we'll join Dowd in repeating that question from above; What changed in 2021?

So while we know the answer to that question, with the rollout of the vax bringing with it a countless numbers of deaths and injuries to Americans and people all across the planet, the stunning numbers of 'excess deaths' among America's youngest adults are also covered by Dr. Jane Ruby in the 5th video at the bottom of this story within which she bluntly warns: "Depopulation is best served by taking out our young."

And with this tidal wave of death flowing over the country actually setting America up to hit those shocking numbers forecast by Deagel of a US population of between 57 million and 100 million by the year 2025, a drop of way over 200 million people from America's 2021 population of approx 331 million, please also take note of the startling chart seen directly below showing a 4070% increase in VAERS miscarriage reports from 2019 to 2021!

With Democrats long fighting for their perceived 'right' to murder their own children, this chart gives us even more proofthey want America's youngest generations dead! Because, as Dr. Ruby tells us, the globalists 'depopulation agenda' is best served by Joe Biden and the globalists 'taking out the younger generations' and,if they can't murder them in the womb, they'll just kill them with the vax.

And while we'd never expect the mainstream media to cover all of these 'excess deaths' happening in America and all across the planet since the rollout of the 'kill shot,' and with it clearly part of the globalists depopulation agenda, nothing less than genocide, as that chart above also shows us, they are also carrying out a very real 'war' upon 'the unborn.'

As reported in this October story over at Natural News titled "Thousands more are dying as EU investigation on alarming increase in childrens excess deaths drags on,"there has been an 8-fold increase in excess deaths among children in Europe and insanely, medical authorities are still trying to figure out why though the answer is right in front of their faces, the vax THEY pushed on everybody!

Nothing less than the 'global eugenicists carrying out genocide all across the planet' as they attempt to get the world's population down to a number that is much more 'manageable' for them, as we'd suggested previously, those same globalists should start that 'depopulation process' with themselves and their own families, showing the rest of the world how it is done. That way, they can keep their 'depopulation' to themselves while the American people will hold on to our 2nd Amendment, tightly.

And withChild COVID Vaccine Injuriesskyrocketing along with the death counts, just as Dr. Ruby warns us, this is nothing less than all-out war upon the world's children under the guise of 'health'.This is the globalists depopulation agenda playing out before our eyes, the world allowing them to quite literally get away with genocide, nothing less than government-sponsored mass murder.

And as we see in the next chart below, while the govt/corporate medical community, mainstream media and so-called 'health experts' are still 'baffled' by the skyrocketing 'excess death' counts being seen all around the world where the 'death shot' was heavily pushed, the rest of us aren't. It's genocide.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

So while the globalists will continue to push that 'death shot' until enough people awaken and realize its completely destroying their immune systems and certainly not stopping them from getting COVID, as we'll explore within the remainder of this story, according to several very courageous medical doctors, there are plenty of ways to deal with COVID and what's been called 'long COVID' by the msm.

While according to Dr. Ruby in that 5th video below, what's being called 'long COVID' is another myth from the now discredited medical establishment who failed America horribly on COVID, I personally went through some absolutely devastating health symptoms for 2+ years, so whether 'long COVID' or something else tied to the 'bioweapon release,' something caused the symptoms outlined in the study below.

According to a study detailed in this story over at titled "Could tiny blood clots cause long COVIDs puzzling symptoms?,"what they've called a 'cascade of clots' is causing most of the often devastating symptoms of 'long covid' or whatever it is, and quite surprisingly, in a study of 3 different groups of 25 people in each group, ALL of the study participants had microscopic clots within their blood: People who had never knowingly had COVID-19; those who had had COVID-19 and recovered; and people with 'long COVID' or whatever it is.

Reporting that while all three groups had micro-clots, those who had never had COVID-19 tended to have fewer, smaller clots, and people with long COVID had a greater number of larger clots, with the previously infected group falling in the middle, their story reported the teams hypothesis is that SARS-CoV-2 infection creates a burst of micro-clots that go away over time, BUT, in individuals with long COVID, however, they seem to persist.

Also reporting that according to these studies, "fatigue scores seem to correlate with micro-clot counts in some people,"that, they say, increases confidence that we are measuring something that is mechanistically linked to the condition.And while their story didn't have any real 'answers' to the 'long-COVID condition' or whatever it is, as we'll see in the final section of this story below, there are now plenty of those courageous doctors speaking out loudly and clearly, and I personally have never been more thankful for their courage and the sharing of their medical/health wisdom with the world.

So after that section above, I am quite happy to report here that after 2 1/2 long years of suffering from what have often been devastating health symptoms, thanks to the wonderful doctors over at the Epoch Times and their medical advice,and people such as Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn and his Pandemic Blunder Newsletter, I'm nearly now symptom-free and my energy level, after feeling deathly ill numerous times over that 2 1/2 year period, has gone through the roof over the past week+.

While I never tested positive for COVID, having only taken one test via the mail, and that long after the original symptoms had gone away, I was always quite sure I'd been hit with COVID, as my body had never felt before the way it did over that 2 1/2 years. I literally felt like I'd been hit by a bioweapon.

Suffering symptoms such as severe tinnitus, 'brain fog,' chest pains, congestion, headaches, vertigo, heart palpitations, muscle pains and more, symptoms that many so-called 'long COVID sufferers' have experienced, as I told Susan Duclos only a month ago, the severe chest pains I was suffering from then led me to believe I was nearing death, but the last thing I was going to do was go to a hospital as we've seen how they've failed the American people during the pandemic, many people spending their last moments on Earth intubated and fed poisonous, often deadly medications that didn't stop their illness.

With both of us also deciding long ago that we'd never take their 'vaxxes,' especially considering previously unveiled 'shots' had been tested for years before being approved while this thing was rushed out and pushed on us by a media/govt apparatus in no time at all, as this must-read Epoch Times story warns, both the COVID bioweapon/infection, and the 'clot shot,' use the same mechanisms to 'infect' human beings with the 'spike protein' found in both causing what they call hyper-inflammation to spread throughout our bodies, often using our using our own bodies natural defense mechanism to cause a cascade of inflammation and infection.

So while I had told Susan some time ago I thought I'd NEVER truly feel "GOOD" again, and had figured much of this was also 'old age' catching up with me, and after experiencing very strange medical symptoms for 2 1/2 years with nothing seeming to help me, I had reached a point I'd never wish on anybody, I had given up hope.

But suddenly, after reading this paper by Dr. Hirschhornon several important medical studies that had been done on treating COVID successfully with Vitamin D3, I decided to crank up my Vitamin D3 intake just as recommended in the article, taking 50,000 iu twice weekly to kick my immune system into overdrive.

Having given up most dairy products a while back due to allergic reactions, and absolutely not getting into the sunlight enough the past few years after living at the beach and in the sunlight for years in my earlier life, there's no doubt I was suffering from vitamin D deficiency, so after reading Dr. Hirschhorn's story and deciding to follow the advice within it, within quite literally 2 weeks, 95% of the bizarre symptoms that had been devastating my life had gone away!!

So while the globalists are dead set upon Americans and people around the world taking their 'clot shots' that are now causing a tidal wave of death, as Dr. Hirschhorn told ANP via email, the most important thing that we can do is to crank up our immune systems so that we have a fighting chance.

With Dr. Hirschhorn telling us his first priority is maintaining that high dose of vitamin D that considerable research has shown is effective in making your immune system strong enough to fight COVID and other infections,he told us he also takes a high dose of vitamin C (ester) plus a number of mushroom supplements while maintaining a diet high in proteins, veggies and fruits and low in white carbs, sugar and alcohol. Dr. Hirschhorn is also the author of the book 'Pandemic Blunder.'

Soas the Epoch Times reports in this recent story titled "Signs You Have a Spike Protein Blood Clot, and What to Do About It," there is no reason to fear the blood clots that often come with COVID and the vax, with changes to diets and the additions of healthy supplements doing the natural work of breaking up those clots as these Doctors over at the Epoch Times outline below from this story.

Nutraceuticals for Thrombotic Conditions

There are a variety of dietary supplements that may have a beneficial effect for thrombotic conditions. Meanwhile, many of these compounds also have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and autophagy-boosting effects which are beneficial for COVID-related symptoms as well.


Resveratrol has antiplatelet properties. It is a naturally occurring flavonoid primarily found in grapes, red wine, and peanuts. A dose-dependent inhibitory effect of resveratrol on platelet aggregation has been observed in cellular and animal models. Furthermore, resveratrols multiple effects of lowering of oxidative stress and inflammation, enhancing metabolic capacity, increasing nitric oxide synthesis by endothelial cells, and promoting autophagy are beneficial for patients with COVID related clotting issues as well.

A major component in green tea, epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG) is believed to actively inhibit platelets in humans. EGCG targets multiple pathways to achieve this role.

Genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation and has effects in preventing thrombotic occlusion in blood vessels. It is found predominantly in soy products. Genisteins primary mechanism at least includes to inhibit platelet aggregation induced by collagen,; and antagonistic effects for thromboxane receptors.


The compounds of adenosine, allicin, and paraffinic polysulfides appear to be responsible for the inhibitory effect of garlic on platelet aggregation. Derived from the cleavage of alliin by alliin lyase, allicin inhibits platelet activity in vitro without affecting cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, thromboxane, vascular prostacyclin synthase, or cyclic AMP levels.


Well known for its antioxidant function, vitamin E has multiple beneficial properties for clotting conditions. For example, it improves the activity of endothelium-derived nitric oxide, improves endothelial function in part due to the inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC), and inhibits platelet aggregation. Vitamin E has been shown to decrease platelet adhesion to collagen, fibrinogen, and fibronectin, and increase platelet sensitivity to prostaglandin E1.

Selenium is a trace element and an essential component of glutathione peroxidase enzymes, protecting cells from oxidative stress. A deficiency in selenium is associated with an increased risk of arterial thrombosis. Selenium has an effect of inhibiting platelet aggregation, primarily through inhibiting those substances forming blood clots.

Vegetables and other processed diets were classified as healthy include:

Raisins, grapes, prunes, bananas, cantaloupe, watermelon, fresh apples or pears, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, blueberries, peaches or apricots or plums, tomatoes, tomato juice, tomato sauce, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, carrots, mixed vegetables, yellow or winter squash, eggplant or zucchini, yams or sweet potatoes, spinach cooked, spinach raw, kale or mustard orchard greens, iceberg or head lettuce, romaine or leaf lettuce, celery, mushrooms, beets, alfalfa sprouts, garlic, corn, nuts, peanut butter, string beans, tofu or soybeans, beans or lentils, peas or lima beans, vegetable oil used for cooking, tea, coffee, decaffeinated coffee.

So as always, our comment section below is wide open for your ideas and suggestions on how to beat COVID naturally at a time when more and more information is coming out that COVID and the vax were part of a gigantic military operation. More proof of genocide being carried out before our eyes? With Democrats also using COVID to ENCOURAGE massive mail in voting in the 2020 election, absolutely ripe for fraud, and the globalists depopulation agenda, aka 'genocide,' now going on full speed ahead, as Dr. Vernon Coleman warns in the final video below, never before have we been in so much danger.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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