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July 29, 2023

Analyzing The Mythology And Lies Of Today While Examining How They Attempt To Enforce Such Myths Upon The American People: Believe The Myth Or Lose It All

Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

In the middle of April last year ANP published a column of mine speaking of mythology and my views on portions of that very common concept; a recommended good practice would be to go back over that one to obtain some background on my mindset regarding myth and mythology. Our standard definitions source Merriam-Webster defines mythology as an allegorical narrative including the body of myths and mythos and a popular belief or assumption that has grown up around someone or something. A few synonyms include Folklore, Legend, Lore, Tradition and so forth. Wikipedia mentions on Myth that in a broader sense they refer to any traditional story, popular misconception or imaginary entity. While myth and folklore often overlap, they note that In colloquial use, "myth" can also be used of a collectively held belief that has no basis in fact, or any false story.This usage, which is oftenpejorative,arose from labelling the religious myths and beliefs of other cultures as incorrect, but it has spread to cover non-religious beliefs as well. There is obviously far more to it than that mentioned above, but will suffice for our usage in this column.

Although highly associated with any given societies religious values and norms that may or may not be objectively true, we can also assume that they may be based on that societies historical record or understanding of their interpretation of that record often (almost always actually) modified over time through retelling, embellishment, fanciful renderings, inaccurate observations and so forth such as the stories of King Arthur and the knights of the Roundtable as a convenient example. If not overtly religious in nature such as describing some god and its dealings with lesser humans we can also plainly see that the more common ones in circulation now have risen to a religious fanaticism and associated fever pitch of defense and missionary like conversion actions or even military force to convert the unbelieving. Although it is not our intention to go over in this particular column the intricacies and details of those I want to eventually cover, we may mention simply and cover lightly some to help in our understanding of the thrust of todays exercise.

In Britannicas definition of Myth they bring out the idea that myth is a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that ostensibly relates actual events and that is especially associated with religious belief. They mention one thing that stood out to me initially as it differed from other narratives in that they suggest that myths are separate from symbolic behavior and objects such as ritual and idols even though they specifically state the symbolic nature of them; therefore I disagree with that comment as symbology is not only inherent but the very cause of many of those things. It is in the distinctions between myths that are true or just fiction rattled on about some idea, god, historical figure or event or whatever subjects the myth is directly supporting. Or perhaps non-directly supporting I should add as so many of todays myths would fall into that category as irrational associations are inherent in the very fabric of so many of them.

The psychiatrist Carl Jung said that myth is a necessary portion of the human psyche because it helps to find meaning and order in the world when he wrote The psyche, as a reflection of the world and man, is a thing of such infinite complexity that it can be observed and studied from a great many sides. It faces us with the same problem that the world does: because a systematic study of the world is beyond our powers, we have to content ourselves with mere rules of thumb and with aspects that particularly interest us. Everyone makes for himself his own segment of world and constructs his own private system, often with air-tight compartments, so that after a time it seems to him that he has grasped the meaning and structure of the whole. But the finite will never be able to grasp the infinite. That is an astute, appropriate and even poignant concept to understand if we really want to somewhat grasp the nature and histories and attractions of the many and varied myths that flood our daily lives in this day and age. The very concept of something far greater and more powerful than we would tend to give direction or even protection in the very tumultuous world that we find ourselves locked in. The holy, the difficult to understand, the mysterious tend to be powerful protections to psychological reactions to the appearances that our current world gives us just as the reactions to the universe and environment that underlies all religion from the beginning of time.

And with all of this we should not forgo the usages of mythologies in our political systems along with so many of our other daily associations and systems. The more obvious to even a casual observer includes examples such as all democrats are communist revolutionaries simply because so many high ranking ones actually are, or that somehow anyone that appears to be driving evil in the world is mysteriously somehow a Jew or that all symbolism seems to be related to Masonic ones or that some Roman emperor that wanted to unite his empire took remnants of various religions including the Christian one (as an aside I note how closely that comment relates to Islam) that was so popular at that time and seemed to be undermining his authority to govern and created his own religion based on his distorted ideas (the source of the Nicene Creed) to remold God in his image in order to control that newly created religion. Very interesting that we just mentioned three religions (or four if the left is considered a religion, which I do) which seems to help confirm the idea that mythology is inherently religious in nature. That idea is rampant in the definitions read while researching this column, but if not originally religious in nature most myths do take on that mantel of association with godhood to embellish the acceptability factor immensely. Oh, and by the way, yes I am most defiantly Christian but do not hold the Nicene views as absolute which seems to be required by so many of todays organizations and official dogmas. I prefer to study and try to understand the more original translations of the Bible and what was intended, not what was arbitrarily ordained to be THE understandings to be considered Christian by a non-Christian monarch as the world at large sees fit to demand. I believe that this clarification is required to perhaps better understand the positions that are presented in this and future columns dealing with mythologies and aberrations of them as my point of views are inherently imbedded as that is the only way I know to convey them. And we can use the above as an example of describing a current myth that is generally accepted as absolute even though if researched it is plainly myth and not unconditional truth. I suppose I should go hand myself in so that the judgments can be rendered and then relegate me to the outer fringes of acceptable and proscribed thought while banning me from cultural gatherings. Dont worry; the full digital detailing of your life will do that regardless as has been witnessed in not only China and many other nations including this one and will only get far worse as systems are completed and implemented.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser:The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago,"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But,with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us,"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

World History web site gives a quote from Joseph Campbell that may nicely sum up what has been presented so far when he asks What is the secret of the timeless vision? From what profundity of the mind does it derive? Why is mythology everywhere the same, beneath its varieties of costume? And what does it teach? and they reply myths teach meaning. Mythology explains, empowers, stabilizes, and elevates the life of a believer from a mundane existence to one imbued with eternal meaning. On the most basic level, a myth explains a phenomenon, tradition, place-name, or geological formation but it can also elevate a past event to epic and even supernatural significance and, most importantly, provide a role model for one's individual journey through life. That is sufficient as it succinctly describes the basics of Mythology.

I suppose that this may be as good of a time as any to bring up some current myths that have taken on an air of religion by many in order to better illustrate the concepts we have been discussing in a more realistic or actual rather than intellectual manner. While not rendering those that would take a full column or even a book or more to explain, lets look at some seemingly or relatively inconsequential ones for clarity. We could use the debatable authority of the medical institutions, private, governmental or inconclusive in nature, and show that it is not acceptable to tell the truth about the evils they promote that kills so many, and then also relate how so many of those in day to day practice or medicine really do have your best interests at heart and not just killing you for federal dollars and radical leftist NWO points. The myth being that all powerful medical systems are inherently evil or the other side of the myth that all practitioners are of good heart and trustworthy. Both are myths based on realities that are not only debatable but provable; the realities are that the basis of those myths is in the public domain as proven facts as has been shown in ANP and many other news sources over and over again and discredits the myth that all medical, whether NGO, hospital systems, doctors, researchers, medication manufacturers and so on are above any petty fakery or a lust for power and money that could be equated accurately with the same type of lusts that politicians have.

Another myth taken as fact by so many is that Joe Biden somehow garnered eighty one million votes, that when taken with votes for other candidates amounts to far more votes than can be rationally explained or expected. It is against the religion of politics and the religion of leftist power brokers to assume that somehow our mighty elections systems may have been intruded upon as it is sacrosanct to our democracy that the holy elections are never tampered with, in spite of the cruel and highly irregular proven histories that prove just that. Anyone that defies this tenant of the official religion is under condemnation of the powers that enforce those religious articles such as the FBI, DOJ, the mainstream media, the keepers of the unabashed truth as told by those seeking power and fortune from stealing anything and anyway they possibly can the means to obtain their hearts desires. If you protest, you are not a real American anymore and are subject to ridicule, Salem Witch style prosecutions and imprisonment, federal scrutiny of immense proportions, removal of your income and wealth and even liberty for denying the actuality that the Biden regime is in office through a literal coup dtat by the high priests in charge of that official doctrine. Believe the myth or lose it all.

Another myth with many variations is that somehow Russia bombed its own pipeline, or that Norway or even Ukraine bombed it. It seems that although it is not of significant status in the official or proscribed scheme of things, that action has taken on immense proportions and scrabble to somehow prove that it was not the USA that destroyed it. All to no avail as the flight data systems prove that a US P8 Poseidon flew across the drink to refuel over Germany/Poland and then went on an obvious bombing run (even bumping up in altitude when the very heavy air launched torpedoes were let go) also seen and tracked then flew back to the USA. We know we did it, the Russians know we did it but the official mythology mandates that we dont know who did the dastardly deed and that we keep coming up with ridiculous theories to cover the actuality of it all. Perhaps the thrust of it is to stave off Russian retaliation as we directly attack Russia in increasingly bold maneuvers and actions hoping that somehow the possibility, or rather the probability of a nuclear confrontation can be avoided in this war of escalations. Repent and say five Hail Barries (in honor of the Kenyan of course) to absolve yourself of guilt and incurring the wrath of a looming radiation disease. And, lest we forget to mention it, believe the myth that we dont know who bombed that damned pipeline. Or bombed that bridge connecting Russia to Crimea, or launched missiles into Russia itself, or attacked the Russian nuclear enrichment faculty taking care of all of that uranium and plutonium the Witch and mafia boss Hilary gave them from our reserves. No, it is not in the approved mythology to suspect incorrect doctrine, rituals and procedures on our part.

ANP Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.

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