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September 15, 2019
Americans Are Arming Up In Huge Numbers, Driven By Self-Protection & Politicians Pushing 'Gun Grabs', With Communist-Socialist Government's The Biggest Mass Murderers In History
According to this study on 'Democide', 'death by government' is one of the leading causes of death in world history.
With Sheriff's all across America claiming they won't enforce any new un-Constitutional gun grab laws enacted in our country or within their states with at least 20 county sheriff's in the far-left state of Washington leading the wayafter Washington state voters passed several new gun laws that went against the US Constitution, the Democrat debate on Thursday night quickly showed America the way things will go should 'Robert Francis O'Rourke' (or possibly any Democrat win the presidency in 2020) with O'Rourke insanely spouting words that some Law Enforcement officials have warned could lead to a bloodbath in America: "Hell yes, we're gonna take your AR-15".
With O'Rourke quite possibly inciting people to commit violence with that totalitarian claim, what one commenter on this Daily Mail story compared to "Yelling fire in a crowded movie theatre", Texas state Congressman Brisco Cain was hearing nothing of 'Beto's' remarks, firing back at the obvious 'beta-male' on twitter: "My AR is ready for you, Robert Francis."
If you haven't yet seen that video, we've embedded it as the first video at the bottom of this story and as Heng rips AOC and other leftists pushing socialism in America to shreds, she warns us that socialism seemingly always brings 'forced obedience' and massive starvation,leading to death tolls as high as some of those caused by the most deadly diseases in history and reminding us of why our Founding Fathers wisely created the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution in the first place.
And with the left now pushing for 'socialism' in America, though 'Communism' is what it really is, we are not the least bit surprised that Americans are once again arming up in near record numbers as heard in the 3rd video at the bottom of this story, with 'Beto's' own remarks assuring that tens of thousands more Americans will be buying their AR-15's and AK-47's while they still can in preparation of defending their families from the kind of insane and out of control 'government by force' that Democrats want to bring in to America.
The machinations of an illiberal left, on display in its ever-increasing violence accompanied by the ululations of a propagandist media in contravention of an imaginary white supremacist right, have riven the nation into diametrically opposed camps. The right will never accept socialism, while the left will accept nothing less.
Trump Wins
Those on the left will not allow a Trump victory, even should he win the popular vote and the Electoral College. They are used to getting what they want and like spoiled brats, have learned that tantrums work.
Should Donald Trump prevail in his bid for a second term, the left will go insane, deploying every insurance policy weapon at their disposal to negate four more years of the Orange Man. What Obama, Comey, and Brennan et al. did to Trump in his first term will seem mild in comparison to what the left is planning should he win.
Antifa, the military arm of the Democratic Party, has not spent the last three years practicing and organizing merely to sit on the sidelines. They have used the interregnum to mobilize and learn tactics, while probing to find what government will allow, media will trumpet, and the public will endure.
The skirling resistance has morphed from pajama-boy blobs of perpetually offended little dictators and pussy-hat sporting shriekers into balaclava-wearing avengers who crave the opportunity to put deplorables in their place and give them the government they deserve good and hard. They will flood the streets after a Trump victory in their Antifa costumes looking to bust the heads of anyone near enough to become part of their 15 minutes of YouTube fame.
It will start in the cities -- the Democrat-run cities, of course -- where the political leadership will provide them a measure of protection against identification and arrest. Seattle, Portland, LA, San Francisco, NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, and Baltimore, among others, will become flashpoints of unrest.
The riots will be portrayed by the media and the Democrats as a groundswell of support for deposing a racist president. They will bemoan the necessity of the violence, destruction, and loss of life, but remind Americans that the people have spoken. Some among the Antifa will be championed. In lockstep, both the New York Times and the Washington Post will run headlines calling them: The New Founding Fathers. People who fight back will quickly grow in number -- even as the media label them white supremacists. Blood will be spilled.
China, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela will plead for calm and offer to mediate the evolving humanitarian crisis
And as the American Thinker story also reported, should President Trump lose and any one of the totalitarian, socialist, wanna-be dictators instead take the reigns in America, promising to complete the left's demolition of the US Constitution and take away Americans guns and free speech among other rights, such a situation could quite easily devolve into one of mass bloodshed with very few Americans ready to cave to a dictatorial, totalitarian government. Especially with such government's well known for slaughtering their own people in mass numbers. There's a reason for the phrase 'death by government'. Once again, from the American Thinker story.:
Trump Loses
The right will never believe the Democrats didnt cheat their way to victory; in addition to understanding that a Democratic President will undemocratically implement policies by executive order that are inimical to their interests and desires.
Many on the right are weary of leaders who prioritize good press over good policy, and who prefer losing gracefully over winning ugly. They believe they did build that and that they have not yet made enough money and are fed up with being portrayed as ignorant and evil just because of political disagreements. Eight years of Obama and three years of watching his slow-motion coup have made them angry.
Tone-deaf to this silent majority and emboldened by victory, the new president will borrow Barrys pen and phone and start issuing executive orders throwing open our borders, banning fossil fuels, and of course, implementing common sense gun control. Buoyed by media, the new president will start with universal background checks and a gun registry.
Eventually, the president will overreach, signing an order for gun confiscation, euphemistically called, mandatory buybacks. Antifa and their ilk will flood the streets in support of seizing these weapons of war. Media will declare, Its the will of the people.
And for the right, that will be the last straw (plastic or paper).
The left doesnt understand that every gun owner is a single-issue-voter; millions will refuse to give up their guns. And, many gun owners in this country will not go meekly into the night, there will be rage against what they will see as a usurpation of their constitutional rights.
Confiscation will go well at first, with gun owners in the cities acquiescing to the knock on the door in the middle of the night and the intimidation of, Papers please.
But in flyover country, a different scenario will play out. Most gun owners will hide their weapons and most local police departments will accept that, not wanting to jail their neighbors. Resistance will be broad, perhaps encompassing hundreds of millions of Americans. Barack Obama, for once in the dismal history of his efforts to kill the America we love, will be proven correct. Americans do cling to their guns.
The media will call it white supremacy, but a still unregulated internet will be rife with videos of an out of control government battling its own citizens.
The president will call for mobilizing the National Guard. Some governors will refuse, and army units now overseas will be sent home to deal with the growing unrest. Mistakes will be made and there will be gunfire in the streets; people will die on both sides. The president will desperately call for martial law.
Many Army, National Guard, and police will defect, or desert, or simply refuse orders.
Reporting also that 14% of Republicans and 20% of Independents polled agree with those 1/3 of Democrats, the NRA has recently sued the city and county of San Francisco, California for voting to declare it a 'domestic terror organization', filing a lawsuit asking the court "to instruct elected officials that freedom of speech means you cannot silence or punish those with whom you disagree."
And while it's quite easy to blame the dumbed down younger generations in America today for not doing their history lessons while they insanely push for socialism, as William B. Stoecker had reported in this March 23rd ANP story, 'socialist indoctrination' has been ongoing in American schools from the elementary level up to the university level for many, many years, leaving most of America's younger generation completely indoctrinated into insanely believing that simply criticizing Socialism or Islam is 'racism'.
So with Beto O'Rourke and his failing presidential candidacy leading the way in showing Americans what may come should he or another radical leftist be elected President, and his belief's on the 2nd Amendment echoing those held by many now on the left with 1/3 of them believing the NRA to be a 'domestic terrorist organization', we should get ready for absolutely anything in the following 2+ years with 2020 sure to bring America to a huge confrontation point and seemingly no 'middle ground' with the left surely rejecting any President Trump re-election and hundreds of millions of Americans prepared to reject 'socialism' and the 'forced obedience', 'mass starvation' and 'death by government' that inevitably comes with 'socialism'.
In the 2nd video below, a video posted to this ANP story comment section by 'Deplorable D' titled "Innocents Betrayed The True Story of Gun Control WorldWide Graphic Images by JPFO ORG", we see what inevitably happens when a totalitarian government attempts to disarm its citizens and to warn you, it's not pretty. And just think, if 'Beto' the 'beta-male' has his way, this may be coming to America.
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