Velisek's story was published weeks before far-left comedian Bill Maher recently issued a similar such warning on his "Real Time with Bill Maher" talk show as Mac Slavo over at SHTFPlan reports in this new story, with Maher actually going on his show and stating that Americans will need to learn to live with each other or there will be blood. Warning that he's been hearing more and more about another Civil War possibly ahead in our nation with America seemingly never more divided than we are right now, as the Washington Times reports in this new story, Maher actually had a pretty realistic reason why he believed another Civil War in America was probable.
Lately weve been hearing more and more about a second Civil War, which sounds impossible in this modern affluent country. It is not, said the Real Time with Bill Maher host.
We all talk about Trump as an existential threat, but his side sees Democratic control of government the exact same way. And when both sides believe the other guy taking over means the end of the world, yes, you can have a civil war, Mr. Maher continued.
But with most Democrats still believing the mainstream media and their never-ending lies about 'Russian collusion', and the 'impeachment scam' helping to show why America is so divided with the masses still blinded by lies, as we had reported in this October 26th ANP story, America may soon arrive at a point in time when only Bob Barr and the Department of Justice might be able to stop another civil war from breaking out in this country by finally 'feeding truth to the dumbed down masses' though most are already being 'programmed' to ignore the truth when it finally comes out.
In a new story over at The American Spectator titled "A Republic, But Only If We Can Keep It", they report upon how the 2nd Civil War in America could begin and and while we'll continue to pray for peace in this country and for the truth about this attempted Democrat coup to emerge, any government which attempts to impose their will upon the 'Will of the American people' has clearly forgotten what 'Liberty' is and just WHO it is they are supposed to serve.
And while Democrats believe themselves to be the majority because they inhabit America's largest population hubs 'en masse' as seen in the 2016 election map above, most don't realize how truly a small minority they are with most of the rest of the entire nation of America a sea of red and growing more and more angry by the day by a Democrat ruling class who insanely believes themselves to be above the rule of law.
Yet they let Democrats quite literally get away with murder, just as a state-controlled media would do under full-scale communism, and as the Daily Caller reported in this recent story, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised with NBC, ABC and CBS running cover for the global elite's most powerful 'rape rings' that included Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and who knows how many sitting members of the Democrat party.So we take a look below at this extended excerpt from The American Spectator story.:
In view of the partisan mess that our country is now because the press and about half of the political establishment want to topple a duly elected president, we should all bear in mind a second aspect of Franklins famous answer that often goes unnoticed: its use of the singular indefinite article, A Republic, or in the words of the Pledge of Allegiance, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. But only if you can keep it.
Today it is increasingly in doubt whether one nation indivisible is something we can keep. We live in different worlds, depending upon our sources of information. The late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, Everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not his own facts. How quaint and old-fashioned that seems; today both sides live in different realities created by CNN and MSNBC, or Fox News and Sean Hannity.
My father told me that he and my mother had a deal: We would discuss decisions, but if we couldnt agree, she would make all of the little decisions and I would make all the big ones. After 45 years of marriage, he continued, we have not had to make any big decisions, but if we ever do, I intend to make them. I chuckled, nodded and went on with my life as a clueless teenager. Years later I understood: in a marriage as in a nation there arent many big decisions that are worth putting the union itself at risk over.
A letter in Lincolns handwriting hangs on the wall of the Wadsworth Atheneum museum in Hartford. Lincoln personally was opposed to slavery, but in reply to abolitionist editor Horace Greeley, Lincoln maintained that even abolishing slavery was not worth sacrificing the union: My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.
I dont agree with Lincoln that saving the union was more important than abolishing slavery, but then, he is one of our greatest presidents and his letter shows how important he considered preserving our republic as a single nation.
As we consider the impeachment of Donald Trump, I hope that both sides will keep their grievances in perspective and remember that it is only a Republic if we can keep it. Or in the lingo that millennials understand, Democracy means sharing a country with assles you cant stand. Thank you for that, Bill Maher. Ben Franklin and Abe Lincoln are nodding and smiling.
As Adams reports, ever since the 2016 election and the birth of the 'resistance' within the Democrat party, we've witnessed outright and blatant hatred of anyone Christian, pro-Trump or Conservative, with 2016 bringing America a true look at the left's hateful colors and as Adams also points out, these people who hate us also want to take away our means to defend ourselves from them. Talk about 'leftist insanity'. From Adams' story.:
Since the 2016 election, Leftists have become lawless, heartless hatemongers steeped in unprecedented self delusion. While the tech giants, for example, ban conservative journalists from speaking online, they simultaneously announce support for their Protect Press Freedom movement, having zero clue that they are the ones destroying the freedom of the independent press in the first place.
At the same time, Beto Robert ORourke promised that if he were elected President, he would send armed government agents on a door-to-door mission to confiscate citizens guns at gunpoint, rendering citizens defenseless against the crime wave of illegals that Democrats allow to keep pouring into the country (so they can all be given the right to vote for more Democrats, a process of population gerrymandering).
Leftists now physically attack MAGA hat wearers and conservative personalities in public restaurants, unleashing their vitriol and violence on sight, acting out the intense hate-powered brainwashing of the left-wing media that spews daily hatred as a kind of political currency.
In the House of Representatives, Democrats are running an impeachment fiasco that, from the start, plotted to deprive the President of the United States basic due process rights that are universally present even in traffic court. If the Democrats are unwilling to allow the President to enjoy his rights under the rule of law, what chance does a powerless citizen have of experiencing anything resembling due process or a fair trial in a Democrat-run court system?
Just imagine the outcry we'd be hearing from Democrats and the mainstream media if all of that was reversed! And as Adams also points out in his story, while Democrats and big tech attempt to silence and negate anything Christian, Conservative or pro-Trump, they're pushing all-out crazy all across America!
Meanwhile, the left-wing pedophiles and perverts are coming for your children with pedophilia indoctrination programs called Drag Queen Story Hour, now featured at your local public library or grade school event. At these events, open-crotched, skirt-wearing perv men flash their genitalia at young children while progressive parents cheer their tolerance while chemically castrating their children with puberty-blocking pharmaceuticals so they can parade their infertile, permanently maimed children in front of their friends at progressive social gatherings.
This is what the deranged, lawless Left has become in America today: A mob of lunatics, tyrants, sickos, perverts and criminals. They have become so steeped in evil and delusion that they now deny the human dignity of all conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters, believing that such people deserve no right to speak and no right to exist in our modern, technology-driven society.
And they are out to destroy all conservatives by:
Silencing all their online speech.
Removing them from positions in academia.
Eliminating them from influential corporations and corporate boards. Denying them the right to engage in commercial transactions or raise money through donations.
Denying them the right to participate in fair and free elections.
Denying them the right to exist as a person by defending themselves against false, malicious smears of the radical Left.
Denying them personal safety in public spaces by accosting and assaulting them in public.
We are now witnessing the purge of all conservatism from society, all run by left-wing lunatics who somehow consider themselves to be tolerant and progressive while they are carrying out a coordinated campaign to silence and destroy all those with whom they disagree. Obedience is the new tolerance, and freedom is the enemy of obedience.
In the 1st video below, videographer Tim Pool breaks down Bill Maher's recent Civil War warning, coming at a time when Americans across the country are preparing to meet and greet relatives who may not have the same political ideas and information as each other, with Thanksgiving supposed to be a time of great Thanks for all of the blessings that we have been given potentially turning into massive family nightmare's nationwide.
And in the 2nd and final video below, Mike Adams takes a look at the possibility that America could now be headed for decades of darkness no matter who wins the 2020 election and no matter how the Democrats attempted impeachment turns out with America quickly being herded down a dark path of global despair.
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