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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

April 18, 2024

Cases Of 'Medical Murder' Explode In America - This Is By Design As Globalists Work As Fast As They Can To Cull The Planet's Population Before They're Held Accountable For Genocide

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

According to this April 11th story over at the website American Greatness, 'medical murder' is the #1 cause of death in the United States, and while you might think that a tremendous series of 'errors' are what have been what led to those horrifying statistics, the truth is, this is by design.

Reporting that long before COVID arrived on the scene, even theCDC had recognized that medical malpractice was the third leading cause of death in the country, with nationwide deaths from heart diseases at over 700,000,cancers at over 600,000whilemedical malpractice deaths amounted to over 400,000 each year, as their story bluntly warned:

Think about it. People are too expensive; the planet doesnt have enough resources. If Satan is successful at selling these lies, what we see happening in real time fits like a glove.

Reporting also this mind-blowing stat, that during the COVID era, the United States was #1 in 'hospital deaths' with India a distant second, with the US suffering over 1,200,000 'hospital murders' in only 39 months, whileIndia and their 4X the population as the US suffered only 530,000 deaths, as their story also bluntly warned, what it all comes down to is 'people' being 'too expensive' to keep alive, with a whopping 135 million Americans either on Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid and those costs making up over 50% of the US federal budget.

Making up an average annual cost of over $35,000 per person, we've reported on ANP time and time again over the past 10 years that the US govt and the globalists truly believe that the planet is hugely overpopulated, so that they believe they must 'do something about it,' and one could argue that's exactly what we're now watching playing out before our eyes. From that story before we continue.:

The plot thickens when you see that Medicare and Medicaid rules were relaxed during COVID, adding 38,000,000 Americans to this bureaucracy. Why? Following the pattern set by the Rockefellers (their pharmaceuticals caused cancer, so they funded the American Cancer Society), the government behind COVID (spoiler alert: America) wanted its citizens to have free medical coverage, to give the impression of helping.

The reality is beginning to hit us now. Most of these individuals got the bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. There is currently a 24% increase in all-cause mortality in the jabbed. Cancer rates are skyrocketing. What do you think the free medical coverage will do to these people next?

Taking a longer view, Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the countrys most influential bioethicists and a prime architect of Obamacare, wrote as far back as 1996 that health care services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) determines the standards of care for the entire country. Doctors and nurses hide behind standards of care as their excuse to kill us while being paid to do so. To be fair, some have little idea they are doing the dirty work, blinded by medical programming. To boot, state statutes written long before COVID give legal immunity for following standards of care.

I want to be blunt. Standards of care are designed to hasten death, and hastening death is murder.

(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)

With cancer rates absolutely skyrocketing in the United States, especially among young people as was reported in this April 9th story over at the NY Post, and that story having reported a 'highly troubling new study' had determined these skyrocketing cancer rates were due to what they're calling 'accelerated aging' in those who not too long ago were 'young and healthy,' as we'd warned in this April 10th story on ANP, never ONCE did they blame 'the vax' they unleashed upon the public for these exploding numbers of cases of cancer.

Yet according to Dr. William Makis MD, he had never seen anything like this before.And while the website Vaccine Research Hub claims that merely the term 'turbo cancer' is a 'fake term' used to 'scare people' away from taking these COVID shots, as Dr. Makis warned just days ago on April 17th,TURBO CANCER studies and literature are now growing rapidly, with 6 new COVID-19 Vaccine Turbo Cancer papers published in April 2024 alone. As Dr. Makis warns us, the dam is breaking and it will take Pfizer & Moderna with it.

With other oncologists also sounding the alarm, as this story over at Health First DC reports, these cancers are growing so rapidly, especially amongst young people under the age of 30, in pregnant women and in young children who've gotten more than one COVID vax, they are usually at stage 3 or stage 4 before they are diagnosed even though symptoms only appear days or weeks before diagnosis. From Dr. Makis.:


(2024 Apr, Zhang and El-Deiry) - SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 subunit inhibits p53 activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells

(2024 Apr, Rubio-Casillas et al) - Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?

(2024 Apr, Gibo et al) - Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan

(2023 Dec, Angues et al) - SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis

(2023 Nov, Patrick Chambers) - The CD147 Epitope on SARS CoV2 and the Spike in Cancer, Autoimmunity and Organ Fibrosis

(2023 Oct, Speicher et al) - DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events.

(2023 Sep, McKernan et al) - Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose

(2023 May, Uversky, Redwan, Makis, Rubio-Casillas) - IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

(2023 May, Eens et al) - B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma following intravenous BNT162b2 mRNA booster in a BALB/c mouse: A case report

(2023 Apr, Halma, Rose, Lawrie) - The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review

(2023 March, Guetzkow et al) - National Academies Committee on Review of Relevant Literature Regarding Adverse Events Associated with Vaccines

(2022 May, Jiang et al) - SARSCoV2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro (Retracted)

(2022 Apr, Seneff et al) - Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs

(2022 Feb, Alden et al) - Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line

(2020 Oct, Singh) - S2 Subunit of SARS-nCoV-2 Interacts with Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 and BRCA: an In Silico Study

So while we can almost guarantee that we'll never get the truth about any of this from the mainstream media nor from the 'medical establishment,' as long as there are courageous medical doctors such as Dr. William Makis, MD, willing to stick their necks out to tell us what we'll never get from the mainstream media, US government nor globalists, we've got a chance that we'll be able to get through this.

Though as Anthony Emmanuelli had warned in this ANP story earlier today, the dam has been broken open and a mass tsunami of death has arrived upon our shores. And while we definitely hope that he is incorrect and the vax WILL NOT eventually maim and kill all of those who received at least two doses, especially with family members of ours having gotten jabs of that mRNA, as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche had warned in this April 2nd article over at Slay News, it would only be a matter of time before a massive tsunami of chaos and death was going to decimate our planet Earth," and he is one of the top virologists in the world,

So with this all seemingly aligning with the absolutely bizarre 'forecast' numbers that we've been reporting on ANP for the Deagel Corporation for America's 2025 population, forecast numbers ranging between 69 million and 99 million, down WAY over 200 million people from our population numbers of well over 300 million, those numbers, should we hit them, would be solid proof that very real genocide has been carried out upon us. Govt. sponsored medical mass murder carried out before our blinded eyes.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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Checks or money orders made payable to Stefan Stanford or Susan Duclos can be sent to:

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McHenry, MD. 21541


Anything at all at Amazon purchased through this ANP link will allow ANP to make a bit of revenue, all of which will be used to keep ANP online and to keep a roof over our heads.
And just in case you haven't prepared for the madness sure to be ahead, some suggestions.:



Porter & York - Whole Chickens 6-pack

Kansas City Sampler Steak Set - 2 Filet Mignon and 2 Strip Steaks

Chicago Steak Meal Set Includes Savory Ribeye, Top Sirloin Steak, Angus Steak Burgers, & Lemon Herb Chicken Breasts

Maine Lobster Now - 2 Pounds Fresh Maine Lobster Meat

Aged Angus Filet Mignon Top Sirloin NY Strip Ribeye and Premium Ground Beef by Nebraska Star Beef - All Natural Hand Cut and Trimmed - Steak Gift Packages Delivered to Your Door

Bison Burgers & Steaks Combo Pack: 100% All-Natural, Grass-Fed and Grain Finished North American Bison Meat with no Growth Hormones or Antibiotics - USDA Tested - 14 Piece of Tender, Flavorful Meat

H.F.'s Outstanding All Natural Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast, 40 Ounce

Porter & York, Prime Beef Bone In Ribeye Steaks 20oz 4-pack

Porter & York Brand Meats - Prime Beef Boneless Ribeye Steak 16oz 4-pack

T-Bone Steaks, 6 count 16 oz each from Kansas City Steaks

Angus Wagyu Ground Beef Patties By Nebraska Star Beef - The Ultra Premium Package for Family Grilling Events

Freeze Dried Foods:

Wise Company Long Term Emergency Freeze-Dried Food Supply, Breakfast and Entree Variety

MRE Meals - 124-Serving Freeze Dried Emergency Food Supply

Long Term Dehydrated Food Storage - 120 Large Entree Servings - 29 Lbs- Disaster Prepper Freeze Dried Supply Kit

Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Emergency Freeze Dried Fruit Bucket, 120 Servings

Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Meat Variety, 15-Year Shelf Life, 60 Servings

Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Variety Pack, 25-Year Shelf Life, 104 Servings

Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Vegetables, 120 Servings

Mountain House Classic Bucket | Freeze Dried Backpacking & Camping Food | 24 Servings

Mountain House Diced Beef #10 Can Freeze Dried Food - 6 Cans Per Case

Mountain House Cooked Diced Chicken #10 Can

Augason Farms Lunch and Dinner Variety Pail Emergency Food Supply 4-Gallon Pail

Augason Farms Breakfast Emergency Food Supply 11 lbs 1.8 oz 4 Gallon Pail

Fruit pails or buckets shipping now for 2 to 3 weeks, so might want to
pick individual cans/packets HERE.

PB2 Original Powdered Peanut Butter - [2 Lb/32oz Jar]

Augason Farms Vegetable Stew Blend 2 lbs 0.5 oz No. 10 Can

It's Just - Whole Egg Protein Powder, Made in USA, Non-GMO (8oz)

Augason Farms 5-90158 Scrambled Egg Mix, 2 lbs, 4 oz. No. 10 Can

Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Product 2 lbs 1 oz No. 10 Can

Hoosier Hill Farm All American Dairy Whole Milk Powder 1 lb

Hoosier Hill Farm Heavy Cream Powder Jar, 1 Pound

Hoosier Hill Farm Real Butter powder, Gluten and, 2 lbs

Augason Farms Dehydrated Chopped Onions 1 lb 7 oz No. 10 Can

Nutristore Freeze Dried Mozzarella Cheese Shredded Premium Quality

Amazon Search 'Flour'

Canned/Packaged Goods:

Wellsley Farms White Premium Chunk Chicken Breast in Water, 12.5 Ounce, 6 Count

Keystone Meats All Natural Canned Chicken, 28 Ounce by Keystone Meats

Swanson Chicken la King Made with White and Dark Meat Chicken, 10.5 Ounce Can (Pack of 12)

Dinty Moore Beef Stew with Fresh Potatoes & Carrots 20 oz (Pack of 12)

Armour Star Classic Homestyle Beef Stew, 20 oz. (Pack of 12)

Keystone Meats All Natural Canned Beef, 28 Ounce

SAMPCO Shredded Beef 3lb.

Kirkland Signature Chicken Breast (Chicken Breast -6 Count)

Keystone Meats All Natural Canned Pork, 28 Ounce

Armour Star Roast Beef With Gravy, 12 oz.

Armour Star Banner Sausage, Easy Open Can, 10.5 oz. (Pack of 12)

Wild Planet Skipjack Wild Tuna, Sea Salt, Keto and Paleo, 3rd Party Mercury Tested, 5 Ounce (Pack of 12)

Armour Star Luncheon Meat, 12 oz. (Pack of 12)

Canned Vegetables Variety Of Options

Canned Fruits Variety Of Options




Cleaning - Disinfectant:

Clorox Commercial Solutions Clorox Clean-Up All Purpose Cleaner with Bleach - Original, 128 Ounce Refill Bottle, 4 Bottles/Case

Glissen Chemical Nu-Foamicide EPA Registered 1-Gal All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate, Makes 32 Gallons of Disinfectant/Detergent/Food-Contact Sanitizer/Virucide, Industrial Commercial Grade

Hospital Grade Bulk Disinfecting Bathroom Sanitizer by Comet Professional, Multi-Purpose Spray Cleaner with Bleach Wipes up Pathogens for Commercial Use, 32 oz. (Case of 8)

SC Johnson Professional WINDEX Multi-Surface & Disinfectant Cleaner Refill, 1 gallon (Pack of 4)

RMR-141 Disinfectant and Cleaner, Kills 99% of Household Bacteria and Viruses, Fungicide Kills Mold & Mildew, EPA Registered, 1 Gallon Bottle

Care Touch Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizing Wipes (5 Pouches) | 100 Antibacterial Hand Wipes Wipes with Vitamin E + Aloe Vera | for Babies and Adults

70% Alcohol Hand Sanitizer GEL With Aloe Vera - 1 Half Gallon Refill by Nature's Oils

Hand Sanitizer Gel (24 Pack - 2oz Bottle) - 75% Alcohol - Kills 99.99% of Germs - Scent Free Antibacterial Gel with Vitamin E & Aloe for Moisturizing in Mini 2 Ounce Bottles

Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap, Cruelty Free and Biodegradable Formula, Honeysuckle Scent, 12.5 oz- Pack of 3

SWAN 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution First Aid Antiseptic, 32 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 12), 384 Fl Oz

Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution, 32 Ounce (3 Pack)

Isopropyl Alcohol

Non-Food Items:

Tork Universal TM1616S Bath Tissue Roll, 2-Ply, 4" Width x 3.75" Length, White (Case of 96 Rolls, 500 per Roll, 48,000 Sheets)

Amazon Brand - Solimo 2-Ply Toilet Paper, 350 Sheets per Roll, 30 Count

Angel Soft Professional Series Premium 2-Ply Embossed Toilet Paper by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), 16880, 450 Sheets Per Roll, 80 Rolls Per Case

Kleenex Professional Facial Tissue for Business (03076), Flat Tissue Boxes, 12 Boxes / Convenience Case, 125 Tissues / Box

Sparkle 2-Ply Perforated Roll Paper Towels by GP PRO (Georgia-Pacific), White, 2717714, 85 Sheets Per Roll, 15 Rolls Per Case

Scott Essential Multifold Paper Towels (01804) with Fast-Drying Absorbency Pockets, White, 16 Packs / Case, 250 Multifold Towels / Pack

PLENTY Ultra Premium Full Sheet Paper Towels, White, 15 Total Rolls

Kirkland Signature Extra Strength Acetaminophen 500MG Caplets (1000 Count)

Kirkland Signature Acid Controller 20mg, 250 Count Tablets

All Natural Acid Indigestion Relief 6 fl oz

Pepcid AC Maximum Strength with 20 mg Famotidine for All-Day Heartburn Prevention & Relief, 50 ct.

Pepcid Complete Acid Reducer + Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief, Berry Flavor, 50 ct.

Don't Forget Your Dogs & Cats

HAPPY HOWIE Natural Gourmet Meat Rolls Bundle Packs (Beef-Turkey-Lamb)

Purina Fancy Feast in Gravy Adult Canned Wet Cat Food


Honda EU2200i 2200-Watt 120-Volt Super Quiet Portable Inverter Generator

WEN 56203i Super Quiet 2000-Watt Portable Inverter Generator w/Fuel Shut Off, CARB Compliant, Ultra Lightweight

A-iPower SUA2000iV 2000 Watt Portable Inverter Generator Quiet Operation, Lightweight

Westinghouse WGen7500 Portable Generator with Remote Electric Start - 7500 Rated Watts & 9500 Peak Watts - Gas Powered - CARB Compliant - Transfer Switch Ready

Champion Power Equipment 76533 4750/3800-Watt Dual Fuel RV Ready Portable Generator with Electric Start

Champion Power Equipment 100692 2000-Watt Ultralight Portable Inverter Generator

Extension Cords:

Southwire 2588SW0002 Outdoor Extension Cord- 12/3 American Made SJTW Heavy Duty 3 Prong Extension Cord- Great for Commercial Use, Gardening, and Major Appliances ( 50 Foot- Yellow)

AmazonBasics 16/3 Vinyl Outdoor Extension Cord | Orange, 100-Foot

Solar Panel Kit:

ECO-WORTHY 1KW Complete Solar Panel System Kit with Battery and Inverter for Homes House Shed Farm

Items For your Power Outage Kit:

RunningSnail Solar Crank NOAA Weather Radio for Emergency with AM/FM, Flashlight, Reading Lamp and 2000mAh Power Bank (Green)

Service Survival Emergency Radio & NOAA Weather Radio | 2000mAh Hand Crank Radio & Battery Powered Radio AM/FM NOAA Solar Radio Weather Radio Weather Radio LED Flashlight USB Power Charger

GearLight LED Tactical Flashlight S1000 [2 PACK] - High Lumen, Zoomable, 5 Modes, Water Resistant, Handheld Light - Best Camping, Outdoor, Emergency, Everyday Flashlights

Energizer Max 9V Batteries, Premium Alkaline 9 Volt Batteries (8 Battery Count)

AmazonBasics D Cell 1.5 Volt Everyday Alkaline Batteries - Pack of 24

Energizer Max C Batteries, Premium Alkaline, 4 Ct, Packaging May Vary

Energizer AAA Batteries (48 Count), Triple A Max Alkaline Battery

2-in-1 First Aid Kit (348-Piece) 'Double-Sided Hardcase' + Bonus 32-Piece Mini Kit: Perfect for Home & Workplace Safety [50 Person Kit]


5-Way Powered Solar Hand Crank NOAA Weather Alert Radio,AM/FM Shortwave Survival Portable Outdoor Emergency Radio,2500mAh Rechargeable Battery Cellphone USB Charger, LED Camping Flashlight, SOS & Compass

Eton Elite Executive AM/FM/Aircraft Band/SSB/Shortwave Radio with RDS & Custom Leather Carry Cover, Model:NELITESATELLIT

Eton Elite, The Classic, Clear-Sounding AM/FM/LW/VHF/Shortwave with Single Side Band (SSB) Radio

BaoFeng UV-5R Dual Band Two Way Radio (Black)

Motorola Solutions T480 Talkabout Rechargeable Emergency Preparedness Two-Way Radio Single Unit (Red/White)

Ham Radio: The Ultimate Ham Radio Quickstart Guide - From Beginner to Expert (Ham Radio, Survival, Communication) Paperback

Tenway UV-5R Pro 8Watt Dual Band Two Way Radio with Ham Radio and Handheld Speaker Mic and NA-771 Antenna 6Pack and One USB Programming Cable

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