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January 2, 2016

FEMA Camps, Superbugs And Millions Of Coffins - Medical Experts Warn We're Heading Towards Apocalypse And Say We Are Losing The Battle


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Days ago, Tom Tancredo at Breitbart asked why so many 'old diseases' are back, decades after being totally wiped out in America. Telling us of an E. coli epidemic in 21 states, TB in New York and Virginia and leprosy of all diseases in New Hampshire, we see a new, less healthy America emerging in 2016 and continuous ringing warnings from medical experts of something much more deadly and potentially disastrous ahead of us. The recent Mirror story told us: "Humans facing 'antibiotic apocalypse' where 'papercuts can kill and superbug would easily wipeout humanity.'" Discovery News recently asked if signs of the 'antibiotic apocalypse' were being seen in the UK while Americans now face a superbug that kills more than half of those infected and has arrived with a menacing name.

With the drug companies/big pharma now having run out of weapons to use against the very same superbugs they helped to create, ANP takes a look at the major new superbug problem that is rapidly spreading across the planet. We also take a look below videos at how some alternative health experts believe we can give ourselves and our families the best fighting chance against superbug MCR-1 and many other so-called 'superbugs'. We'll also look at the 2nd video which examines these 'superbugs on the rise' and their possible ties to FEMA camps and the alleged million plus FEMA coffins that, according to conspiracy theory lore, are spread throughout America.

Why has there been such a vast new proliferation of 'old diseases' in America and will superbug MCR-1 soon arrive in the US? While MCR-1 hasn't arrived in America, we have our own superbug to deal with in the emergence of what is called 'phantom menace'. Are these antibiotic-resistant superbugs the reason for the millions of FEMA coffins? Much more below.

The bacteria strain dubbed phantom menace by scientists is less resistant to antibiotics than other superbugs (also known as CREs) and thus much more difficult to identify, according to the new report. Over the past five years, scientists have seen more cases in the U.S. than ever before.

Since 2010, the CDC has confirmed 43 cases of this particular superbug across 19 states with the majority of cases landing in California and Illinois. But perhaps most alarming is the fact that just one case was identified in 2010, whereas 2013, 2014 and 2015 saw 11 diagnoses each.

This is a tricky drug-resistant bacteria, and it isnt easily found, CDC Director Thomas Frieden told the Washington Post. What were seeing is an assault by the microbes on the last bastion of antibiotics.

What sets phantom menace apart from other CRE is that the bugs ability to break down antibiotics with a particular enzyme that can spread to healthy bacteria in the body effectively compromising the bodys ability to utilize those drugs to fight disease, the Post reports.

CRE bacteria is extremely difficult to treat and often highly fatal, killing up to half of patients who become infected, according to the CDC. The report revealed that the median age of patients who contracted the bug was 70.


Back in November, scientists announced the 'epidemic potential' of Superbug MCR-1, a deadly and fast spreading bacteria that is resistant to what they are calling our 'last-line' antibiotics. As we learn in the 1st video below, this deadly superbug has rapidly spread all across the world after originating in China and officials are concerned it can never be stopped. As of this moment we're told that it has yet to reach America. Only weeks ago, Forbes told us we're one giant step closer to the end of antibiotics and the new superbug is resistant to all antibiotics linked to imported meat. They also tell us the inevitable arrival of MCR-1 in America is now only being held back by 'a finger in the dike'.

Agricultural use of antibiotics is by far the greatest threat to us, promoting drug resistance on a grander scale than hospital use. We must get all countries to agree to eliminate colistin and carbapenem antibiotics, in particular, from animal use. They are our last ditch antibiotics at a time when there is little drug development. This, and limiting some types of food imports, will slow the tide of this latest superbug threatening us. Its arrival is inevitable though, given global travel and trade. Well just need to keep our finger in the dike for now while hoping that the government will restrict the importation of foods likely to be carriers of this gene, greatly reduce or bar the use of critical antibiotics in agriculture, and will allocate new resources to the development of treatments for these resistant organisms.


The HUGE problem with MCR-1 we are told is that it transfers its antibiotic resistance to other diseases threatening us such as E.coli, Salmonella and Pneumonia as shared in this 1st video. Imagine getting a small cut that gets infected and unlike the past, where Americans could simply take doctor prescribed antibiotics, the small cut becomes a deadly wound due to an incurable infection should antibiotic resistant bacteria get inside. That's the way we're headed we are told.

The story in the National Geographic is called "Apocalypse Pig" and in it we learn more about how MCR-1 and antibiotic resistance is 'very bad news'. BBC tells us why we're losing the battle though the 'antibiotic apocalypse' hasn't quite started yet.:

Resistance to colistin has emerged before.

However, the crucial difference this time is the mutation has arisen in a way that is very easily shared between bacteria.

"The transfer rate of this resistance gene is ridiculously high, that doesn't look good," said Prof Mark Wilcox, from Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

His hospital is now dealing with multiple cases "where we're struggling to find an antibiotic" every month - an event he describes as being as "rare as hens' teeth" five years ago.

He said there was no single event that would mark the start of the antibiotic apocalypse, but it was clear "we're losing the battle".

The concern is that the new resistance gene will hook up with others plaguing hospitals, leading to bacteria resistant to all treatment - what is known as pan-resistance.

Prof Wilcox told the BBC News website: "Do I fear we'll get to an untreatable organism situation? Ultimately yes."


However, even if all man-made antibiotics become unusable due to drug resistant diseases, we have nothing to fear according to many in the field of alternative health, one of the best ways that Americans have an opportunity to beat the 'super bug super problem' is to find and use all-natural antibiotics.

We hope that our readers will share their own ideas and solutions to problems such as this in the comment section below. Both Susan and I have eaten raw garlic for its antibiotic properties to overcome severe tooth infections and we're both incredibly grateful it's worked miracles for us. Of course, neither of us are doctors and are just sharing our own personal experiences. However, garlic has long been held as an antibiotic even by some in mainstream medicine. Below videos is a lengthy list of foods and herbs said to have antibiotic properties.

At the 2 minute mark of the next video below, our videographer talks about the superbug MCR-1 and the possibility that it could lead to the use of massive numbers of FEMA coffins now spread throughout America. He gets more into the FEMA coffins shortly after the 5 minute 20 second mark and warns that he feels this superbug is even more dangerous than the forthcoming economic collapse. With a bacteria that can transmit its antitiotic resistant properties to other diseases, how long will it be until something comes along that spreads across the entire country, leaving millions dead in its path?

Keeping all of this in mind, a story from J.D. Heyes at Natural News gave us a list of 10 herbs and foods that will allegedly kill superbugs naturally. We have republished part of his list below with much more here.:

-- Honey: In a recently released study, researchers from the Salve Regina University in Newport, Rode Island, reaffirmed that raw honey is one of the best natural antibiotics you can have.

Lead author Susan M. Meschwitz, Ph.D., presented the findings at the 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.

"The unique property of honey lies in its ability to fight infection on multiple levels, making it more difficult for bacteria to develop resistance," she said.

Honey uses a combination of weapons including polyphenols, hydrogen peroxide and an osmotic effect. Honey is practically an ambidextrous fighter, using multiple modalities to kill bacteria.

-- Colloidal silver: As noted by Gregory A. Gore, in his book, Defeat Cancer:

Silver was used 1,200 years ago by Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, sailors, and then by the pioneers who populated our country. They used it for various illnesses and to keep their foods and liquids from spoiling. Prior to 1938, before antibiotics, colloidal silver was used by doctors as their main substance to fight bacteria in a more natural way than through the antibiotics they use today. Antibiotics can harm our kidneys and liver functions. Colloidal silver promotes healing.

-- Turmeric: This herb has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for many thousands of years to treat a wide range of infections. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities have been known to be highly effective in the treatment of bacterial infections. It can also be used topically for MRSA and additional lesions of the skin.

-- Oil of Oregano: This is an essential oil known best for its bacteria-killing abilities, as well as controlling staph infections like MRSA. It contains antioxidant, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic and pain-relieving properties. In 2001, Science Daily reported on a Georgetown University study which found that oregano oil's germ-killing properties were nearly as effective as most antibiotics.

-- Tea tree oil: This is also a very potent and essential oil that has been shown to be effective in killing antibiotic-resistant MRSA on the skin. One important note: Therapeutic-grade tea tree oil must be used undiluted if it is to be used for this purpose.

-- Olive leaf extract: This substance has been used for a number of centuries to battle bacterial infections and is now currently being used as well to fight MRSA infections in some European hospitals. It provides immune system support while fighting antibiotic-resistant infections.

-- Garlic: This tasteful seasoning veggie has been used for medicinal purposes around the world for thousands of years. It was even used in the 1700s to ward off the plague. It possesses very potent antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties.

Absolutely outstanding graphics of the superbug apocalypse below courtesy of Truth-Out.



The final graphic below shows us the deadliest pandemics in history visually. Are we about ready to witness something even more deadly across the world with the increase of drug-resistant bacteria and will we soon understand why FEMA camps and the millions of FEMA coffins have long been staged for usage?


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