March 11, 2021
So You've Noticed The Democrats Pandemic Political Policies Completely Failed Freedom And America - It's Because They Were DESIGNED To Usher In Medical Tyranny!
- Covid-19, Vaccines, Masks And Social Distancing Were CREATED To Lock Down America

Story submitted to All News Pipeline by George Stevens
After many years of life going on as usual, it can be difficult to accept that the world is changing but change we must. The change that has happened in America is one of those changes that has people reacting in a different way. The arrival of the China corona virus has changed our way of life very possible indefinitely. In the news are masks, vaccines and death counts.
Now for a touch of opinions just the facts. Let's start with masks. It is rare to go anywhere without seeing face masks in abundance in an attempt to protect themselves from this virus.
What is 'the science'? The material in masks has to be porous so that air can pass through otherwise you wouldn't be able to breathe. Viruses are so small they can easily pass through the material. Masks do not stop viruses. Masks offer protection against larger particles like aerosols and bacteria ... that's why surgeons wear them ... to stop bacteria and aerosols ... not to stop viruses.
Aerosols, the moisture that comes when you cough or sneeze, are partially contained by masks so in that regard masks can capture some of the aerosols when you cough or sneeze and thereby capture some of the virus a sick person would have. So masks ONLY slow the spread of the disease in sick people, not healthy people. The proof of that is on public record.
For example, in California where they have the strictest mask and shut down rules, COVID is worse than in Texas, South Dakota and Florida where masking rules are all but non-existent. Check for up to date China virus statistics.
How does one protect themselves? Having a healthy life style is a good start. Watching your weight is also very beneficial. Take zinc, vitamin D and C, and quinine. If you get COVID get HCQ and ivermectin - (
Frontline doctors say the above supplements taken in the right doses cures COVID.
Angela Betsaida B. Laguipo. said, "Ivermectin reduced COVID-19 viral RNA present in cell culture by as much as 93 percent after 24 hours and by 99.8 percent after 48 hours. In my opinion, do not take the vaccine if you get sick, get ivermectin.."
Reality about the vaccine it's not a vaccine. It is an experimental DNA treatment only approved for emergency use.
I understand that the Johnson&Johnson shots are a real vaccine but no large scale testing has been done. The rest of the companies shots are a DNA altering treatment. Once RNA changes your DNA, it can't be changed back. For any problems or side effects that happen as a result of the treatment, there is NO cure.
Because it is experimental and not approved as a standard treatment, the manufacturers are NOT liable for any complications. They have no idea what the long term effects are going to be and have the potential to be far worse than getting the virus. The DNA change is supposed to be a change that causes your body to generate antibodies to fight off the virus.
There is one theory that after your DNA is changed, a virus, any virus that looks like the China virus will cause the body to go into high gear fighting off the virus and in the process fight against the infected person's body. Time will tell weather that theory is valid or not. Take a look at for real vaccine information from doctors who have been fighting the virus.
While we're on failed policies, lets look at social distancing and shutdowns. Who ever came up the need to social distance six feet had no idea what they were talking about. Aerosols can travel from 20 to up to 90 feet when you cough or sneeze, so how is six feet going to help. It's not. It just makes people feel more comfortable.
In fact, social distancing combined with masks causes a disconnect from society. The suicide rate is up and being blamed on the disconnect. In addition, shutting down the schools (or the way that teachers are now teaching the children!) has caused a rise in child suicides.
So to sum it up, face masks do not stop the virus but have caused other problems like skin rash, mouth disease, and respiratory problems. Social distancing doesn't stop the virus and only causes deterioration in personal relations especially in families. Shut downs don't stop the virus and only serve to destroy the middle class and small businesses. The experimental DNA modification therapy will not stop the virus and has the potential for long term side affects.
Everything government has done to fight the virus has only made the situation worse.
What can anyone do? First, do not give into the fear mongering. Understand that the COVID rate and death rate numbers are not real. Doctors and hospitals are reporting higher numbers because they are getting paid to. For every case they have, they get a government adjustment to help them cope with the additional burden of the virus.
Second, live a healthy life style to build your immune system. Seniors have additional risk and they need to reduce their exposure. According to the CDC, every flu season, thats every year, an average of 36 thousand people die from the flu. This season no one did because they were all counted as COVID.
They are lying to us. Dig out the truth. Check the science. Be informed and don't give into the fear!
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