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March 1, 2023
Yes Covid Was Bioweapon From Wuhan, China Lab: Misinformation Came From Biden Regime, Media And Social Media In Massive Coverup About The Origins of Covid
Now that both the Department of Energy, and the FBI, via and interview with FBI Director Chris Wray, has been determined to be "likely" from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), in China, it is time to remember how the Biden regime, and their puppets in the media, along with social media giants, all participated in one of the biggest cover-ups in recent history.
Independent Media websites that reported on the lab leak theory previously were deemed "conspiracy theorists," many banned from social media, demonetized by services such as Google Adsense for not toeing the "consensus" line, and were labeled "racists" for daring to point out that a laboratory in China studying coronavirus in bats, for decades, was likely responsible for the release on Covid-19 coronavirus globally.
As longtime ANP readers know, in June of 2022, Google Adsense disabled our ad service for contradicting "authoritative scientific consensus," on health issues, climate claims or voting issues.
Apparently, now we know the only thing unreliable was the "consensus," and Google Adsense set itself up the enforcer of misinformation.
It is true, we did not agree with the consensus and had written extensively on the lab leak so-called "theory," to which now, months after Google stripped us of our main source of income, the media finally is forced to report said "theory" to be "most likely" true.
For reporting what we believed to be true, and which now we know "most likely" was, we almost lost our home, and All News PipeLine itself.
If not for our readers generously donating to ANP, we would not be here right now. To date, the three ad services we replaced Google Adsense with, still only bring in half of what we lost when we were demonetized for not toeing the "consensus," line.
Granted, they did give us the option of "fixing" all our articles to reflect what they wanted to be reflected in order to restore our monetization, but we would rather go out knowing we were reporting the truth than allow ourselves to be forced to report the lies Google wanted us to.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship, 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, and outside groups spending millions to blacklist conservative news, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like articles like this,please consider donating to ANP.)
Three years after Covid caused state lockdowns, businesses deemed "non-essential" to be closed, causing a domino effect on our supply chain which led to a number of shortages, including food shortages, still being felt today, first the DOE, and now the FBI are acknowledging the covid likely came from the lab in Wuhan.
FBI Director Christopher Wray said the COVID-19 pandemic was likely caused by a lab leak in Wuhan, China.
"The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan," Wray told Fox News in an interview that aired Tuesday. "Here you are talking about a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab."
"I will just make the observation that the Chinese government, it seems to me, has been doing its best to try to thwart and obfuscate the work here, the work that we're doing, the work that our U.S. government and close foreign partners are doing. And that's unfortunate for everybody," he added.
More, via the DOE:
COVID-19 was probably the result of a leak from a laboratory, according to a newly updated classified report from the United States Department of Energy obtained by the Wall Street Journal newspaper.
Three years too late.
Contrary to prior assertions, it is the media that was pushing misinformation, not the Independent Media that refused to bow down to the consensus of reporting, basically rubber stamping claims by the media.
How difficult is to acknowledge that Wuhan had a lab that studied coronaviruses for decades, then covid originated in Wuhan, so yes, it was more than just likely covid came from the lab.
It should have been common sense.
Here is the concluding paragraph of that article that is now known to be "misinformation."
We frequently say that what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, and this conspiracy theory of a lab leak-origin for SARS-CoV-2 should be treated as such. Dr. Fauci, EcoHealth Alliance, and Dr. Shi, among others, simply have the misfortune of being in the crosshairs of political agents who themselves have been largely responsible for the mismanaged global response to this inevitable pandemic. Just like the notions that 9/11 was an inside job, the Apollo Moon landings were a hoax, or that ClimateGate proves the unethical behavior of practically all climate scientists, there is plenty of strong evidence opposing the conspiracy, instead supporting the consensus conclusion. If we are to take an alternative seriously, it cannot just consist of circumstantial evidence with enormous gaps separating the steps; you would need concrete evidence. Unless that evidence arrives, the lab leak hypothesis will remain a conspiracy theory, while the zoonotic origin hypothesis remains overwhelmingly supported by the evidence at hand.
There is that word "consensus" again. As if the very notion that because a majority says something it automatically makes it true.
Virus origin stories have always been prone to conspiracy theories. COVID disinformation has threatened researchand lives
These types of stories were pumped out one after another, anything to discredit those reporting covid as having come from the Wuhan lab.
With claims that they were fighting "misinformation" on their platforms, and that said misinformation was anything that went against what the CDC, China, and later the Biden regime said, social media became the gatekeeper of misinformation.
Only misinformation was allowed to be posted, shared and discussed, and anyone wanting to discuss or debate the "lab leak" theory was categorically penalized. Posts removed, accounts suspended or terminated, and debate severely censored.
In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, a Facebook spokesman said, we will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured from our apps.
In other words, Facebook now believes that its censorship of millions of posts in the preceding months had been in error. There was, of course, no hint of apology in its most recent statment; though its tone proved quite the contrast to Facebooks boast last year that, in April alone, it displayed warnings on 50 million pieces of content related to Covid-19. That was just the start; in February this year, Facebook even placed a warning on a piece for UnHerd by Ian Birrell, an award-winning investigative reporter who has been writing about the origins of Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic.
When people saw those warning labels, 95% of the time they did not go on to view the original content, the company says. Moreover, if an article is rated false by their fact checkers, the network will reduce its distribution. This means that, while an author or poster is not aware that censorship is taking place, the network could be hiding their content so it is not widely disseminated.
Twitter did the same thing and after FB decided to change their censorship policy, slightly, regarding the lab leak theory, Twitter was asked if they too were changing their "misinformation" policy.
Twitter did not immediately respond to The Posts request for clarification on its misinformation policy, though a spokesman told Politico that it continues to work in close consultation with global public health authorities.
That right there is the key. By what right does social media, or anyone have to censor debate on the grounds that "public health authorities" have different claims?
We now know those same public health authorities were not only wrong, but behind the censorship fiasco because they did not want their "theories" questioned.
Social media, and the MSM, became the gatekeepers of misinformation, pushing it, disallowing anyone to question it, and punishing users for daring having their own opinions.
Twitter is now under new ownership and no longer censorship legitimate debate on their platform.
The bottom line is short and sweet.... the only ones pushing misinformation over the past three years has been the MSM, social media, and the Biden regime.
It was all one massive coverup and it has taken three years to expose the aforementioned groups as the peddlers of disinformation that they are.
Covid-19 was developed in a lab, and they released from the lab. Any weaponization of a virus makes it a bioweapon.
Covid is a bioweapon.
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