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July 22, 2021
Do Americans Have The 'Unalienable Right To Grow Food?' One State Is So Worried About The Federal Government They Are Asking Voters To Add The 'Right To Food' To Their Constitution
As wee see reports all showing the different ways Americans are vulnerable to a variety of circumstances that could, and has in some cases, already has affected their food supply, wallet, and/or food choices, we note one state in America is preparing for the possibility, or some would claim likelihood, that the government would start "creating roadblocks and restrictions to the peoples right to food."
I was going to start with the latest reports about food shortages, warehouse strikes, truckers, etc.... all moving parts of the food chain supply system, but in my opinion, seeing that China is buying their way into the American system, by purchasing farm lands all over the nation, is not only a danger to those dependent on those particular farms for their food and livelihood, but is one of the biggest threats to our food chain to date.
Chinese firms have expanded their presence in American agriculture over the last decade by snapping up farmland and purchasing major agribusinesses, like pork processing giant Smithfield Foods. By the start of 2020, Chinese owners controlled about 192,000 agricultural acres in the U.S., worth $1.9 billion, including land used for farming, ranching and forestry, according to the Agriculture Department.
Those seeking more restrictions say USDAs numbers actually understate the amount of foreign control over American ag operations. The data is based on a 1978 law directing foreign nationals to report their U.S. agricultural holdings to USDA a requirement that can be difficult for the department to enforce.
For example, foreign investors can set up limited liability companies in the U.S. and designate an American owner to circumvent the reporting requirements while still controlling the operation behind the scenes, said Joe Maxwell, president of the progressive advocacy group Family Farm Action.
Its a massive undertaking to verify who really owns [the land], Maxwell said. These foreign interests are pretty smart. They use different business structures to further conceal it.
The point here is no one really knows how much more land foreign entities, including China, truly owns of American farmland, and just how much Americans are already dependent on China for our produce and meats, grown right here in the U.S.
Just another reason why the populace needs to understand the importance of growing their own foods, whether Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall gardens, there are specific foods that can grow at particular times during the year.
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The Maine Legislature has approved, by a two-thirds margin, adding a question to the ballot for voters to decide if their constituents have the "fundamental right to grow and consume food for their own nourishment," as reported by the Press Herald.
If the voters are in favor, then there would be a constitutional amendment added guaranteeing "All individuals have a natural, inherent and unalienable right to food, including the right to save and exchange seeds and the right to grow, raise, harvest, produce and consume the food of their own choosing for their own nourishment, sustenance, bodily health and well-being, as long as an individual does not commit trespassing, theft, poaching or other abuses of private property rights, public lands or natural resources in the harvesting, production or acquisition of food."
One would think that type of right would be a given, yet Independent Media, and some states like Maine, understand the ease with which the government could strip that right on a federal level, and without state protections, those Americans would be helpless and completely dependent on the federal government.
One of the proponents for the constitutional amendment, offers his reasoning, shown below:
Jumping ahead 25 or 50 years into the future, could we see our government creating roadblocks and restrictions to the peoples right to food? Faulkingham wrote. Will the government be telling people what they are allowed to eat and where they can grow it?
I would say his comments about jumping ahead 25 or 50 years, is nave after the way we saw power-hungry politicians ban the sale of gardening supplies during the lockdowns during COVID, calling them "non-essential" items.
Walmart and other big box stores in Vermont can still sell groceries, pharmaceuticals, animal feed and essential supplies, provided by online and telephone sales for delivery and curb-side pickup to the extent possible, according to an emergency order issued by Vermont Gov. Phil Scott.
Items deemed non-essential include arts and crafts, beauty, carpet and flooring, clothing, consumer electronics, entertainment (books, music, movies), furniture, home and garden, jewelry, paint, photo services, sports equipment, toys and the like, according to the state.
Except in the event of emergencies threatening the health and welfare of a customer, showrooms and garden sections of large home improvement centers should be closed.
So no, it won't take 25 to 50 years. It has already happened.
Growing your own food, especially during a pandemic when foods shortages became an every day thing, should always be considered essential, which is why more states need to amend their constitution, so that when a power-hungry politicians gets elected, they cannot ever again prevent Americans from accessing items to grow their own food.
West Virginia is also considering their own versions of "right-to-food" amendments to their constitutions.
While ranching to produce and process your own livestock is not feasible for the majority of Americans, whether from lack of land, desire or time, different vegetables and fruits can be grown year round.
We can spend what is needed for freeze dried meats to add to the produce you have grown for yourself for meals, or to trade with neighbors, but it should be a priority to get to the point where produce-wise, we are completely self-sufficient, or with your own crops and enough to trade with others growing different items, so the community can be self-sufficient together.
The very last thing we want to hear if more food crises hits, is the federal government coming to your town and saying "we're here to help."
That is when you know it is too late for self-sufficiency. Much like many found themselves unable to purchase gardening supplies in certain states as they were deemed "non-essential," and there was no warning beforehand.
Prepare today for your fall garden planting, from books as to what is best to grow at what time of year in different climates, to the seeds needed to do your Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring planting, to items needed for indoor, or outdoor gardening depending on your preferences, space and ability.
Other than the books, our focus below is on Fall planting.
(Note - The last link are the seed packages we use, and they do sprout well. Our garden would be much bigger and produce more if the chipmunks, rabbits and deer would stop digging the seeds and eating the growth!)
For outdoor, or indoor if space allows, garden beds of all sizes can be found that can be utilized to get as much grown as possible for the space being worked with.
Plant grow bags are also a space-saving and easy way to grow everything from potatoes to tomatos to carrots, etc.
The two things we cannot live without is food and water, so preparing for any type of situation that will limit your ability to buy what you want, as we saw happen in 2020,where food purchases were limited at stores, and options started becoming limited, and empty shelves a common sight in some cities.
Whether a disaster, or as Maine is preparing for, the federal government restricting the ability to gather supplies needed to grow your own foods, or even attempting to try to tell Americans what they can or cannot eat, states should all be protecting Americans right to grow, eat and trade foods within their communities.
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