In this heartbreaking story over at NBC News San Francisco that Steve Quayle linked to on his website on Thursday they report that thousands of sharks and other sea life are mysteriously dying in the San Francisco Bay and despite the massive carnage being inflicted upon the wildlife there, the state of California has decided not to dedicate any money to researching the deaths.
While California would probably have the money to research what is causing these latest 'mass animal death events' if they weren't so busy going bankrupt harboring illegal aliens,scientists there believe that whatever is killing them is now spreading to other marine life. Still, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife saysdetermining the cause is not a priority for the state since the sharks are not threatened or endangered.
Warning within their story thatas many as 2,000 leopard sharks have mysteriously died in the San Francisco Bay over the past few months along with at least 500 bat rays, hundreds of striped bass, 50 smooth-hound sharks and about 100 halibut,Dr. Mark Okihiro, a research scientist with the Dept of Wildlife there claims"This year is unusual in that there has been a large number of other species that have also been dying...this 'pathogen' can tackle a variety of different species we've had a much more diverse group of fish that have been found dead in the San Francisco Bay.
And while a tiny parasite that allegedly eats away at the brains of these sea creatures is being looked at as the most likely cause according to scientists, they also claim that humans swimming in the Bay are not in any danger.
Yet those who have been paying attention to what's been happening in the Pacific Ocean and along the entire West Coast of the US and Canada up to Alaska aren't the least bit surprised that more ocean creatures are dying off and while scientists might blame a tiny parasite, it's much more likely that these creatures have been 'Fukushi-mad' to borrow the term from Steve Quayle.
They've also been documenting an astounding number of 'mass animal death events' all across the planet since the year 2011 - yes, the year the earthquake in Japan unleashed hell upon Fukushima and thus the Pacific Ocean and West Coast of the USA as an unending stream of invisible poison continues to be unleashed into the water and the air and spread across our planet. The 'mass animal death events' per year is mind-boggling:
While 'the left' and their mouthpiece 'the mainstream media' go on and on and on about 'global warming', the fact that we never hear anything at all from them about all of the 'mass animal death events' and what has been happening to our oceans and atmosphere due to Fukushima is proof to us that they could care less about what's really happening to our planet Earth. The fact that California won't even bother to spend money to investigate what is happening in the San Francisco Bay yet spends $30.3 billion a year on illegal immigrants, 17.7% of the states annual budget, is absolutely sickening.
Yet we're reminded in Revelation 11:18, God will destroy those who destroy the Earth.
On October 2nd, Live Science published a story titled "Earth May Be Close To The Threshold Of Catastrophe" within which they warn a 6th 'mass extinction' may be inevitable and while they partially blame 'man-made global warming' and don't report upon Fukushima within that story at all, they claim that by the year 2100, human beings might be gone from the face of the Earth.
Yet 2100 is still 83 years away - will the human race even make it even that long? As MT Taylor reported in this ANP story, an eerily prophetic 2006 science fiction movie warned that within one generation, the human race would be gone. And while her story dealt with the rapidly declining fertility rates of human beings and what appears to be a mad rush towards global population collapse, we see the handwriting on the wall more clearly every day.
As we hear in the 3rd video below and read in this recent story from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, hundreds of deer are dying in that region and while allegedly from a viral disease and having nothing to do with radiation, as Dr. Edward Group reported in this 2014 story, radiation exposure has numerous shocking health effects that compound other illnesses and diseases.
In the first video below we hear a report on the recent shark die offs in California while in the 2nd video below, our videographer shares us more on recent mass animal deaths and other signs we're now watching that leads him to believe we're now witnessing verses from the books of Hosea and Revelation now unfolding before our eyes.