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September 1, 2015
More Proof We're At The End Game! Elite Orchestrating Sloppy False Flag Shootings - They Don't Care If They Get Caught! All They Want Are Americans Guns And They'll Do Whatever They Have To Do To Get Them!
With so many amateurish false flag shootings recently, its like the elite are using the wrong end of a hammer to bang in a nail. Are they getting too arrogant and lazy? Or are they intentionally making them amateurishly to collect data on post-crisis reaction?
The recent spate of amateurish false flag shootings,which are now being rolled outat an increasingly rapid pace, give one cause to wonder: why? Why are the elite orchestrating such feeble and poorly executed false flag shootings? With all their money, power, control of the media, control of law enforcement and control of politicians, why cant they make thesefalse flag shootings look more real? Arent theyworried that with such amateurish false flagshootings they are running the risk of being caught? Of being exposed? Of doing such an atrocious job that it defies common belief, and thus acts as a catalyst to wake people up?
Ridiculous, Poorly Executed and Utterly Fake Aspects of Recent False Flag Shootings
Around the world, and especially in America, the number of false flag operations these days(whether they be false flag shootings, false flag bombings or any other kind of false flag attack) is truly astonishing. Another day, another false flag. Both the quantity and quality of them are surreal. Sometimes its hard to believe we live in a world where people are unconsciousenough to sacrifice and murder others in cold blood to achieve a political goal, and where other people are gullible enough to buy into the official narrative time after timewithout any further investigation.
Take a look at the most recent amateurish false flag shooting in Virginia on Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 (theWDBJ TV News report shooting). As Bernie Suarez of Activist Post pointed out, there are so many loose ends, coincidences and fakery in this one that its really quite incredible. Since YouTube has embarked on censorship (just like it did after the false flag attack in Charlie Hebdo in France), it is hard to find the video clip, but you can see some of it in this video (also embedded above).
We have a situation where:
a gunman approached 2 women doing an interview, within 10 feet, brandishing a gun, and they dont stop talking to run, scream or even ask him what hes doing;
the shooter holds a gun up, leave it there awhile, and puts it back down, all while the women keep chatting merrily away. Then he puts it up again and shoots;
thecameraman Adam Ward not see, hear, sense or even smell that there is someone (a dangerous shooter) standing right next to him;
the shooter commits conveniently suicide right afterwards;
the shooter puts out a manifesto, so the MSM has more fake news to report and build the incident into a story it is not (who writes a manifesto these days anyway?);
Once again, like almost all false flag shootings which are really targeting the right to bear arms, right after the incident, we dontsee the victims family members passing through the 5 stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance according to Elisabeth Kbler-Ross). Instead, we see them full of passion with a strong political message, using their platform and air time to push for gun control. Why? Because they phony, fake crisis actors.
Have the elite become so arrogant and lazy they dont care if they make mistakes when orchestrating false flags?
Have the Elite Become TooArrogant and Sloppy?
Look at all the false flag attacks the elite have already pulled off. Its a favorite weapon of theirs, and its primarily psychological. It uses the brute force of a bullet, sure, but the main point is to mislead, trick and deceive. Since false flag operations have been used from everything to start wars (assassination of Prince Ferdinand 1914), to get countries into wars (sinking of Lusitania 1916, Pearl Harbor 1941), to demonize and destroy political opponents (Reichstag fire 1933) and topass draconian legislation (9/11), the elite are clearly very familiar in planning and executingthem.
Is it possible the elite have become so arrogant that they dont think they need to carry outthese psychological operations more professionally? Do they not care if many people quickly spot the obvious errors, contradictions and loopholes? Maybe they are just counting on the fact that a large majority still cannot see through false flag ops, no matter how quickly alternative news and independent media get it.
Its all a numbers game. If only a small percentage of people can see through amateurish false flag shootings, it wont be enough to make a change.
Its All a Numbers Game
Perhaps its all about reaching a critical mass. The eliteknow the widespread ignorance of the majority is a perfect blanket for their crimes. The elitecan monitor all electronic activity (and more), so they have their finger on the pulse of how quickly humanity is awakening. In his famous interview before he died, Aaron Russo recalls how Nick Rockefeller mentioned to him that the elite didnt care if some people knew the truth, just as long as it wasnt enough to make a difference.
Yet, humanity is awakening at a rapid rate maybe even an exponential rate. We must already be very close to reaching a critical mass of awakened, aware people who are politically active and willing to put energy into making the world change for the better.Some people have suggested that a critical mass of people isthe square root of 1% of a given population. Using 7.2 billion as theworld population, the critical mass is 8486, which is not a very high number. Whatever figures you use, seems like the elite are running out of time and are not going to be able to use these tactics for very much longer
Are these amateurish false flag shootings a deliberate distraction?
Are the Amateurish False Flag Shootings a Deliberate Distraction
On the other hand, maybe the elite are using false flag operations as a distraction (in addition to the obvious push for gun control). Maybe the point is to capture the focus of the alternative media and distract people from issues like OperationJade Helm 15, the 3 T-Treaties (TPP, TTIP, TISA), the looming currency crisis or otherevents scheduled for September 2015.
or are theseAmateurish False Flag Shootings Set Up to Collect Data on Post-Crisis Reaction?
Since the elite own the MSM (mainstream media) and Hollywood, they could pull off a false flag shooting that looked way more believable than what we have been seeing. Is it possible these amateurish false flag shootings are calculatedly fake? In other words, are they a kind of test to see whos paying attention? Is the main point of them not actually gun control, the promotion of fear and terror or to distract, but rather to collect data on post-crisis reaction?
Post-Crisis Reaction
Remember how utterly fake Sandy Hook was. It was another surreal false flag psy-op, because the entire location was a movie set. In her excellent presentation on Sandy Hook,Sofia Smallstormhighlighted how the entire false falg operation contained built-in coordination behavior of public and professionals, including post crisis observation and management inAgenda 21 style. Additionally, thanks to theoutstanding research of citizen journalist DJ (YouTube channel Level 9 News), we now know that Jade Helm is about the advancement of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and putting a machine (theJade 2 program) in charge of everything, as a command and control, network centric operator.
The elite, with all their supercomputers, are watching you closely. Theyre recording and analyzing every single movement you make. They want a technocracy where they can rule the world through technology. To the elite, its quite possible that collecting data on post-crisis reaction may be the most valuable thing of all about these amateurish false flags because then they know more about their ultimate target: the peace and freedom-loving people of the world.
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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news siteThe Freedom Articlesand senior researcher atToolsForFreedom.com,writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.