Most ANP readers know, as do those who have been paying attention to world history, that no disarmament in world history has truly led to 'peace' and they are often the prelude to genocide.
Since calls are also now going out from the mainstream media to label the National Rifle Association a 'terrorist organization' as shared in this ANP story, we clearly see the globalists attempting to make their final moves, the complete disarmament of the American people and the demonization and emasculation of those in law enforcement all across the country who are quickly awakening to the globalists 'end game' and who have vowed that they will never disarm law-abiding American gun-owning citizens.
With 'mass murderer' Barack Obama, himself responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent women and children in Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere throughout the world, once again calling for gun control in America, Americans have responded in kind by purchasing firearms in massive numberspreparing to protect their families and loved ones against criminals and potentially for a showdown with tyranny, a showdown that we pray will never need to happen. However, as the American empire edges ever closer to an end as shared in the 2nd video below, the handwriting is clearly on the wall - the party is almost over.
As the globalists prepare to complete America's transformation into a 3rd world nation with a potential World War 3 now close byon the horizon and America being relegated to the role of 'has been' as we lose the role of global leadership held for so long as shared in the 2nd video, the globalists realize that gun confiscation is the 'line in the sand' that America has drawn against them - if the globalists play that card, is there any way to avoid 'civil war' here?
WhileHollywood Joe Tussingmakes it clear in the 1st video below that taking away weapons of war from our police department's sound like a good thing, he reminds us that UN tanks and MRAP's are already in place in America with a UN global police force preparing to track down 'extremists'.
We also have to remember that this administration is calling gun owners 'extremists' while enabling others to commit genocide in our name in Syria and elsewhere around the world, and our videographer asks if law enforcement will 'awaken' in time to realize that they and America have been sold out to global government as they ramp up their takeover attempts here on American soil.
ANP recently learned that the director of the state of Texas' Department of Public Safety is now warning that ISIS has likely infiltrated our wide open southern border while Obama and the totally clueless left push gun control, aka genocide, upon the American people. Will Americans be able to overcome the forces of evil that are bearing down upon us in myriad ways or will we soon succumb to their tyranny? Why is it that the same crew that is pushing 'gun control' in America is arming 'terrorists' in Syria and has consistently armed 'freedom fighters' throughout the world when they don't agree with a particular dictator?
We pray that America can make it through this extremely difficult period of time ahead without civil war or outright gun confiscation in our country. However, we should all look very closely at what is happening in our nation right now, taking in all of the warning signs in front of us, and prepare for every possibility. As we have been consistenly warned of by politicians, in Dimitru Duduman's prophecy and by many others recently, civil war is a very real possibility in America and America has drawn its' line in the sand.
In the next video,David Vosetalks about the fall of the American empire which is now recognizable as the shift in world power has just occured with recent events in Syria showing that the US is now nothing but a lap dog while Russia and China seize control of the mess the US and our allies have created.