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September 17, 2022
With Globalists Using Food As A Weapon, Skyrocketing Violence In Democrat-Run Cities All Across America Will Explode When People Realize The Food Chain They Knew Is Never Coming Back
Reporting as the title of their story that 'Violent Crime Is A Collapse Indicator,' as that story warned, as people struggle to provide food and housing for their families as so many are now, and in various locations all across America, we'll continue to see violent crimes increasing. And as has long been warned, less than 9 meals separate a civilized society from total anarchy.
And with homelessness increasing in one liberal-run city after another across America along with violent crime rates, and all of this happening at a time when the food supply chain has been hit by one catastrophe after another over the past 2 years, including the man-made COVID lockdowns, as we're warned by Tucker Carlson in the first video at the bottom of this story, all of these different things, especially happening all at once, are indicators America is currently in collapse and crumbling.
With NY City one of the cities experiencing exploding crime rates, according to radical left mayor Eric Adams, the city is 'near the breaking point,' though as this Daily Mail story points out, Adams of course is in typical liberal denial mode, blaming Texas for bussing in 11,000 illegal immigrants to that 'sanctuary city.'Leading to liberals once again getting a taste of their own medicine as Susan Duclos had reported in this ANP story.
So with America now going through so many of the hardships that nations and empires in collapse go through, and warnings that as things continue to break down, 'things will only continue to get worse,' we serve our families and loved ones by making sure we're very well prepared for anything and everything the world might throw at us in the days, weeks and months ahead while paying very close attention to the rapidly spiraling-out-of-control events that are happening in America and all around the world as warned in the final video below featuring Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
With America and the world in absolute need of the kind of 'Good Reset' that Bob Moran of Bob's Cartoon'spoints out in the excellent cartoon above, complete with no more EMF waves, healthy, functioning immune systems in lots of American children, clean water, happy farmers, clear skies and shrinking cities, Americans seeing the 'globalist scumbags' where they belong as Bob points out would simply be the 'icing on the cake' of such a 'good reset.'
Yet the globalists war upon humanity continues, with all of those goals of the 'good reset' nearly out of reach as the globalists usher in their anti-life future, looking at the human race as a 'burden' that the planet will be unable to adequately house and feed in the coming years as they push for depopulation.
With the globalists bleak vision of the world perfectly seen in this new story over at MSN titled "The Entire Food Chain Has Started Collapsing, Scientists Warn,"their story didn't even bother to investigate what has been reported as the INTENTIONAL and ONGOING destruction of our food supply chain by the globalists pushing to transform our world into something much more sinister than free human beings deserve in their own 'great reset,' with America's food supply system slammed by one disaster after another over the past few years.
As Susan Duclos had correctly pointed out in this August 18th ANP story title: "Americans One Crisis Away From Starvation - The Odds Of This Many Food Supply Chain Issues Happening At Once Are So Astronomical As to Be Impossible... Unless By Design,". What are the odds?
And as Mac Slavo pointed out in this recent story over at SHTFPlan, these blatant 'attacks' upon our food supply chain keep happening, and with farmers bizarrely being targeted by the globalists cabal, as this Zero Hedge story warned, without any food, there is no life. Is THAT what the globalists want? If so, America suggests they should start with themselves. From that story.:
The world is now facing a man-made food catastrophe. It is reaching crisis levels...
Current policies in many parts of the world place a priority on climate change for realizing a green new deal. Meanwhile, such policies will contribute to children dying from severe malnutrition due to broken food systems, with shortages of food and water, stress, anxiety, fear, and dangerous chemical exposure.
More negative pressure on farmers and the food system is asking for a catastrophe. The immune system of many people, especially children, has lost its resilience and has weakened too far with high risks for intoxication, infections, non-communicable and infectious diseases, deaths and infertility.
Dutch farmers, of whom many will face a cost of living crisis after 2030, have drawn the line. They are supported by an increasing number of farmers and citizens worldwide.
Its not the farmers who are the most heavy polluters of the environment, but industries who make the products needed for a technocracy revolution to green energy, data mining, and Artificial Intelligence. As more of the WEF plans are rolled out by politicians, inequalities grow, and conflicts are rising all over the world.
The strong farmers revolt in the Netherlands is a call for an urgent transition to a people-oriented, free and healthy world with nutritious food cultivated and harvested in respect to natural processes. The cooperation of ordinary people worldwide is on the rise to prevent a mass famine catastrophe caused by the plan of scientism and technocracy to rule and control the world by unelected scientists and elites.
So with the very real and intentional destruction of our food supply chain being carried out in front of our faces as the globalists race to usher in their tyrannical great reset that looks an awful lot like some of the most brutal dictatorships in history, we're wise to keep our eyes closely fixed upon what's now happening around the world. Because as Susan Duclos warned in this September 13th ANP story, America is just one event away from an irreversible food catastrophe that would surely be weaponized by Biden and the Democrats.
With Biden sure to use such 'an event' to bring martial law to America as the globalists seek to find any avenue to usher in their 'end game,' imagine state sanctioned and carried out violence upon the American people on top of whatZero Hedge warns of in this brand new story written by Michael Snyder titled "Violence In California Reaches "Epidemic" Levels As Our Society Rapidly Deteriorates All Around Us."
And coming back full circle, with such violence a sign of America now in collapse and a sign that things will continue to spiral completely out of control if we stay on the same path Biden and Democrats have us on, the very real possibility of things compounding even more exists with food absolutely necessary for human survival and food under all out attack by the globalists who are pushing for chaos.
So we continue to serve our families and loved ones best by stocking up now while we still can with the globalists in the 'kill phase' of the 'depopulation plan' of their 'new world order' as pointed out in this September 15th story over at The Expose while seemingly every day we learn of something new impacting the food supply chain. And with clean drinking water (or other liquids) something we absolutely MUST HAVE to survive, we'll begin right here with some water storage and treatment options that could make the difference between life and death in a SHTF scenario.
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