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March 16, 2017

CDC Insider Warns Deadly Pathogens Are Increasing: 'They're New, They're Scary And They're Very Difficult To Diagnose'

- Is Bill Gates 'Bio-Terror Doomsday Warning' About To Play Out Across America?

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

According to Dr. Edward Group in the first video below with Infowars reporter Millie Weaver, fungus, yeast and mold are the biggest hidden health threats that Americans face and most Americans who are afflicted with some sort of related illnesses have no idea what they're afflicted with. Dr. Group has identified over 100 different symptoms that are associated with such illnesses and how a certain fungus or mold affects one person may be different from how it affects another.

From fatigue to brain fog to skin conditions to undiagnosed breathing problems to vision difficulty, fungal infections take many different forms Dr. Group tells us and quite often, doctors have no idea how to properly diagnose these kinds of illnesses, either. Warning us that we're watching what he calls 'an epidemic' of mold related problems, he shares they're being found everywhere...including being sprayed into our atmosphere and found in our drinking water supplies.

In this story we take a look at how we can empower ourselves against these difficult to diagnose illnesses that are sweeping America and have become deadly as we learned in a recent story Steve Quayle linked to on his website on Wednesday confirming a long-feared deadly fungal infection that does not respond to drugs has arrived in the US. Is it just a coincidence its arrival has been confirmed soon after Microsoft founder and 'depopulation enthusiast' multi-billionaire Bill Gates warned the world "the doomsday scenarios are real" and "biological terrorism could kill hundreds of millions of people as genetic engineering unleashes terrifying new weapons"?

The story Quayle linked to earlier this week from The Sacramento Bee reports that a deadly fungal infection that doctors have long been fearing has arrived in the US with nearly 3 dozen people officially diagnosed with the highly drug-resistant pathogen now spreading around the world. First warned of to US clinicians last June, Candida Auris was first noticed back in 2009 in Japan and so far has about a 60% mortality rate.


Previously reported in Colombia, India, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Pakistan, South Korea, Venezuela and the United Kingdom, the fungus is resistant to all 3 major classes of antifungal drugs and cases have so far been officially diagnosed in New York, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey. From the Sacramento Bee story:

The microbe is among a group of newly emerging drug-resistant threats, health officials said.

"These pathogens are increasing, they're new, they're scary and they're very difficult to combat," said Anne Schuchat, CDC's acting director, during a briefing in Washington this week about growing antimicrobial resistance.

Of the first seven cases that were reported to the CDC last fall, four patients had bloodstream infections and died during the weeks to months after the pathogen was identified. Officials said they couldn't be sure whether the deaths were caused by the infection because all the individuals had other serious medical conditions. Five patients had the fungus initially isolated from blood, one from urine, and one from the ear.

The infection is still relatively rare. "It's really hitting the sickest of the sick," Tom Chiller said. So far, the fungus doesn't seem to be evolving into new strains within the United States. Because the country doesn't yet have any "homegrown" strains of the deadly fungus, "it gives us a better opportunity to contain it and stop it from spreading," Chiller said.


While those who are at greatest risk at the moment are the sick, with those in intensive care for a lengthy period of time or those who have been on ventilators or catheters, the infections are very difficult to indentify via standard laboratory methods and the spread of the disease may be further than currently known with cases going undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

Might we soon witness the kind of massive outbreak of drug-resistant disease all across America that Bill Gates has been warning of? While we have absolutely no control over what Bill Gates and the globalists are doing nor the latest dirty tricks up their sleeves, we can focus in upon getting ourselves prepared for whatever the world might bring by preparing our own immune systems for battle against whatever might be unleashed by man or nature.

While natural health enthusiasts believe that there are a large number of different ways to treat fungal infections naturally, we'll focus below on 3 different ones that have each been verified as having anti-fungal properties by scientific studies: turmeric, garlic, and oil of oregano.


Long used in Eastern medicine as an anti-inflammatory, the Oxford Academic Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy reports studies have found curcumin, the main 'active ingredient' in turmeric, is 'a promising antifungal of clinical interest'. According to thisJanuary 23rd story from Vicki Batts over at Natural News, over 7,000 studiesconfirm turmeric's many different health-protective effects.

Often used in conjunction with piperine (black pepper) to increase its bioavailability, turmeric is a proven anti-fungal agent that has been tested against at least 23 different kinds of fungi. From the Candida Diet:

A Brazilian research team looked at the effectiveness of Curcumin against 23 strains of fungi, including Candida albicans. They found that at a fairly low concentration, Curcumin was able to completely inhibit the growth of Candida albicans (as well as lots of other fungal strains).

They also tested Curcumin using human cells. According to the researchers, Curcumin was able to inhibit the adhesion to BEC [human cheek cells] of all the Candida species studied, being more potent than the commercial antifungal fluconazole. In other words, Curcumin was more effective than Diflucan at preventing Candida from attaching to human cells.

Another study looked at how ascorbic acid (one form of vitamin C) could affect the antifungal properties of Curcumin. Ascorbic acid on its own has no significant antifungal properties, but the researchers found that it made Curcumin more effective. Remarkably, the Curcumin was 5-10 times more effective against Candida albicans when it was used in the presence of ascorbic acid. Simply put, vitamin C supplements could make Curcumin even more effective against Candida.

When you use turmeric, you might want to consider taking some black pepper at the same time. There is evidence that black pepper increases the bioavailability of the active compounds in turmeric, and indeed they are often used together in herbal medicine.


Dating back thousands of years, garlic has been used for its health and therapeutic purposes according to this story from Medical News Today which reports ancient Greek physician Hippocrates himself promoted the use of it for treating respiratory problems, parasites, poor digestion and fatigue. One of the earliest 'performance enhancing' agents used in sports during the original Ancient Greece Olympics, the use of garlic against diseasesstretches back to all of the advanced ancient civilizations.

As this April 2015 story from Prof. Hesin over at Natural News Blogs reported, garlic is one of the most powerful anti-fungal, antiviral and antibiotic agents in the world with studies from Washington State University proving raw garlic acts like a natural antibiotic when eaten correctly. As they reported then,the study found "a compound in garlic was 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics used in the treatment of intestinal infections caused by the bacterium species Campylobacter bacterium."

Many other scientific research projects suggest that raw garlic has incredible healing properties. Garlic, also called the stinking rose, has been used for many centuries as a food and medicine, it is most often used as an antiseptic applied to wounds to prevent infection.

Garlic as an Antifungal Agent

Garlic has been known for its antibacterial properties for decades. When garlic cloves are chopped or crushed, a compound called alliin comes into contact with an enzyme called allinase, which forms an antibacterial chemical called allicin. Allicin is effective for destroying fungi as well as bacteria, according to Susumu Yoshida, author of Antifungal Activity of Ajoene Derived from Garlic.

Ajoene, another chemical compound in garlic cloves, can also be isolated to produce even stronger antifungal properties. Ajoene has been shown to be effective against a variety of bacterial and fungal strains, including Candida glabrata, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Staphylococcus aureus, although the specific mechanism for destroying fungi and bacteria is unknown.

As we've previously reported on ANP, according to many studies, raw garlic has antiviral properties as well if eaten the proper way, which natural health enthusiasts say is raw, chopped up and eaten approx. 15 to 20 minutes after being chopped. I personally eat my raw, chopped up garlic with manuka and local honey.:

Garlic has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. The compounds allicin and alliion are responsible for this common plants reputation as a triple threat. Garlic is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and it is especially effective against viruses if chewed raw.


Oil of oregano from the wild oregano plant has long been known as 'nature's antibiotic' and for fighting against all kinds of different health hindrances said to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. The websiteLivestrong reports"oil of oregano is used not to flavor Italian cooking, but rather as an antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic agent against everything from salmonella on the kitchen counter to lice on the scalp. Oil of oregano may prove effective for treating fungal infections, but always check with your doctor before using it."

As we read in this story from Dr. Axe, oregano oil is highly effective against fungal infections which could very well be manifesting themselves in the symptoms you're experiencing right now that your own doctor is unable to diagnose.

The number one way oil of oregano is used today is to treat funguses and candida. For a lot of us, its very easy to develop things like candida in your body. Common candida symptoms include getting a white coat on your tongue or developing different types of infections. Oil of oregano has been proven in medical studies to kill off candidiasis, that bacteria or fungus that can grow within your system, and thus works as an antifungal.

Quick side note, my Mom, after going through chemotherapy years and years ago, came down with a toenail fungus and had chronic yeast issues. For 10 years, she had a toenail fungus, and we started using oil of oregano as a natural treatment for toenail fungus every day. After two months, it was completely gone. She had used different creams. She had used different medications. Nothing had worked until she used oil of oregano.

In the 2nd video below from Charles Walton we hear all about this deadly new fungus that is killing about 60% of those who become infected by it while in the final video below, a video published back in November of 2016, our videographer warns us candida auris may be part of a massive PSYOP tied to two executive orders that were signed by Barack Obama before he left office.

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