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July 14, 2015

Giants, Raphaim Found in The Bible And Why You Should Care! Understanding The Past Will Prepare You For What Is Happening Now And What Is To Come


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Mathew 24:37 - "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

The chapter and verse of the Bible quoted above represents why many believe that we are are the "last generation," and why we are witnessing end times events right now.

The "Beast" system, genetic manipulation, splicing animals with other animals, animal DNA inserted into humans, epic and biblical weather events as signs from the heavens, all things described in the bible in the days of Noe (Noah) and  things being reported on as "technological advances" today, could all be indicators that the past is being repeated and it is happening right now.

In the video below by TRUTHFED, we hear actual accounts of historical findings of Giants, we hear the true history of  the Raphaim and the Nephilim in the bible, we hear about how the Vatican actually removed books from the bible in order to cover up the truth of the past.

Without that truth, it is impossible to understand what we are seeing happen around us today and put it into context. 

Most importantly, without the truth of the past, we cannot properly prepare for what is coming in the future.

Over 30 references to giants and the Nephilim in the bible, yet people wave it away in disbelief. Historical documentation, newspaper articles of giant skeletal findings, yet people call it conspiracy or nonsense. We are being bombarded with images, videos and accounts of "aliens" or UFOs, which many believe is a deliberate preparation for the coming "disclosure" all with the goal of encouraging people to reject God, which is very convenient for the antichrist system.

All this and more is covered in clear detail in the video below.

NOTE- While ANP is honored to call Steve Quayle a friend, we have never been asked to sell his books, nor do we make anything from the sale of any of his products, but as I personally own and been through some of his work, I can tell you that literally decades of research has gone into them to provide an accurate account of history and to explain how much is being hidden. This is also why Quayle created GenSix Productions, in order to provide the uncensored truth that no network is willing to present. (More on GenSix Productions and why it was created in the second video below)


With that said, if after watching and listening below, you want the answer to many of the questions posed in the TRUTHFED video, I would encourage readers to obtain  "True Legends", "Genesis 6 Giants" and "Little Creatures - The Gates of Hell Are Opening."

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not the history you have been taught, this is the history that has been hidden. 

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” - George Orwell

Via the TRUTHFED website desccription:

Knowledge is increasing, understanding is being poured out on Gods elect, his watchman and prophets. Mysteries are being unveiled, just like the prophet Daniel said they would. Those things which were sealed up until the last days, are now being opened and relieved. One of the things God is revealing to this last generation, is the history of what happened during the times of Noah. An understanding about the fallen ones, about what they have done in the past and are now doing in our present day and age. To understand where we are headed, we need to understand where we have been. Just as the wise king Salomon said, “there is nothing new under the sun”.

Today we are going to talk about what took place back in Genesis 6. We are going to talk about the Nephilim, the Giants, what the Bible canon has to say about these topics and then starting next week, I will be releasing scripture reading and commentary videos on the book of Enoch.

Via the video above:

Steve Quayle and Tim Alberino have recently launched GenSix Productions, a film production company dedicated to dealing with the contemporary implications of the Genesis 6 narrative, and the imminent reemergence of the days of Noah. GenSix Productions seeks to unmask the hidden agenda of fallen angels, and the sinister conspiracies of their Luciferian elite, in order to help prepare those who have eyes to see and ears to hear for the dark days that are looming on the horizon.

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