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March 14, 2023
Alarming Signs The US Military Is Being Purposefully Destroyed As The 'Global Slave State' Cannot Exist With A Strong America: While The War Machine Is In Full Swing, We Are NOT Prepared
-As China And Russia Build Up Their Armies, Biden Funds Transgender Treatments For Veterans
On February 21st this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his State of the Nation speech that was very late and widely panned by the western nations, especially the US. I am not here to go over it all, but do wish to bring up a few points that may give a better picture of what I am intending to relate to you. It was Bidens SOTN speech that actually earned a sound thrashing; but as things go it was Putins that really got it, at least in our nation. Besides the obvious rationalizations for invading Ukraine, much of which I agree with, he also, speaking about the West (meaning America especially), said and here they lie constantly, they pervert historical facts and attack our culture constantly, the Russian Orthodox Church and other religious organizations in our country. See what they do with their own peoples. The destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, their perversions, mockery of children, pedophilia are declared to be normal, the norm of their life now. And priests are forced to bless same sex marriages. God be with them, let them do what they want.
What do I mean by this? Adults have the right to live as they want as we always thought like this in Russia and we always will. No one will invade private life, were not going to do this but I want them to look at the holy scriptures and the main books to all the other worlds religions, everything is said therein, including that the family is a union of a man and a woman but these sacred texts are now in doubt. For example, it was just reported that the Anglican Church plans to consider the idea of a gender neutral god.
What can we say to them?Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. Millions of people in the west understand that they are headed towards a real spiritual disaster. The elites have gone crazy and it seems that they are untreatable. But as I said, these are their problems and we must protect our children and we will do this. We will protect our children from degradation and degeneration.
From the 2014 insurrection that the US CIA led to overthrow the Ukrainian government and install a puppet that they could use to start war with Russia, including installing many bio-weapon labs, American forces have been there in the shadows and are now going overt in their initially covert operations against Russia PROVOKING the Russian response. It is in the shadows of so many other operations such as the forcing of the energy supplies to change, blowing up the Nordstrom pipeline, the shadow war against Russia in Syria among many other locals, trying to destroy the Ruble and so forth, ALL of which have failed. Russias economy is now stronger than ever, her peoples are doing better, her world status so greatly increased and so forth, that it seems that was the planned outcome from the beginning. And I suspect that is the correct view to take. Think of it this way; the international bankers make massive wealth off of war as they fund all sides and control the outcomes as well.
Putin also said of the US led war that this means they plan tofinish us once andforall. Inother words, they plan togrow alocal conflict into aglobal confrontation. This is how we understand it andwe will respond accordingly, because this represents anexistential threat toour country.
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What is going on right now has been in the planning stages for a couple or so decades, and what is going to happen a couple decades from now is in the planning stages now. What has been going on is most likely a hundred times worse that we think. It was over six decades ago that John Kennedy spoke of the monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that was using covert means for expanding its sphere of influence and Ike spoke of the Military Industrial Complex, which are both descriptions of the same thing. Kennedy also warned us that there will be a very grave danger for an announced need for increased security will be seized upon. This mantra as we have seen has been used a number of times since. For example, the results of the September 11th false flag and the creation of the monolithic DHS and massive increase of un-American activities by our own government against We the People. The 2020 offensive of the bio-weapon C19 vaccinations are just another of a series of assaults against us. It is all put into place to bring about a global authoritarian police state to dismantle the culture and turn the people into slaves of that state, also known as the New World Order, organized and planned ultimately by Lucifer himself.
Russia is not immune from that global scenario, and appears to me to be right in the middle of it all serving their part well as we run closer to the planned Third World War. That goes for China as well, and they appear to be even more transparent as to their playing the role planned for them. All factors must be in place before it can reach its conclusion, and we are heading into that final set of scenes rapidly. There will undoubtedly be some hiccups along the way; but keep in mind those in charge have the means to correct misguided variations or not as expected results may creep in that they will correct along the way. President Trump was a major example of just that. Obama, the communist revolutionary and Kenyan born bastard son of his mentor and communist teacher Frank Marshall Davis was raised up specifically to be a major player and to lead the US into destruction so that the building back better phase can begin. The evil witch Hillary that somehow lost even with such massive vote fraud was a disaster to them, but they pulled out a magic trick and got the incompetent Joey Dementia in office for the Kenyan to control and serve the masters purposes. As a side note, as of late the traitor Mike Pence and even Ronnie DeSantis have been playing into their hands. Do NOT trust them or the many other so-called RINOs and never-Trumpers; they are enemies of America.
The war machine is in full swing, and we are NOT prepared. On the contrary, we are moving further and further from that goal as we not only send off our munitions and hardware to other actors and theaters but also are destroying the very basis of what we must use to protect ourselves from those global Satanists that rule the world. I put those specific quotes from Putins speech first for a reason; to set the stage for what I am going to propose to you, that the US Military is purposefully and with malice being destroyed to make sure we cannot win the looming conflicts. We will be destroyed. The world slave state cannot be with the US as a strong nation, it must be destroyed. The first two very short videos cover the similarities between the thoughts of Putin and Trump.
Russia has been making huge increases in conscriptions for their military, and China has the worlds most massive armies. What about the US? Well, not so much. The call has been to do so, but the numbers are not there and many are leaving as fast as they can to avoid the many problems inside the US military. Why? Perhaps the story recently in the Geller Report may begin to answer that question. The headline says Biden Regime to Fund Transgender Treatments for Veterans and that is after the January 25thexecutive order that makes transgender surgery for our military personnel free for the asking. Military dot Com said Transgender soldiers can openly serve in the Army and the force will provide hormone therapy, mental health care and surgeries they might require without mentioning that they were previously kicked out with haste and disrespect. And that mental health care they say they will receive free is required to STOP that insanity, not encourage it. A soldier's gender identity will no longer be a cause for involuntary separation, denied reenlistment or other adverse action, according to the memo. The Army's new policy follows President Joe Biden's executive order on his first week in office in January repealing a Trump-era ban on transgender troops.
The American Thinker recently had an article that discusses the failure of the US military to meet its recruitment goals and determined that it is the failure of the militaries policies that caused the decline in numbers of those joining. As we shall get to later on, it is also the cause of the severe decrease in the quality of recruits as well as the decrease in the quantity. In it they said that we are a divided nation torn by a minority who seek to destroy the principles that made the U.S. the strongest, freest nation ever to walk this world. Recruitment will again be strong only when we return to the principles that made us the world power that defeated the Axis forces of World War II and I agree wholeheartedly. Written by a man that spent 26 years in uniform by the name of Bob Saxby, I think he hit the reasons for the lack of recruitment square on the head. I will add that this also applies directly to the loss of competence, intelligence and overall quality of the few recruits we do get anymore as well as a major reason why so many refuse to stay in the military even if that was their intended plan.
He brings up the fact that those who are of recruitment age have been bombarded with Constant combat, bloody house-to-house fighting against a foe who seeks death as a reward, detailed accounts of every death, never-ending rotations through Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and other trouble spots around the world. Does the media shout our servicemens bravery, their commitment to national pride and support? No -- they are shown as failures of our politicians, failures of our foreign policy, stupid for even joining and ignored at home. Returning soldiers commit suicide at record levels because of lack of public and political support. There is no end to the wars in far-off lands where politicians bloviate and big business grows wealthy.
We never seem to learn thatwar is either all or nothing. The military knows this simple fact; politicians dont.
Speaking of Afghanistan, Bob said after thousands of maimed and dead Americans, what did the politicians do? They gave it all away with the wave of a hand and the good intentions of our all-knowing politicians. Our troops gave their lives to secure all those cities and villages. We were proud ofwhat we had accomplished. Thenthe politicians left behind enough material to equip an army. They embarrassed the U.S. internationally. They stabbed our allies in the back and left them stranded. Everything we had bled for was, in one fell swoop, thrown away because a politician wanted to smile into a camara. I have never heard it put that succinctly before, that is a perfect analysis of what Biden did to our nation. Who, in their right mind, would ever join the military under such a maniac intent on murdering them in foreign lands fighting worthless wars just to make the industrialists and bankers ever richer?
The Secretary of Defense is castrating the military with wokeness in the form of mandatory COVID shots and white supremacy eradication. His worship at the throne of far-left politics is leading the military into insignificance. As our enemies grow stronger, we are sliding ever further into incompetence. And to add to our disastrous military condition, the military chief of staff is a left-leaning NeverTrumper. What kind of an officer stabs his commander (President Trump) in the back by calling the Chinese and telling them he will warn them if Trump does anything to attack them? We have lost the looming world war before we ever have a chance to fight in it. This whole administration is anti-military, anti-American, and pro-incompetence. At every turn, they further destroy our will to fight. They further divide us as a nation. The motive behind every action is the destruction of the U.S. as a unified, strong international power. One federal representative after another stands before the people and lies with a straight face, while the mainstream media backs them up like an echo in a canyon. The media told us that the Trump administration was the laughingstock of the world. What are world leaders saying now? Tell me they think the Biden administration is anything besides fruit-loops crazy.
Patriot United News said that 2022 is set to be the worst recruiting year since 1973. Yes, it is that bad. The Army recentlyannouncedit has been required to cut its size by 12,000 soldiers because it can not discover enough volunteers to fill its ranks and the Air Force, Navy and Marines are in the same boat, no pun intended. Among the reasons cited, they said becauseof weight problems, adverse criminal history, physical issues, substance abuse, or absence of a high school degree, only about 29% of Americans qualify to join the armed force without a waiver.During a congressional statement last week, McConvilleverifiedthe segment of Americans qualified has actually dropped to just 23%, so now just 1 in 4 young Americans can be certified. They claim that the reason for the drop from ineligibility is because of health. Also keep in mind the pressure for more women, and they are failing the entry tests far worse than the men. The physical fitness of American youth is abysmal. Not mentioned but I would also rate it high as a reason is that the current crop of our kids cannot read or even write, their math skills are non-existent and those that can are led into the high paying jobs that used to be entry level because there are so many men out of work because of the flattened job market created by the communist idiots that run this nation. As The Daily Signal said, America needs to tackle this issue of an ever-decreasing percentage of Americans who cannot qualify for military service. I say it is already too late; we will not recover before we are slaughtered. Nor can conscription make up the difference because of the lack of competent men.
Our priority now should be fixing our young men. We should be concentrating on the huge numbers of them that are on drugs and have committed felonies. And the fact that women are qualifying for officer training in such low numbers is also disconcerting. Women are NOT suited for warfare, and God does not like them in that role. Theirs is to co-create life with Him, not destroy it. Also, the fairly recent increase in diversity has also had a very bad effect on the men in our ranks, as it seems that the majority of them seem to be of a darker color anymore and they fall into the hate whitey crowd to a very large extent, aided by the lefts war upon the white race, which is tantamount to hate CHRISTIANS. The American Mind put it this way, diversity that is being promoted today is less about national defense than societal transformation. The military is a convenient test tube for advancing social and cultural agendas. to Americas ruling class, broken men are a chance for systemic change. The military used to be a great way to teach young men the value of education, of valor, of high morals, of a healthy life style, of honor and decency. But the US military today is teaching them just the opposite.
Yes, the America of today is a decadent and fallen nation just as Putin described it. We cannot win a war anymore as we do not have the leadership or competent young men to prosecute a real war especially in the modern high tech theater. A platoon of queers moaning about being on their periods and lacking the mental abilities to even know that they are supposed to be men cannot fight, nor can those around them that fear going into combat with such insane vermin. With the world pushing so hard for WWIII and that it is likely with at least a few nukes being used, I can only see America as the loser in all possible scenarios. I wish that it were otherwise.
May God bless all
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